Two ekspertutvalg have examined the possibility to simplify the aksjelovene and act. The plan is that this will make it easier and to ensure increased value creation, announced the ministry of Trade and ministry of fisheries in a press release.
– Aksjelovutvalget estimates that some of the proposals may provide total annual savings for business of over a billion. The assessment is therefore also important in the government’s forenklingsarbeid, says Norwegian trade and industry minister Monica Mæland (H) in the press release.
Studies will now be sent for consultation, with the plan to submit a bill for Parliament in 2017.
Suggest changes
the Study suggests, among other things, cut the minimum share capital from nok 30,000 to 1 krone.
In addition, it is proposed the following changes in the aksjelovutvalget:
* Increased use of electronic solutions.
* Requirements of a variety of certification shall be revoked.
* the shelf life for selskapsdokumentasjon be reduced to five years.
* the Board’s handeplikt by the loss of equity be simplified and clarified.
* Material changes in the aksjelovene § 3-8 if the agreements between the company and the shareholders or members of the company’s board of directors.
* the Requirement for the audit of the parent company are cancelled when the parent company fulfils the conditions for revisjonsfritak and that the thresholds are evaluated for the total group.
* limited Companies no longer need to decide fravalg of the audit. The current thresholds for an audit requirement proposed to be continued.
* the Simplified rules for limited liability companies where all the shareholders are directors. In a variety of types of cases shall the general assembly could take a decision without the board’s prior proposal.
Proposing a new law for foundations
Stiftelsesutvalget has also come up with several suggestions for changes:
* Propose a new law on foundations. In the new draft bill is the proposal for significant simplifications, including the rules on proceedings by the conversion.
* Proposes to abolish the distinction between general and self-employed foundations, in other words the trader trusts should no longer be a separate category.
* the Selection also suggests that the utdelingsstiftelser may delegate the authority to decide certain distributions to the managing director. It is recommended that all foundations should have a plan for both formålsrealisering and asset management.
– the Development goes towards more large and fewer small foundations. After that the gaming authority has been in business for ten years, we saw that there was a need for a helthetlig review of the act. It has been shown that the current law is not working as well as we would like, ” says Mæland in the press release.
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