Thursday, May 5, 2016

To reach its new rekordmål, Tesla boss slept in sleeping bags on the factory floor –

(Dagbladet): Actually, the goal was to produce 500,000 cars by 2020. But at a news conference Wednesday put the eccentric Tesla boss Elon Musk a new target:

Already by 2018, the production target their having been fulfilled. And in 2020, the goal is to have produced one million cars.

In comparison, Tesla promised to get produced 80,000 to 90,000 cars during 2016.

In sleeping bag factory

to achieve the production increase, the Musk spent more of their networks in a sleeping bag on the factory floor to Tesla.

Otherwise, he has followed the production from his office, located right at the end of the factory assembly line.

– Tesla is determined to become the world’s top producer, says Elon Musk about the new hairy goals, according to the new York Post.

Increases capital

By increasing production targets in such a way Musk now takes the word, takes Tesla another step into the biggest car manufacturers’ world. Before Tesla’s electric cars have been reserved few people, relatively speaking.

– So far we have done a good job with the design and technology of our products. Our cars are considered the technologically best cars in the world. The main thing we need to achieve in the future is to become a leader in production, says Musk, according to Tech Insider.

To get to it, Tesla will also increase the current capital of the company at $ 1.5 billion with half, $ 750 million, to 2.25 billion dollars – about 18 billion Norwegian kroner.

and he went out publicly and requested expert manufacturing people to sign up.

– for the best production brains in the world, will want you to join our company, he said at the press conference, according to Tech Insider.

Missed 283 million. in the first quarter

news of the production increase came after the company announced it had lost $ 283 million in the first quarter of 2016.

the turnover of the company increased by 22 percent from 1.6 billion in the first quarter in 2016.

the loss was lower than that was expecting – and stock prices rose as a result of advertising, writes ArsTechnica.


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