Saturday, April 4, 2015

Germans unloads close with Norwegian salmon – Aftenposten

Russia was long big, but imports until further not Norwegian fish. China has also reduced its imports, while several European and Asian countries greatly increases.

The German salmon consumption has now passed two kilograms a year per capita. In shortly suppose analysts that consumption will increase to three kilograms. Long was Alaskan Pollock, a type of pollock, on top, but is now relegated to second place. Further on the list of Germans preferred seafood herring, shrimp and tuna.

It’s fresh salmon in portion packs impinging and the increase immediately began the major department store chains chose to take into this product. The salmon industry has developed new products, the stores appear as facile, delicate and not among the cheapest.

In 10000 stores

– Of Germany ca. 55,000 shops, there are now approximately 10,000 offering fresh salmon, says Kristin Pettersen Norwegian Seafood is fisheries envoy in Germany.

Long was barely 2,000 stores selling salmon. So did you first get the exclusive chain Edeka to take into product, and then came low chains Lidl and Aldi with.

Fresh salmon is priced approximately three times higher than chicken, and it is emphasized that it is visible in stores. In addition followed it up with advertising campaigns on TV about how salmon cooked, and that it comes from a clean sea.

– Germany has now become Norwegian salmon in its main market, says Bjørn-Erik Stabell Marketing Manager salmon Seafood Council.

Last year the Germans ate about 200,000 tonnes of salmon, which is record amount of new. 75 percent of this came from Norway.

More visible

Table believes there are three reasons why fresh salmon makes success in the German market.

– The concerns better distribution and product development, salmon has become more visible and the client connects salmon with good health. In addition, the customer know that it is easier to prepare a fish meal than you think, says Bjørn-Erik chart.

Casserole Done

During the short time the salmon industry changed its strategy from sending around fish in boxes out of the country to do more fish stew finished, packed fresh in small portions.

– The industry has done a lot in product development, and there is a lot of effort in to get the goods quickly and forth distributed to a large number of shops, said chart.

In the coming years it will focus more strongly in the German and French market. Seafood Council also envisages strong growth in Asia, where countries like Japan, India and Indonesia will increase, and China will get stronger with eventually.

Strong growth in the US

United States , Poland, Taiwan, Indonesia and Turkey have all sharp increase in imports of Norwegian salmon.

United States considered the world’s largest single market for Atlantic salmon, and imports from Norway increased by 42 percent over the past two months.

– Last year we exported 28,000 tonnes of salmon worth 1.9 billion to the US. But in the first two months sales have shot extra momentum, says information director Geir Bakkevoll.

He notes that marketing and facilitation constitute part of the reason for the growth.

Also Poland is starting the year with good numbers. Last year, salmon exports 5.5 billion to Poland so far this year, the export volume increased by 14 percent.

– Poland has long been a transit and processing countries. But now also increases the local salmon consumption greatly, says Bakkevoll.

Norwegian Seafood follows particularly careful in the Asian market where much is going to happen in the coming years.

– About 15 year two-thirds of the world’s middle class be in Asia. Today 20 percent there, says Geir Bakkevoll. Middle means economic opportunity to buy Norwegian salmon, in addition there is a tradition in Asia with red fish.

Indonesia YTD increased their import volume by 30 percent, Taiwan has increased salmon volume by 47 percent and Turkey has increased the volume of imported Norwegian salmon with whole 124 percent in the first two months.

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Published: 04.apr. 2015 9:19 p.m.


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