Remember that you can get a deduction if you have switched bank to get better interest rates, writes E24.
31. March, tax returns, and there are several things you should check, writes Manager.
Last year at 600,000 taxpayers who had not opened their tax returns a day before deadline, something you may lose money, writes E24.
– Tax Administration makes a lot of mistakes
– This is not primarily because the Tax Administration makes so many errors, you should go through your tax return. But it is not all that is automatically filled in, thus you risk to miss deductions. A review of the tax return may give good hourly wage, says consumer economist at Storebrand, Kristina Picard to the site.
If you had expenses related to bank switching, this can give deductions. Lately, banks competed for customers and there have been several who have switched banks to get lower interest rates, writes E24.
Deduction for gifts
Expenses for registration, valuation or valuation in addition to establishment costs can thus mean less tax – if you lead it on your tax return.
Something new this year is that the deduction for donations to NGOs increased from 16.800 million to 20.000 million.
If you have given over 500 million to an organization that stands on the Tax Administration’s list of approved organizations, you are entitled to a deduction, writes E24.
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