Friday, August 14, 2015

Luxury Broker Fredrik Eklund will close loss drains –

(Financial Newspaper): Eklund offices in Parkveien in Oslo is about to go down in history. Luxury Broker Fredrik Eklund focus on the most expensive part of the real estate market in Oslo was not successful, and now office about to be closed down. It says informed sources Finansavisen.

Bad numbers

High costs and poor operation should be the background for the closure. Eklund Oslo New York reported last year a deficit of 1.8 million on revenue of 10 million.

The earnings trend so far this year has not been better – quite the contrary. After the Finance newspaper understands shows bottom line is already a deficit of two million, and thus it is the hook on the door.

process is started

– We are in a process, but we are not entirely the goal. I can come back when we’re done – in two days or a week. Eklund has established itself very good market. Operationally, it is another matter. It has not been so good, says Eklund broker Torbjørn Ek commented Finansavisen.

High wages

High salaries should be some of the reason for the poor results at Eklund Oslo New York. After that Finansavisen know Eklund pay 55 per cent of turnover in wages, while the other players in the industry is between 35 and 40 percent.


Eklund name is still not history in Norway. Eklund CEO Hans Houeland, which have accounted for the bulk of sales, has claimed Finansavisen intend to boot Eklund franchise along with Torbjørn Ek in his company, Torbjørn Ek AS in his old offices.

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