the Agreement will have a value of 30 billion dollars. It goes on to børsnotere a new company that will consist of Baker Hughes and General Electrics oil and gas operations, writes the Wall Street Journal.
The new company to is listed and the majority shareholding should be checked by GE, according to sources with knowledge of the matter.
the Agreement is expected to be announced at 13: 30 on Monday afternoon, Norwegian time.
the oil service sector-the strike is over – can earn up to 199.000 more in ten years – Baker Hughes and General Electric to hold a briefing for investors the clock, 8.30, called it in a press release from Baker Hughes.
Aker BP step on a negative the Oslo stock Exchange on Monday, after having put forward a policy that was higher than the market expected in the current quarterly report.
the Oslo stock Exchange fell back on Monday afternoon, weighed down by a lower oil price.
Aker BP had an operating profit in the third quarter of 2016 at 56 million dollars, against the expected 50 million. The company also launched a dividend for the quarter of 0,185 dollars per share, and says that they will pay a minimum of 250 million dollars in dividends annually.
- stay positive to Aker BP
Citi writes that the results of the Aker BP was better than they had expected in advance, and that the debt of 2.4 billion, this was lower than anticipated.
“We remain positive for Aker BP shares, which offer a combination of strong growth, a robust balance sheet and attractive dividend policy,” writes the investment firm.
Also, DNB Markets pulls back the debt lower than expected, while gains better than expected.
Swedbank believes that the dividend policy was very positive, guidingen for the rest of the year, as expected, while the figures for the quarter was solid.
“We expect to increase the utbytteestimatene with 20-25 per cent, and we are probably also opportunities to cut the estimate for operating expenses in 2016 something,” writes the investment firm in an update Monday. They also expects that they are going to raise the kursmålet for Aker BP shares.
Aker BP shares ended up 2.0 percent on Monday to 132,60 dollars per share, sold for 103 million on the Oslo stock Exchange.
Increase in Opera Software share
Opera Software shares rose 2.6 per cent to 58,25 nok per share on the Oslo stock Exchange after having received approval from Cifus (Committee on Foreign Investment) in the united STATES for the transaction with the Golden Brick.
Cifus have concluded that there are no unresolved concerns about Us security, and that the transaction can be completed.
Pareto Securities writes in an update that they are in kursmålet had factored in a risk that the Opera did not get the approval. When the approval now in place, promises thus brokers kursmålet with six million to 72 million.
Oppjusterte lakseprisestimater
Otherwise oppjusterer DNB Markets its lakseprisestimater for 2016 to 2018, but downgrade the sector to hold from buy, according to an update from the investment firm on Sunday.
DNB Markets oppjusterer lakseprisestimatene to 61,5 million per kg in 2016, 61 million per kilogram in 2017, and 56 million per kilogram in 2018. The investment firm retains kjøpsanbefaling on Marine Harvest, Lerøy Seafood and Austevoll Seafood, but has hold of the other companies.
Aukner oppjusterer kursmålet on Marine Harvest of 165 million, from 160, Lerøy to 500 from 470 and Salmar to 280 from 260 million.
SEB resuming coverage at Lerøy Seafood stock with kjøpsanbefaling and price target on the 509 million
Sjømatindeksen ended down 0.6 per cent on Monday.
the main index on the Oslo stock Exchange ended down 0,63 percent to 638,20 points, traded for 3.448 million.
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the TV 2 is far away from the goal of voluntary departure. The channel club manager says straight out that she now believes that people will be pointed out and asked to go.
In a press release on Monday afternoon, tells TV2-management that the 71 workers so far received approval for their applications for the severance package in Norway’s largest commercial tv channel.
Read also: 177 need to go – such are the changes in the TV2
however, It is milevidt away from the target; TV2 has previously announced that all 177 employees are the excess period up to 2020. Thus lose further 106 TV2-employees their job for the next three years.
– This is terribly sad. Our biggest concern now is that the volunteer package are closed for good. It is very unfortunate. In the phase that comes now will the three more clearly what kind of organization we can wait for us in relation to, among others, working hours and work tasks, ” says club manager Henrikke Helland to VG.
TV 2s sluttpakketilbud was extended by one month at the end of september. Then had 64 employees granted their severance pay.
Think staff will be on
In the course of the last month has it only come a further seven applications. A few more applications are still assessed, but the club manager Helland – who would rather not know how many severance payments management had granted before the press release came from – don’t know how many this is to talk about.
– Now the consult about collective redundancies?
– Thus, I fear that, even though the management has also been clear all the way that they want voluntary solutions, but here I think unfortunately there are people who are going to be pointed at, ” says Henrikke Helland.
Waiting multiple applications
Sluttpakketilbudet this time was identical with the previous one.
We are pleased to have come in goal, with so many non-solutions so far, ” says organizational and communications director Sarah C. J. Willand in the Tv2 news release.
Read: Cathrine Fossum was denied a severance package
She enlightens several applications yet “in process”, although even the delayed deadline.
– Our desire to achieve the greatest possible degree of volunteerism are made up, but as we’ve been clear on the whole way we operate now within a significantly tighter financial framework. We will do everything we can to reach the finish with as many non-solutions as possible, ” says Willand in the press release.
It was not successful VG to get a further comment from the organization and the communications director on Monday afternoon.
STRANDEBARM: – We see an increase in production cost in 2016. It starts to get expensive, ” says managing director in Lingalaks, Erlend Haugarvoll.
In the first half of 2016, the company had a total turnover of 208,4 million and an operating profit of almost nok 61 million.
Costs rising
– the Prices have gone very high up, but the expenses have risen a lot they and. Everything is become more expensive. Feed has become more expensive, input costs and other things. The industry has gone through a professionalisation. You need to have more systems now than before, which makes that the production cost rises significantly, ” says Haugarvoll.
He points out that production costs have increased by 10 million per. kilos in the last five to ten years, and says that they have a production cost pr. pounds well over 30 million today.
listed located close to a production cost of nok 35 million per. kilos, and we are where we are and, says Haugarvoll.
the Boss in Lingalaks mean biological challenges is the largest risikomomentet in the industry.
– We have a lot of focus on diseases. It is the large usikkerhetsmomentet within the regime we have today. Lice, of course, are among the we have most focus on the per in the day, but in the long term – if one is to continue to grow – as will other illnesses can also be a challenge, believe Haugarvoll. He is a trained veterinarian and has a phd in fish health.
What diseases are you thinking of then?
– it is called Pancreas Disease, PD, and it turns out that when you grow, there will always come new diseases to which you do not know about, and which need to be addressed in new ways.
viral diseases in general, it turns out to be challenging and the most difficult to control, ” says Haugarvoll.
Avoid kinks
He believes the success of Norwegian fish farming industry is that it has developed the industry and the public sector at the same time.
You can see good regimes to produce, and the administration has managed to get this into the regulations. So that all must adhere to the rules that apply, and it seems to be working, ” says Haugarvoll, and continues;
– Look at the Norway vs. Chile, as has the public sector managed to follow up the farming industry very well. They have adapted to each other so that we have a sustainable regime, which has meant that production has grown from year to year. While in Chile received these knekkene where things go too far before they stop, and then they’ll get the kinks in his production.
Haugarvoll estimates that Lingalaks can increase the production by 10 per cent within the contracts they have today.
Lower risk profile
– the First generation of breeders say they built stone on stone. How will second and third generation differ from these?
So as we do so, we build a little stone on a stone now too. We continue to build on what we have, and fits on not to take too big leaps in the way, ” says Haugarvoll, before he adds;
You see those that are on the stock exchange, they can take large leaps in the way, but it has a great cliff also in the aftermath, history. Risk profile is lower than those listed.
Haugarvoll, who has grown up with farming, points out that the industry in recent years have been enormous, compared to what it once was.
You meet Erlend Haugarvoll, managing director and co-owner of Lingalaks in today’s episode of the Breeders on the
the Chief executive in Lingalaks, Erlend Haugarvoll. Photo: Eline Hvamstad.
the general Public’s gross domestic debt was 5.086 billion at the end of september, according to K2-figures from Statistics norway.
Household debt amounted to 3.021 billion at the end of september. The twelve-month growth for households was at 6.1 per cent in the same period, the same as the month before.
While utlånsvekten in the banks and mortgage companies was unchanged, increased the debt of local government with 6.4 per cent at the end of september, up from 5 per cent to the end of august.
The new Baker Hughes, controlled by GE, will be well positioned to reap the contracts if the price of oil rises again, writing companies in a message.
The new company will receive a combined turnover of 32 billion dollars (264,4 billion), with activities in 120 countries. Talks about a merger was first reported by The newspaper The Wall Street Journal late last week.
The merged company to is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and have a shared headquarters in Houston and London. The ceo is Lorenzo Simonelli, Ge’s ceo Jeff Immelt is chairman of the board.
WSJ: Against gigantfusjon between General Electric company and Baker Hughes
Tough time
Oljeservicebransjen is undergoing a tough period of declining activity, because oljegiganter delays projects and reduces the investment, at the same time as they demand more of the suppliers with the objective to increase productivity and profitability.
According to General Electric, the new Baker Hughes achieve samdriftsfordeler of 1.6 billion by 2020.
the Message says nothing about whether the overall workforce will be reduced, which often happens after acquisitions.
General Electric uses nok 7.4 billion to pay shareholders in Baker Hughes a engangssum of 17,50 dollar per share. Baker Hughes-the owner of 37.5 percent of the merged company, while GE will own 62,5 percent.
- the Transaction creates an industry leader, which is in an ideal position to grow in every market, ” says Jeff Immelt, who is the ceo and chairman of GE.
In the last year have Halliburton pay Baker Hughes 3.5 billion dollars in compensation after a planned merger went in the sink.
Aker BP la this morning presented its report for 3. quarter, and be rewarded with an increase of 2.8 per cent to 133,60 money.
the Board of directors of the company propose in the report a dividend of 125 million dollars, distributed between December 2016 and march 2017.
Furthermore, the company will maintain a dividend level of at least 250 million dollars in the year ahead.
- Lower realized oil prices than expected, means that both turnover and EBITDA (operating profit before depreciation and amortisation) came in 2-5 per cent below our estimates and below consensus. But at the same time consolidated net debt of 2.4 billion, around 15 per cent lower than the estimates, write DNB Markets in today’s aksjerapport.
The proposed kvartalsutbyttet on 0,185 dollars per share, well above both the DNBs expectations and consensus, respectively. To 0.15 and $ 0.11 per share.
the investment firm has a kjøpsanbefaling at Aker BP with a price target of 146 million, and therefore an upside of around 11 per cent from current levels.
Oil company Aker BP (former yugoslavia. The Norwegian) released on Monday morning its third-quarter results. The company is now in the process of implementing the last formal processes before the business to what was The Norwegian oil company and Bp’s Norwegian operations officially one company.
Aker BP had in the third quarter a turnover of 248 million dollars, down from 316 million dollars in the same period last year. Gross operating profit (EBITDA) came in at 179 million dollars, down from 260 a year ago.
Profit after tax made a turnaround from -166 million dollars to a profit of 63 million dollars. It is far above the analysts ‘ expectation of 17.3 million dollars in the plus, according to konsensustall from SME Direkt/TDN Finans.
It was prior expected that the oil company would end with a turnover of 258 million dollars and a gross operating profit (EBITDA) of 178 million.
Aker BP delivered strong results in the third quarter, with stable, safe and efficient operation, in addition to establishing a platform to build a strong and cost-Aker BP. The integration process continues to go as planned and the board of directors proposes to pay a kvartalsmessig dividends from December 2016, ” says chief executive Karl Johnny Hersvik, in the quarterly report.
Stock to The Norwegian (now Aker BP) has had an adventurous development in recent times. In just the last three months the stock has risen 21,9 per cent, and since the new year is the up the whole 135,3 per cent. The market value of the oil is now 43,9 billion.
Aker, The Norwegian and BP have signed a formal merger agreement 30. september, but it is only from the 1. December (and 4. quarter) that the numbers are consolidated as one group.
Thus, the figures in this report consists, among other things, on the production.
It is Kjell Inge Røkke, Aker (40 per cent), BP and ceo Bob Dudley (30 per cent) and The Norwegian shareholders (30 per cent) who owns the oil company Aker BP. The Norwegian-listing on the Oslo stock Exchange has been to Aker BP-shares in connection with the merger process.
also Read: Aker BP-boss doesn’t let off the accelerator pedal: – A unique chance for renewing the Norwegian continental shelf
Now comes milliardutbyttene
Prior to the merger with Bp’s Norwegian operations was not applicable to distributions from The Norwegian before 2020. But by getting into the BP fields on the Norwegian continental shelf, the company has come in a completely different financial position, and the new company now plans to start a dividend payable.
This was also one of the important benefits Aker ceo Øyvind Eriksen pulled forward when Aker BP merger was presented earlier in the year.
Aker BPs board of directors proposes now a dividend of 125 million dollars, equivalent to one billion, to the payment in December 2016 and march 2017, according to the interim report. It corresponds to 0,125 dollars (about 1,04 million per share).
Milliardutbytte that comes in December and march, however, is only the beginning, the company writes the following about what the shareholders have in store:
– the Company aims to maintain a dividend level of a minimum of 250 million dollars per year forward, paid kvartalsmessig, and to increase this level when the Johan Sverdrup is in production, type Aker BP about the giant field in the north Sea that will be in production at the end of 2019.
Higher production cost
For 2016 estimates Aker BP a total investment budgets of 910 to 930 million dollars, and exploration expenditure of a total of 240 to 260 million dollars. The production level is expected to end between 118.000 and the 120,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.
Aker Bp’s production ended on the 59.800 barrels of oil equivalent per day in the third quarter, down from 62.800 fat on the same time last year. BP Norway’s production ended on the 52.800 barrels per day, so that the company totally produced 112.600 barrels per day in the third quarter.
In the cut secured the company an oil price of 47 dollars a barrel, down from 52 dollars in the same period of last year, and down from 49 dollars in the second quarter.
This is far over it, for example, Statoil was in the third quarter. They reported an oil price of 40 dollars on average, but Statoil has, in return, a large international services are and more gas, which affects the numbers.
the Cost will, however, increase markedly after the merger with BP Norway and the start-up of the Ivar Aasen field, for the company estimates a production cost of 13 dollars a barrel for 2016. In 2015 and earlier in the year, det norske a production cost per barrel of between seven and eight dollars the barrel.
The Swedish næringslivslederen Ola Rollén (51) is indicted by Økokrim for insider trading in the Oslo stock Exchange-listed company Next Biometrics, says the company Hexagon, where Rollén is ceo, in a press release Monday.
According to the press release is Rollén scrutinized for innsideforhold that are related to his private investment and not matters that are related to the Hexagons business.
Rollén denies the accusations, according to a press release from the lawyers his on Monday morning.
the Chairman of Hexagon, Melker Schörling, refers to statements from the Rolléns lawyers and says he has “full confidence” to Rollén.
Arrested Wednesday in the previous week
According to a press release from Økokrim was Rollén was arrested in Stockholm on Wednesday 26. October.
“the Arrest happened on the basis of a warrant issued by Økokrim, which is based on a decision from the Oslo district court”, states the press release.
Rollén was Saturday 29. October varetektsfengsel in a week the Oslo district court with the letter, visit and medieforbud.
I can due to the investigation not to comment on the specific content of the indictment beyond that the 51-year-old is charged with insider trading, and that there is a significant amount. Illegal insider trading is punishable by up to six years in prison, says førstestatsadvokat Marianne S. Bender in Økokrim in a press release Monday morning.
Acknowledge no penalties
Rollén deny the accusations. He acknowledges no penalties, informs the Rolléns counsel, Christian B. Hjort and Erik Keiserud in a press release Monday.
“in our view, is the indictment based on an erroneous understanding of the factual and legal circumstances of the case,” writes the lawyers.
Ola Rollén has been the leader of the Hexagon and a member of the company’s board of directors since 2000. He was in 2014 appointed as one of the world’s 100 best top managers of the magazine the Harvard Business Review that is linked to the world-renowned Harvard University.
Purchased the shares on behalf of funds
the Investment should, according to the press release have happened in October last year. The matter is that the purchase of 284.341 shares in Next Biometrics, which was made on behalf of the private equity fund Greenbridge Partners, who at the time was under construction, on the occasion of the fund’s desire for a long-term investment in the Next.
the Shares were purchased in the normal way in the market, and there was no abuse of inside information in connection with the purchase of the shares, enter the lawyers.
“Ola Rollén hope the investigation will confirm the facts as quickly as possible. He will cooperate with Økokrim to ensure that all relevant factors are illuminated. He did not want to comment on the case further before Økokrim has come further in his investigation. He regret greatly the harm that the indictment and the investigation means for the Hexagon, Greenbridge Partners and himself”, states the press release from the lawyers.
technology companies
the Hexagon is a Swedish technology company founded in 1992. The company is listed on the Stockholm stock exchange and has before opening on Monday with a market capitalisation of 121 billion Swedish crowns. The company will open down five per cent on the stock exchange Monday.
Since listing in 2002, the company’s share price increased from 18 to over 330 Swedish krona.
Next Biometrics is a technology company with head office in Oslo. The company makes sensors for fingeravtrykksautentisering. Sensors are used in a wide range of products including PCS, tablets and mobile phones. Next has a market capitalisation of nok 2.2 billion.
the Company’s stock price increased from approximately 50 to 150 million in October last year after the company was in place 120 million in equity and revealed the name of the company’s first toppkunde, the us technology company Dell.
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Oil company Aker BP (former yugoslavia. The Norwegian) released on Monday morning its third-quarter results. The company is now in the process of implementing the last formal processes before the business to what was The Norwegian oil company and Bp’s Norwegian operations officially one company.
Aker BP had in the third quarter a turnover of 248 million dollars, down from 316 million dollars in the same period last year. Gross operating profit (EBITDA) came in at 179 million dollars, down from 260 a year ago.
It was prior expected that the oil company would end with a turnover of 258 million dollars and a gross operating profit (EBITDA) of 178 million.
Aker Bp’s production ended on the 59.800 barrels of oil equivalent per day, down from 62.800 fat on the same time last year. On average, secured the company an oil price of 47 dollars a barrel, down from 52 dollars.
This is far over it, for example, Statoil was in the third quarter. They reported an oil price of 40 dollars on average, but Statoil has, in return, a large international services are and more gas, which affects the numbers.
Aker BP delivered strong results in the third quarter, with stable, safe and efficient operation, in addition to establishing a platform to build a strong and cost-Aker BP. The integration process continues to go as planned and the board of directors proposes to pay a kvartalsmessig dividends from December 2016, ” says chief executive Karl Johnny Hersvik, in the quarterly report.
Stock to The Norwegian (now Aker BP) has had an adventurous development in recent times. In just the last three months the stock has risen 21,9 per cent, and since the new year is the up the whole 135,3 per cent. The market value of the oil is now 43,9 billion.
also Read: Aker BP-boss doesn’t let off the accelerator pedal: – A unique chance for renewing the Norwegian continental shelf
Now comes the yields
Prior to the merger with Bp’s Norwegian operations was not applicable to distributions from The Norwegian before 2020. But by getting into the BP fields on the Norwegian continental shelf, the company has come in a completely different financial position, and the new company now plans to start a dividend payable.
This was also one of the important benefits Aker ceo Øyvind Eriksen pulled forward when Aker BP merger was presented earlier in the year.
Aker BPs board of directors proposes now a dividend of 125 million dollars, equivalent to one billion, to the payment in December 2016 and march 2017, according to the quarterly report.
– It is more than of the NHO chief Kristin Skogen Lund to attack elbilsuksessen to promote his own agenda, says secretary-general Christina Dwell in the Norwegian Elbilforening.
the Background is Lund’s statements in the VG, in which she claims that a large part of the political measures for a green transition is directed towards the privatbilismen.
According to the NHO director is cars for only one-third of emissions, while the care – and tungtransporten stands for the remaining. She therefore thinks that the money be used to promote electric cars would do more benefit for themselves within the tungtransporten.
– Elbilsatsingen it does not give a single additional Norwegian workplace, but subsidizes Tesla-owner Elon Musk. In the other end leads to increased fees that lastebileierne lose against foreign actors. We hope to get support for the business today, pay in CO₂-fee, instead be entered in a CO₂-fund that will help to ensure that heavy vehicles more environmentally friendly fuel, ” says Kristin Skogen Lund.
– Not either or
That elbilmarkedet does not create jobs is just nonsense. Kristin Skogen lund will then need to know that elbilmarkedet consists of more than just the import of electric cars, said Christina Bu.
She points to the fact that the Norwegian car dealers employ many who work in the service market has been for electric vehicle. Tesla alone has many hundreds of employees in Norway, and players like Volkswagen and Nissan is going after.
CRITICAL: Christina Bu, secretary general of the Norwegian elbilforening.
Photo: Gorm Kallestad NTB scanpix
In addition, the construction and operation of charging stations is an increasing market that employs many.
– the confederation of Norwegian enterprise puts two good measures up against each other. In order to achieve powerful reductions in emissions we need to electrify both the traffic by private cars and nyttetransporten. It is not either or so NHO represent it, ” says Bu.
on Friday, let the Government’s ekspertutvalg for green competitiveness presented its recommendations for how Norway can create new green jobs. Elbilforeningen proposes, among other things, the establishment of a new power center, Norway Electric.
– the Center shall consist of private companies and public agencies for the development of sustainable transport solutions, new technology companies and exciting jobs. The centre will not at least profile Norwegian elbilsuksess and Norwegian companies, and become an attractive besøksarena.
– Creates jobs
At the Bellona foundation believes that the Forest Lunds emission figures do not match.
– passenger cars were stands for the lion’s share – two thirds – of the CO₂ emissions. We support the idea of a CO₂-fund for the number of heavy transport trucks, but it must not be at the expense of focus on nullutslippsbiler, ” says Frederic Hauge.
He says that electric vehicle-the math has changed a lot over the past few years, because the batteries become ever cheaper.
– A new analysis from the Miljødirektoratet shows that the electric vehicle is an increasingly costly environmental measures. The scheme has thus worked according to the plan, and are not going to be more expensive per tonne of CO₂ than other measures. Elbilordningen also have only positive means which does not affect the business in any way. Therefore, I don’t know why the Forest Grove to attack this, ” says Hauge.
He also believes that the scheme has created many jobs in the Uk.
It is built to 2,000 charging stations with 8.300 charging points in Norway. This is made by the Norwegian electricians and Norwegian electricity suppliers. Also electric vehicles need maintenance and repair, which is done by the Norwegian mechanics, ” says Hauge.
Critical association
the confederation of Norwegian enterprise-the director also meets resistance in the Elektroforeningen.
– Elbilsatsingen has already created thousands of jobs in the Uk, and the more it will be, ” says director Frank Jaegtnes.
He refers to a report prepared by the Adapt Consulting, says that the development of the charging stations alone provide over 100 new jobs in the year.
Elektroforeningen organizes a variety of teknologiprodusenter and suppliers, and have many members who among other things, supplies various types of ladeinfrastruktur.
– Elbilsatsingen has given a lot of work for elektroentreprenører around the country, but it seems it not as though Forest Grove and the confederation of Norwegian enterprise has been joined, says Jaegtnes.
– Delingsøkonomi fits perfectly in Africa, ” says Ebi Atawodi, head of the transport company Uber in Nigeria and other West Africa.
She leads one of the fastest growing companies in the country Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country. Just two years after its inception passed the Uber in the summer a million travel only in Lagos, Nigerias forretningshovedstad and largest city.
Business models and initiatives based on horizontal networks and participation.
the Economy is based on distributed power and trust within the community.
the Border between producer and consumer is blurred. These communities meet and interact usually on social media on the inter – net and by the use of mobile apps.
Companies in the delingsøkonomien set website and mobile application, often free, is available to the providers and buyers, and this is often integrated with a payment solution. Companies are often financed by charging a certain percent of transactions.
transaction costs are generally much lower than in the traditional economy.
Companies operate in a legal gray area with respect to taxes, employer responsibilities, insurance, etc.
accommodation services like Airbnb and transport service Uber is among the most well-known. There are also a number of non-commercial sharing services, among other things, within cohesiveness and other exchange of goods and services.
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Atawodi says Uber and other companies within the new delingsøkonomien experiencing tremendous growth in the fast growing african big cities.
Atawodi pull forward several reasons why Uber is good for Africa:
Existing and often inadequate infrastructure is exploited to the fullest by filling all the seats in the car.
Cheap and easy to get started. You just need a car and a smartphone, something that today is common to have in african cities.
Public transport and the metro is often poorly developed.
Economic growth leads to increased transport requirements.
Fast-growing kjøpesterk the middle class.
Large population growth and urbanization.
Convergence provides less emissions and pollution.
Convergence –in/shuttle service that started in San Francisco in 2009.
Ordering and payment happen through a mobile app.
do not Own their own cars. Both professional and private drivers can register and run missions through the service.
Uber stands for billing and takes a percentage of the transactions.
Per august 2016 available in 66 countries and over 500 cities.
Controversial and banned in several countries, including Norway. In particular the existing taxi and transport companies are the opponents of companies like Uber that challenge their market dominance.
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– The ten fastest growing large cities in the world are in Africa. There is not space in the towns and cities that all run their own car. Uber and delingsøkonomien do that we take advantage of the infrastructure and the limited resources to the maximum, ” says Atawodi.
Uber is currently in place in african countries such as Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya and Ghana. The next step is the establishment in the many French-language countries in West Africa.
When will the initial public offering?
Ubers chief and co-founder Travis Kalanick has in several years now get questions about when Uber should is listed. Most recently at a conference in San Francisco earlier this month.
the Uber-chief Travis Kalanick.
– Uber is like a teenager, it is just too early, said Kalanick, according to Bloomberg.
Uber is today valued at barely 70 billion dollars (around 575 billion). An ipo will do Kalanick and co-founder and chairman Garrett Camp to mangemilliardærer, in dollars.
See three good reasons
Delingsøkonomiekspert Tor W. Andreassen, professor at the NHH in Bergen, buys a lot of conversation to Atawodi. He believes there are three good reasons why a company like Uber is a good thing, perhaps especially in Africa.
first, it can Do better the utilisation rate for the total fleet. Moreover, it can help to equalize the economic disparity, at that småkapitalister that vehicle owners can put death capital in the work.
finally believe the Album is that a company like Uber will be able to make a green contribution through the coordination and better utilisation of vehicles leads to less pollution, and can reduce the need for even more cars.
– Better utilization can only be good for the community and the environment, and it will contribute to increased income for the community as a whole, ” he says.
the Roof of the adobe house is covered with Musks brand new solar panel.
This is in a way the integrated the future. An electric car, a “Powerwall”-a battery and a solcelletak. The key is that it must be beautiful, affordable and well integrated, ” said Musk as he showed off the products on the house in it as the TV viewers know as “Wisteria Lane” in Los Angeles.
less effective
The green taksteinen is made of glass and come in four different varieties. Below is a solar panel that will supply the house, and of course Teslaen in the garage, with a green and sustainable energy.
With also follows the company’s “Powerball”battery that stores the energy that is not used immediately.
ALL IN ONE: the Picture, which, incidentally, was used for the recording of the TV series “Desperate Housewives”, shows how the Musk-products are applied together. The energy from the solar-takstenen is stored in the battery on the wall and can be used to charge Teslaen.
Photo: Stringer Reuters
According to the website Tech chrunch corresponds to the efficiency to 98 per cent of a normal solar panel.
During the presentation told Musk that the company is now working with technology that they hope may improve the efficiency over the normal.
How much product will come to cost, would Musk did not say anything about. He claimed, however, that the cost will be lower than that of a normal roof plus solar panels.
chief analyst at SVP Market Research, however, is not convinced:
– Tesla announced the solar-tiles – not new – with a battery that is priced far above the cost. Tesla has more or less announced that they have a new way to lose money, writes Mints in an e-mail to Bloomberg.
Investors skeptical
According to the Reuters should Musk have suggested that the launch of the product, which, incidentally, is scheduled for next summer, assume that the Tesla’s planned acquisition of SolarCity turns through. A decision is expected to be 17. november, writes the news agency.
So is Elon Musks new vision of the future
Elon Musk is the largest shareholder in both Tesla and SolarCity. When it became known that the former will buy the latter in the summer, claimed the Tesla that the merger would give the synergy-savings of 150 million in the first year.
Several investors are, however, sceptical, and consider it all as a rescue package for SolarCity. The company has about three million dollars in debt and is about to run out of money, while Tesla on his side delivered a surprising knallresultat in the second quarter of this year.
– having two separate companies makes things go slower and are more expensive. It is worse for the shareholders, said Musk when he presented SolarCitys new product.
I’ll get off and to relapse. But it is not as dark as it was at the time. And now I know what to do to come out on the other side, ” says Stein Erik Hagen.
On the telephone from California, tells the Garden Aftenposten about the dark time and how he handled it. Aftenposten-journalist Steinar Dyrnes and Frank Lynum come in these days with the unauthorized biography Steinrik, and Aftenposten has asked him to comment on the book.
He says that he has not read the book and therefore do not know what it contains.
– As such unauthorized books always do, will also this book certainly render many interesting and true events, many half-truths and probably several issues I did not want to know me again in, say the Garden, but the answer still questions around the themes in the book.
the Book describes among other things how he in 1993 was hit by a powerful depression.
Outwardly appeared the Garden at this time as one of Norway’s most successful men. 1992 started with the fact that he sold ten times the Supermarket to the Swedish Ica, a deal that made him a billionaire.
at the same time he bought the Oslo’s best residential, Voksenhus. He had just secured a private grossistledd, something that was very important that the Supermarket chain should be able to grow bigger.
On the other hand, he worked around the clock. The woman he was married with, Nina, had lost patience with the always-working man, and now feared the Garden the divorce.
The unauthorized biography Steinrik is the first book about Stein Erik Hagen.
Book is written by the of the two Aftenposten-journalist Steinar Dyrnes and Frank Lynum.
It is Lynums first book, while He previously wrote When mr. Røkke took Kvaerner together with the Roar Valderhaug.
Then came 1993. In the book describes the authors that the Garden panicked. He was terrified to be ill, he feared getting cancer. At the same time he was terrified that the company would break because of sky-high interest rates after jappetidens collapse. If that wasn’t enough, did he fear that the swedes would take over the whole of the life’s work of his.
– I’m so dark on everything
It was too much. I worked myself to death, and I got a kjempedepresjon, says the Garden to the authors.
So he looks in retrospect on the Swedish handling of the life’s work of his
the Garden was still on the job every day, but he was not able to do its job. In around a half of the year were managing director Tom Kristiansen and chairman of the board Åge Korsvold who steered the ship.
Opposite the Aftenposten elaborates on this:
There was a time where life was hard, and I saw the dark on everything. I wasn’t susidal, but everything was heavy.
He describes a situation in which he worked virtually around the clock and burning the candle at both ends.
I took me all the way out and met the wall. I was exhausted, was enough reason that I got this depression, ” he says.
Never as dark
In the book he says that he has not had a depression since, but to Aftenposten, he said:
– I is depressed and has had it so long. But I have not had as severe depression since that time.
He tells that when he gets these dark thoughts, as he has learned that it goes over.
– It is never so wrong as you think it can be. What I have learned. And then it is to stay stuck in the edge of the table and wait until it goes over. I try to see and look for the light, something positive.
He tells that he got the help of professor Leif Braaten at the University of Oslo. Where he went to call a couple of times a week and learned a lot from it.
Advises others to talk about it
It was my wonderful wife Nina who took hold at the time. I’m grateful for, ” says Hagen.
it Means that you now have learned how to deal with your feelings when depression arises?
– Yes, clearly. Depression is something people struggle with, and it comes to learn to deal with it.
What is your advice to others who are experiencing this?
When life gets too heavy, talk to someone, and not go to carry on it alone. I’m not always so good at asking for help even, but has been improving as I get older.
the Garden also say to the authors that it is important to be able to distinguish between the essential and the inessential. When he manages to prioritize properly and get out of the tricky mind. When the depression hit, he did breathing exercises, meditated, read and relaxed on a sofa in the office. In addition, he listened to the selvhjelpskassetter he had been given by a colleague.
Homosexuality is not the cause
the Book discusses also that it was at this time the Garden began to acknowledge to himself that he was gay.
I suppressed that part of myself, ” he says in the book.
But that this would have something with the depression to do, reject him face Aftenposten:
It has been difficult, but not in the way. It has never gone like that on me. But I don’t know if there are any answers to why this affected me, ” he says on the phone from sunny California.
the newspaper Aftenposten wrote in the weekend that Norway’s largest financial conglomerates, DNB, has given milliardlån to finance a controversial oil pipeline in the united STATES.
the Project has led to huge protests, because oljerørledningen is scheduled to go under the Standing Rock Siouxindianernes main source of drinking water. The indigenous people fear that any oljelekkasjer will pollute the vannkilden their and that the building work will destroy sacred sites in the reserve.
DNB is not the only Norwegian player that is linked to the oljerørledningen Dakota Access. Its oil wealth has invested billions in the companies that are responsible for the development and operation of the pipeline.
Have invested approximately 6.7 billion
There are three companies which through various subsidiaries is responsible for building, owning and operating oljerørledningen; Energy Transfer, Sunoco Logistics, and Phillips 66. Its oil wealth had, by the end of the year significant investments in all three:
2.4 billion in securities of Energy Transfer Partners.
nok 442 million in the debt obligations of Sunoco Logistics.
2.9 billion in shares in Phillips 66, as well as around 1 billion in securities in the same company and the subsidiary.
It will say that its oil wealth has invested over nok 6.7 billion kroner in companies that are responsible for oljerørledningen, which has been indigenous to going to court.
– Can unfortunately not comment on individual companies
despite significant amounts of money, sitting the Government pension fund Global, managed by Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM)) again with small stakes in the companies. Its oil wealth stated that they expect that the companies they invest in, respect and take respect for human rights.
the Sponsors to Siouxindianerne mean just that urfolksrettighetene and human rights are threatened by the oljerørledningen.
– Think its oil wealth that the Energy Transfer, Sunoco Logistics, and Phillips 66 responds to the expectations to respect human rights?
– We can unfortunately not comment on individual companies, but we expect companies to respect human rights and take into account human rights in their operations. Our expectations are aimed first and foremost against the companies ‘ boards and is a starting point for dialogue with companies on human rights, writes ms. Thomas Sevang in NBIM in an e-mail.
the Parliament will request that the fund pulls out
the Parliament has in a letter to its oil wealth prompted a clarification on what kind of interests the fund has in oljeprosjektet.
In his answer to the Parliament underlines its oil wealth that they do not have direct ownership interests in the project itself, but that they have shares in the companies that owns the project.
“the Work of responsible stewardship is an important part of the mission of the central Bank and an integrated part of the investment process”, called it in svarbrevet to the Parliament.
It is the council on ethics, appointed by the Ministry of finance, which assesses whether its oil wealth should withdraw investments in certain companies. The parliament has now addressed itself to the council on ethics.
– We ask the council on ethics to consider whether its oil wealth should pull investments in the businesses that are related to the oljerørledningen, says sametingsråd Sally Karina Muotka to Aftenposten.
Ownership interest in the occurrence in which the oil is to be transported from the
its oil wealth also has around 800 million in shares and debt obligations of the company Marathon Oil Corp, which owns around 1100 square kilometers of oljeforekomsten the Ground in North Dakota.
The planned oljerørledningen will carry oil from the oljeforekomsten the Bakken through South Dakota and Iowa to Illinois.
Statoil is also a major player in the oljeforekomsten the Ground and owns more than 1300 acres in the area. Statoil entered the Bakken in 2011, when they bought up a company for 4.4 billion dollars.
– There are no relations between Statoil and this oljerørledningen. We have activity in the area, but have no relation to the protests that are happening, ” says Erik Haaland, media relations in Statoil.
Norwegian banks are also on ownership
Also DNBs fondsforvaltningsavdeling DNB Asset Management has, via the funds DNB Global Index and DNB Global Credit smaller holdings in several companies that are involved in oljeprosjektet.
DNB has so far not confirmed information that indicates that the project violates human rights. Nevertheless, we look seriously at the claims that the last time is been made. Therefore, we ask now further questions to the project to ensure that the project is in line with current rules, regulations and our own policy, writes cio Even Westerveld in an e-mail.
Despite fondsavdeling has invested 20 million in shares in one of the companies.
” We can confirm that Nordea fund owns a minor stake in the company, Phillips 66, out of this we have no comments, write officer Christian Steffensen at Nordea in an e-mail.
Donald Trump has invested in the project
Also, the us presidential candidate Donald Trump has interests in companies.
Trump should have invested between 500,000 and 1 million dollars in both Energy Transfer Partners and Phillips 66. It comes out in Trumps monthly reporting to the Federal Election Commission, the supervisory authority for valgkampfinansiering, writes The Guardian.
its oil wealth with milliardgevinst at the Pokémon Go, Here is a popularitetskonkurranse where Donald Trump shut Hillary Clinton down in the boots.
the Meeting with Opecs expert committee was to nail the deal it produksjonskuttet ended Friday without an agreement.
When the talks are taken up again Saturday is also Russia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Oman, Azerbajan, Brazil and Bolivia to the present, writes Reuters.
– All agree except for Iran, says Opec source to the news agency.
There was no appointment in the day since Iran refuses to freeze his production, ” says another.
According to a third source is the conversations more and more complicated every day.
– Every day it’s something new that comes up, ” says the unnamed source.
Agree on the goals – not a means
At the beginning of October, the Opec countries agreed on a produksjonskutt on 740.000 barrels daily between 32,5 and 33 million barrels.
Six key issues Opec countries must find the answer on
How the cuts should be allocated is, however, not agreed to. According to oljeanalytiker Thina Saltvedt, Nordea is the key in three countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq.
Iran wants to increase its production after the sanctions against the country were suspended, and Iraq has had rounds to increase production after Saddam Hussein’s regime fell. At the same time do not want Saudi Arabia to be the only one who cuts, wraps up she is.
She believes, however, that it is possible for the cartel to agree without Iran and Iraq.
– It is difficult, but possible. It is not the first time this cartel has had challenges, ” she says and adds:
– If you’re going to have a crew that works so can’t all just continue to increase their production. When must all, in any case, freeze the production in a period.
don’t Think they reach the goal
this Weekend’s meeting is a forberedelsesmøte ahead of the official Opec meeting in late november.
chief analyst for commodities Bjarne Schieldrop at SEB, wrote in a analysenotat Wednesday that he still has faith that the nations will come to an agreement when they meet again at the end of next month.
He thinks not, however, that the trust will achieve the goal of a maximum of 33 million barrels.
Opec stands for the Organization of oil-exporting countries (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).
the Organization is considered a cartel, and has its headquarters in Vienna.
Algeria, Angola, The united arab emirates, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela are members of Opec. Other important manufacturing country as Russia, the USA and Norway, are outside.
Source: NTB
– A cut from the current 34.6 million barrels per day to 33.5 new should be possible for the OPEC, and in this case, Saudi-Arabia to reduce his production by about 10 million barrels daily, type Schieldriop.
If, however, they manage to agree on the max of 33 million barrels, the price of oil, according to Thina Saltvedt get up in the 60′s in the middle of 2017. If they manage to cut all the way down to 32.5 million barrels, it can happen even earlier.
The oil prices we have now are in addition driven by expectations ahead of the meeting. If they cannot agree can oil prices come down to a path of 45-50 dollars a barrel again, ” says Saltvedt.
When the surprising message that the Opec was agreed produksjonsfrys came in september black markets with a rally in the sector.
Still overskuddslager
Oil minister Tord Lien warns us against believing that Opec can solve the oljeproblemene our
– The physical market is still in surplus and the current overskuddslager of around 300 million barrels require our collective and urgent action, ” said the Opec chief, Muhammad Sanusi Barkindo in the opening speech Friday.
crisis-hit Venezuela should have been among the initiators of the meeting. They believe oil production should be cut by around ten per cent.
When Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani at the beginning of October indicated that he will cooperate to get to a produksjonsfrys, rose, oil prices quickly.
All countries should help ekspertkomiteen to take decisions that raise the price of oil at the november meeting, ” said Rouhani to the state news agency IRNA.
From may 2014 to august 2015 shows labour force survey (LFS) Statistics norway (SSB), a gradual increase in the unemployment rate. The past year has, however, the unemployment rate remained relatively steady at 4.6 percent to 4.7 percent.
the Number of unemployed increased by about 5,000 from may to august of this year. This corresponds to an increase in the unemployment rate of 0.2 percentage points, and is a change that is within the margin of error.
The ledighetstall is therefore based on the LFS and reflect how many who consider themselves as unemployed. The register of ledighetstall is on their side, the number of registered unemployed with Nav.
Typically, the LFS unemployment rate will be greater than the Nav the unemployment rate, because many who are truly unemployed, not registered with Nav.
last week predicted the Nav that we have reached the peak in the number of available, and that the turning point has come earlier than expected.
– We believe ledighetstoppen is reached, and that we next year go into a moderate oppgangskonjunktur, says the ministry of labour and velferdsdirektør Sigrun Vågeng in a recent report on the labour market in the next few years.
Labour and welfare service (nav) think it will be 82.000 registered available in Norway at the end of the year. In its previous forecast feared the Nav that the number would be about 10,000 higher.
I’ll get off and to relapse. But it is not as dark as it was at the time. And now I know what to do to come out on the other side, ” says Stein Erik Hagen.
On the telephone from California, tells the Garden Aftenposten about the dark time and how he handled it. Aftenposten-journalist Steinar Dyrnes and Frank Lynum comes with in these days with the unauthorized biography Steinrik, and Aftenposten has asked him to comment on the book.
He says that he has not read the book and therefore do not know what it contains.
– As such unauthorized books always do, will also this book certainly render many interesting and true events, many half-truths and probably several issues I did not want to know me again in, say the Garden, but the answer still questions around the themes in the book.
Stein Erik Hagen pushed her daughter to Switzerland to save money
the Book describes among other things how he in 1993 was hit by a powerful depression.
Outwardly appeared the Garden at this time as one of Norway’s most successful men. 1992 started with the fact that he sold ten times the Supermarket to the Swedish Ica, a deal that made him a billionaire.
at the same time he bought the Oslo’s best residential, Voksenhus. He had just secured a private grossistledd, something that was very important that the Supermarket chain should be able to grow bigger.
On the other hand, he worked around the clock. The woman he was married with, Nina, had lost patience with the always-working man, and now feared the Garden the divorce.
The unauthorized biography Steinrik is the first book about Stein Erik Hagen.
Book is written by the of the two Aftenposten-journalist Steinar Dyrnes and Frank Lynum.
It is Lynums first book, while He previously wrote When mr. Røkke took Kvaerner together with the Roar Valderhaug.
Then came 1993. In the book describes the authors that the Garden panicked. He was terrified to be ill, he feared getting cancer. At the same time he was terrified that the company would break because of sky-high interest rates after jappetidens collapse. If that wasn’t enough, did he fear that the swedes would take over the whole of the life’s work of his.
– I’m so dark on everything
It was too much. I worked myself to death, and I got a kjempedepresjon, says the Garden to the authors.
So he looks in retrospect on the Swedish handling of the life’s work of his
the Garden was still on the job every day, but he was not able to do its job. In around a half of the year were managing director Tom Kristiansen and chairman of the board Åge Korsvold who steered the ship.
Opposite the Aftenposten elaborates on this:
There was a time where life was hard, and I saw the dark on everything. I wasn’t susidal, but everything was heavy.
He describes a situation in which he worked virtually around the clock and burning the candle at both ends.
I took me all the way out and met the wall. I was exhausted, was enough reason that I got this depression, ” he says.
Never as dark
In the book he says that he has not had a depression since, but to Aftenposten, he said:
– I is depressed and has had it so long. But I have not had as severe depression since that time.
He tells that when he gets these dark thoughts, as he has learned that it goes over.
– It is never so wrong as you think it can be. What I have learned. And then it is to stay stuck in the edge of the table and wait until it goes over. I try to see and look for the light, something positive.
He tells that he got the help of professor Leif Braaten at the University of Oslo. Where he went to call a couple of times a week and learned a lot from it.
Advises others to talk about it
It was my wonderful wife Nina who took hold at the time. I’m grateful for, ” says Hagen.
it Means that you now have learned how to deal with your feelings when depression arises?
– Yes, clearly. Depression is something people struggle with, and it comes to learn to deal with it.
What is your advice to others who are experiencing this?
When life gets too heavy, talk to someone, and not go to carry on it alone. I’m not always so good at asking for help even, but has been improving as I get older.
the Garden also say to the authors that it is important to be able to skillemellom the material and the immaterial. When he manages to prioritize properly and get out of the tricky mind. When the depression hit, he did breathing exercises, meditated, read and relaxed on a sofa in the office. In addition, he listened to the selvhjelpskassetter he had been given by a colleague.
Gay is not the cause
the Book discusses also that it was at this time the Garden began to acknowledge to himself that he was gay.
I suppressed that part of myself, ” he says in the book.
But that this would have something with the depression to do, reject him face Aftenposten:
It has been difficult, but not in the way. It has never gone like that on me. But I don’t know if there are any answers to why this affected me, ” he says on the phone from sunny California.