Sunday 6 April at 16.32 Here sinks “Thunder”
The time 13.52 today disappeared “Thunder” under the sea and began the long road down to 3800 meters. The Interpol called for the ship, which was built in Ulsteinvik in 1969, is now gone forever.
– It is absolutely surreal. I have seen for myself many possible endings to this hunt, but this was not one of them. I would have wished that “Thunder” had gone to a harbor so police could have secured evidence illegal fishing, said Captain Peter Hammarstedt Sea Shepherds campaign ship “Bob Barker” to DN.
Sea Shepherd has two vessels in the area and the captain of “Thunder” is now on board, “Bob Barker” s sister ship “Sam Simon.”
– They have a briefing before ‘Sam Simon’ takes on board the whole crew from “Thunder “. It’s a bit uncomfortable situation. The crew of 20 on board, “Sam Simon” shall take on board a crew of 40 from “Thunder.” We take them on board one by one and checking them for weapons, says Hammarstedt.
He gives the following explanation of why the whole “Thunder” -mannskapet taken on board “Sam Simon” and not “Bob Barker”
– It is less bad blood between them. “Bob Barker” has hunted “Thunder” in 110 days. On the journey there have been several near-collisions, aggressive radio dialogue and attempts to harm Sea Shepherd aktivister.Hva happens next now remains uklart.- I reckon that we take them to the nearest port. São Tomé is most likely. What happens with the crew there, I have no idea. It is a unique situation. I do not think there are many examples of a stateless vessel shipwrecked says Hammarstedt.
São Tomé is the largest island in the island nation of São Tomé and Principe, located in the Gulf of Guinea approximately 250 kilometers from the African mainland.
Sunday April 6 at 13.30 crew checked for weapons
– ” Thunder »heel reaching toward the starboard side. It takes into more and more water, said Captain Peter Hammarstedt »Sea Shepherd ship” Bob Barker “, which today has hunted” Thunder “in 110 days.

– I’m sure it’s going to go down, he says. Going the hunted fish pirate down, it will remain at 3800 meters depth.
The crew of “Thunder” is now in lifeboats. Weather in the area where the drama now unfolding is “perfect”, according Hammarstedt.
It was sent last night that crew of “Bob Barker” as movements on board “Thunder.”
– We saw many torches near the lifeboats. There was much activity. We thought they made themselves ready to meet another vessel to get more fuel, says Hammarstedt.
At six o’clock in the morning, he saw that the crew of the “Thunder” made himself ready to go in the lifeboats. When he realized what was about to happen. While “Thunder” s crew went in lifeboats sent Hammarstedt three officers from “Bob Barker” on board “Thunder.” They have gathered evidence that “Thunder” has fished illegally in the waters around Antarctica.
– We have secured some mobile phones, computer standing on the bridge, the nautical maps and a fish from the hold. The hold is 25 percent
full of fish. We have not received analyzed fish we have taken on board – it is without head and tail, but we are quite confident that there is a tooth fish, either a Patagonian toothfish or Antarctic toothfish, telling Hammarstedt.
“Thunder,” which since 2006 has been blacklisted by the organization that manages fisheries in international waters around Antarctica, CCAMLR, are not allowed to fish toothfish in the area.
He says that there is little doubt that “Thunder” drops.
CHECKS WEAPONS. – I sent my chief engineer aboard the “Thunder”. He says that water now stands a foot ceilings in the engine room on. He also says that the doors separating the various components of “Thunder” are open. Usually closes one of these to prevent water spreading, says Hammarstedt.
The crew of “Thunder” is now in lifeboats. “Bob Barker” sister ship “Sam Simon” is also in the area and now begins the operation to take “Thunder” -crewet on board.
– We have our own security to think about, so we take them table one by one. We need to check that they do not have weapons, says Hammarstedt.
He describes strange scenes in lifeboats.
– The Indonesian crew seems happy. They take selfies aboard lifeboats. The Spanish officers did not seem as happy, says Hammarstedt.
Hammarstedt am surprised that pursuit seems to end with the “Thunder” drops.
– I thought and hoped that they would go to port. What we are witnessing now is an environmental disaster. Many of evidence for illegal fishing “Thunder” has been doing will now probably end up on the seabed. The only thing that is good about this is that “Thunder” will never fishing illegally again, he said.
What is now happening with the crew of “Thunder” is unclear, according Hammarstedt. It is Nigeria who are responsible for rescue preparedness in the area and Sea Shepherd have continuous contact with the Nigerian authorities. “Thunder” was until recently flagged in Nigeria, but the country’s authorities decided to delete “Thunder” from the registry. This means that the vessel is now stateless, but that it is the state that until recently had called jurisdiction over the vessel that now probably take the crew into custody and will be responsible for investigating the accident.
– We are waiting for instructions from Nigerian rescue authorities, who now heads the rescue operation. We do not know whom to entrust crew, but the most likely is well that they are taken into Sao Tome, Ghana or Nigeria, he said.
6. March at 11.38 “Thunder” drops
– The captain of the “Thunder called us this morning and told that the ship sinking, said Captain Peter Hammarstedt Sea Shepherds kampanjebåt” Bob Barker “. The suspect fish pirate located off the coast Equatorial Guinea.
The time 6 this morning so Captain Peter Hammarstedt activity aboard the “Thunder”. The crew went in rescue boats.
– We received a distress signal from the “Thunder”. It looks as though the ship and crew are in a serious situation. We have set out boats and do everything we can to help, says Peter Hammarstedt.
– We are now looking at the “Thunder” drops , he says to DN.
The crew of “Thunder” is now rescued by Sea Shepherd captaincy “Sam Simon.” It’s nice weather in the area.
This case updated. Press F5 latest version

Read full Saturday documentary magazine:
hunt for fish pirates
Sunday April 5. “Thunder” approaching land
The quest for “Thunder” can approach the end. Fish pirate still keeps heading towards Equatorial Guinea is now within the economic zone. “Thunder” and persecutor “Bob Barker” is today, Sunday 142 nautical mil from volcanic Annobón, Equatorial Guinea belonging. “Thunder” can also go to Sao Tome, 179 nautical mil away.
– I have strong reason to believe that “Thunder” will go to harbor one of the coming days, said Captain Peter Hammarstedt on “Bob Barker”.
Several of the ships currently banned and hunted for illegal fishing has been flagged in Equatorial Guinea. Now it remains to see what becomes “Thunders” fate if it chooses to go to the port of Equatorial Guinea. Attempting the selling fish on board, it has a market. In the country not produced other than crude oil, it is an island nation where the fish are imported.
Should the government of Equatorial Guinea choose to arrest and imprison the officers on “Thunder”, they can look forward to tough days and weeks . The country’s prisons are regarded as some of the worst on the planet.
Equatorial Guinea poem prosecutor, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has more than 30 years controlled the state apparatus stamped as one of the worst perpetrators of the world, a country ravaged by torture, arbitrary arrests, fatal prisons, isolation, violence, discrimination and mind control.
The nation is often called Africa’s North Korea.
About “Thunder” now goes to the wharf in the small oil nation it will definitely not be any media fuss.
In Equatorial Guinea are no newspapers.
Saturday April 4th Thunder change course
“Thunder” has shifted course and are now sailing towards Equatorial Guinea, 5.1 knots. It hunted shipper is now 390 nautical mil from Nigeria, 295 nautical mil from Sao Tome and Principe and 475 nautical mil from Equatorial Guinea. Today, Saturday is the 108 days since the “Bob Barker” started the hunt for “Thunder.”
Friday, April 3 Suspected pirate disappeared in the icy wilderness
Today, Friday is the 107 days since the “Bob Barker” started the hunt for “Thunder”. “Thunder” goes in 4.8 knots and continues heading towards Lagos. The two ships are now 495 nautical mil from the coast of Nigeria.
Last spring was “Thunder” arrest in Malaysia and fined 550,000 crowns for breaching the country’s fisheries legislation. Around the same time came another infamous vessel trawler “Kunlun” into the same port city in Malaysia. On board, it was a far more manpower than usual. An investigator from an insurance company were sent to the port city to find out why there were so many on board.
In distress
A few weeks earlier, the Australian rescue coordination center received a distress signal from the Southern Ocean. Fish trawler «Tiantai» was in serious difficulties, 3,150 kilometers southwest of Perth. The operators of the rescue center immediately started an operation. In a report from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), it appears that Australian authorities tried to contact the owners of the vessel, which proved impossible. “Tiantai” was reportedly recorded in Tanzania, but the authorities in the African country had no information about the vessel or who should be contacted in an emergency.
Easier it was to ascertain that “Tiantai» since 2012 had been blacklisted the organization that manages the fishery in the Southern Ocean, CCAMLR, the vessel several times had been observed together with “Kunlun” and that “Tiantai” and “Kunlun” were owned by the same company – Stanley Management, registered in a law office in Panama.
At the same time, work continued extensive exploration campaign in the Indian Ocean after a Malaysia Airlines flight with 239 people on board who had disappeared without a trace. One of the Australian aircraft that participated in the exploration campaign was redirected to look for “Tiantai.” In addition, a Orion aircraft from the Australian Air Force retargeted distress signal.
When the planes came to the place was an emergency transmitter still active, but there was no trace of people, only debris floating in the water. 180 km from the accident site found rescuers trawler “Kunlun” – which then sailed under the name “Chang Bai.” Repeated attempts to make contact with the skipper of the “Kunlun” was unsuccessful. The captain did not answer.
In Australia was concern for the crew of “Tiantai” great. Medical experts were summoned and the conclusion was discouraging: In cold and up to seven meters high waves no one could have survived, not even in a lifeboat. There were only two possible scenarios: either had the entire crew perished, or so they had been rescued by “Kunlun” trawler which is not answered radioanropene. It was useless to look more and action was called off.
The riddle “Tiantai”
When “Kunlun” came to Malaysia a few weeks later, the company that had assured “Tiantai» hired several investigators in an attempt to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding the sunken ship. In Malaysia, one of the crew willing to talk.
– “Tiantai» collided with an iceberg and sank. As far as we know, everyone was rescued by “Kunlun”. “Tiantai” was old and the hull was not strong enough to operate in ice around Antarctica, says one of the investigators to DN.
For your own safety and the relationship with the employer, will not be the investigator identified by name .
He says further that “Tiantai”, which was built in Denmark in 1980, was called a reefer, a reefer not fished themselves, but who received fish from other vessels.
A few weeks ago, “Kunlun” arrest in Phuket in Thailand on suspicion of extensive illegal fishing. The Peruvian captain is now charged with declared 182 tons of frozen fish such as sea bass with a value of almost 4 million. In reality catch Patagonian toothfish worth around 45 million. Interpol and authorities in Australia and New Zealand are now assisting Thai authorities in the investigation of the officers and owners.
Thursday 2 April Interpol trouble for once Fish pirate
Today, Thursday is 106 days since the “Bob Barker” started the hunt for “Thunder”. “Thunder” goes in 4.9 knots and continues heading towards Lagos. The two ships are now 620 nautical mil from the coast of Nigeria.
Meanwhile cordage online around the trawler “Kunlun”, which is taken into custody by Thai authorities in Phuket. Thai police and customs authorities now get help from Interpol to investigate “Kunlun” for suspicion of extensive illegal fishing.

As DN told on Monday was Interpol called “Kunlun” in early February discovered by Storegga bank in Antarctica and chased out of the fishing grounds of “Bob Barker” s sister ship, “Sam Simon.” A month later, “Kunlun” renamed to “Taishan” and tried to sneak into the port of Phuket with 182 tons of frozen fish on board. The fish was attempted declared as sea bass with a value of under four million, but it proved to be Patagonian toothfish worth of 45 million.
– We undertook an inspection of the ship and it lacked proper papers said marine police chief Phanya Chaichana to DN.
Read more: Bandit Ship arrested
The Peruvian captain is accused of wrong reporting of catches. A local company that stands for the procurement and sale of fish is also charged.
Team leader Charoen Chamniklang in the Thai Customs confirms that Interpol is now working together with the Thai authorities to investigate the suspected widespread illegal fishing in international waters.
– Many of the alleged irregularities have occurred outside of our jurisdiction. We expect that Interpol takes responsibility for pursuing these alleged crimes, says Chamniklang Phuket Gazette.
Earlier, authorities in Australia and New Zealand confirmed to DN that they also assist Thai authorities in the investigation.
Wednesday April 1st West African roulette
Today, Wednesday there 105 days ago “Bob Barker” started the hunt for “Thunder”. “Thunder” goes in 4.7 knots and continues heading towards Lagos. The two ships are now 735 nautical mil from the coast of Nigeria.
Captain Peter Hammarstedt on “Bob Barker” suspect “Thunder” sail deeper into Guinebukten because of all countries located around it.
– It is not large distances from Ghana to Togo to Benin or Nigeria. It gives us fewer opportunities to predict and plan the harbor “Thunder” thinking to go into – if that is their intention. It’s like playing West African roulette, says Hammarstedt DN today.
Tuesday 31 March Here partying pirates
Today, Tuesday keeps it called for the fishing vessel “Thunder” is still heading towards the coast of Nigeria. It runs at a speed of 4.5 knots, is 850 nautical mil from the coast of Nigeria and followed constantly by Sea Shepherds “Bob Barker”. In Malysia is now another pirate trawler arrested.
The party’s over for the crew and officers on the trawler “Viking”. “Viking” was the first spacecraft to Norway called for through Interpol 190 member countries, suspected of widespread organized crime fisheries. The trawler was clamoring for a so called “purple notice,” an inquiry poster Interpol normally use in pursuit of criminals within everything from child pornography to illegal timber extraction.

While the ship was long vanished without a trace, made some of the crew to keep their families updated through Facebook. Last Christmas Eve posted one of the Peruvian crew a series of pictures of the party on board the trawler that has been blacklisted for more than ten years. On deck were served cold beer, sparkling wine, grilled meats and ice cream. Then it was danced Jenka.
Now ‘Viking’ arrested in Malaysia. According Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency were 18 men on board when “Viking” was arrested for violating the country’s maritime law: one Chilean, two from Peru and 15 Indonesians. The arrested captain nationality is not made known.
The Nigerian-flagged trawler is the second of predatory vessels is known as “Bandit 6″ which is stopped after “Kunlun” was taken
in Thailand earlier this month. Previously sailed “Viking” under the name “Snake”, but should have changed its name, color and flags several times. When it changed its name from “Snake” to “Viking”, was perceived by many as a point to the Norwegian authorities who advocated it.
– Since this is the first vessel that was clamoring through Interpol, is it is gratifying that Malaysia will follow up this matter. We will follow developments in the case, says Gunnar A. Stølsvik, head of Interpol Working Group on fisheries crime.
– This and other issues Interpol coordinates is an example of a persistent north-south cooperation showing again that international cooperation is an important element in the global fight against fisheries crime, he said.
“Viking” has repeatedly been observed while it has fished without authorization in the Southern Ocean. After trawler came on management organization CCAMLR blacklist in 2004, and in 2007 on the blacklist to South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO) did not ship had permission to fish either in the Antarctic or in the South Atlantic. When it was asked for in September 2013, stated CCAMLR CEO, Andrew Wright that trawler “is one of several vessels that sustained fishing illegally in CCAMLR area.”
False Papers
Until December last year sailed “Viking” under Libyan flag. In Libya It left a false certificate of nationality, a document DN copy.
- Built in Japan in 1987.
- On CCAMLR list of vessels fishing illegally since 2004.
- Etterlyst by Interpol in September 2013 at the initiative of Norway.
- Must be flagged in Nigeria, but uncertain because the vessel previously used false registration documents.
- According Interpol shall shipowner be Trancoeiro Fishing in Panama.
- Have since 2003 been flagged in Togo, Uruguay, Equatorial Guinea, North Korea, Mongolia, Honduras, Libya and Sierra Leone.
- Have also sailed under the names “Snake”, “Berber”, “Octopus-1″, “Pion”, “The Bird,” “Chu Lim”, “Yin Peng,” “Thor 33″ “ulyses” and “Gale”
Nationality proof is amateurish translated into Arabic and bears the coat of arms to Libya old royal Idris who reigned until 1969. The ship later tried to change the name to “RAZ”, but the name change was stopped by Nigerian maritime authorities.
The ship has sailed without using AIS system that emits Vessel identity, position, speed and course.
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