Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Norwegian secures more Dreamliner – OBI Online

Norwegian company Arctic Aviation Assets (AAA) has signed a letter of intent with AERCAP for two Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners aircraft with delivery in 2018.

A wholly owned subsidiary of AAA will lease floating for 12 years, said in a stock exchange announcement.
787-9 aircraft will contribute to further growth in the long routes.

Norwegian now has eight Boeing 787-8 and one 787-9 in operation, and 31 787-9 in order. In 2020, Norwegian will have 40 Dreamliners in operation.

– In order to offer new routes and make long distance operation even more competitive we are dependent on several new cost-efficient aircraft. Long-distance operation is essential to ensure global growth and new jobs. Dreamliner is a wonderful aircraft, with high passenger comfort, long range, low fuel consumption and lower emissions, says CEO Bjorn Kjos said in a statement.


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