Friday, October 21, 2016

Norway has several think tanks and gründerprogrammer than real entrepreneurs – Today’s Business

Norway’s oljerikdom impedes innovation, writes finansavisen.

One of the largest and most central gründerarrangement.

this Year’s theme is “power couples”, a designation within the entrepreneurship in the cooperation between new, small companies and large, established companies. Can in the extended meaning mean valuable cooperation countries, companies and people in between.

the Oslo Innovation Week organises workshops, debates, hackathon and folkefinansiering for entrepreneurs and established companies, for the people who represent the various fields in innovation and research.

the Oslo Innovation Week held 17. 21. October

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the Financial Times underredaktør and commentator, John Gapper, has been in Norway during the Oslo Innovation Week. Where has he taken the measure of how Norway is to succeed with its restructuring.

the Conclusion is that the norwegians like the idea of creativity, but fear real change. The conclusion is illustrated by an oil platform shaped like a comfortable armchair, with a worried woman sitting in the chair.

“the Concern is that Norway has it too comfortable. It takes usually a crisis for someone to change their way of life radically and that an economy should adjust the course”, writes Gapper.

And further:

“For the moment, Norway has several official think tanks and gründerprogrammer as innovasjonsinkubatorer than real entrepreneurship and the powerful change”.

Article from the Financial Times is at times disturbing precise, and there are few signs that the Norwegian government understands the seriousness and its role in the changes we are facing, ” says co-founder Kjartan Delete in Unacast.

From the New York and Oslo he attempts to build up a reklameteknologiselskap.

The proposed state budget lacks measures that promote innovation, mean to Delete.

He believes on the contrary that one also attacks the existing measures that work, for example, by confiscating the 1.25 venturemilliarder from the state investment company Investinor.

the Journalist has the right to say that Norway has been able to be a konsensusdrevet society that only has the ability to implement the reforms that have been thoroughly discussed over a long time, ” says Fredrik Winther, Oslo Business Region.

He believes the Uk do not understand how much it is urgent and that the truth is “extremely bad for the Norwegian reputation”.

the Financial Times article is an example of that. Reputation is important to at all be able to build new global industrieventyr and enter into international partnerships. It helps hardly Telenor about their global partners perceive Norway as a full, comfortable, slow and naive, ” says Winther.

Read also: Making millions on woollen garments with Norwegian symbols – but the wool is a foreign

also Read: This will cost Norwegian speakers

Listen DN-podcast about vekstoppskriften: This characterizes the founders as supervekst, so it goes with the gazelles, and this must be done to succeed. Gaselle-researcher Jarle Bastesen provides among other things, advice on how to avoid gasellefellene.


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