the Banks are reporting few changes in lånemarkedene in 3. quarter, notify Norges Bank in its lending survey.
“the Demand for loans from households increased slightly, while the demand for loans from non-financial corporations was broadly unchanged. Banks ‘credit standards was broadly unchanged for households, while it reported a slight tightening in credit standards for enterprises”, is called.
Utlånsmarginene on loans to households fell slightly, while they increased slightly for the enterprises.
Household låneetterspørsel increased slightly in 3. quarter, after also have increased slightly in the previous quarter. The demand for førstehjemslån increased slightly, while the demand for fixed-rate loans fell a little.
Banks had in advance expected that låneetterspørselen would be unchanged, and waiting, no change in 4. quarter.
Låneetterspørselen from non-financial corporations fell slightly in 3. quarter. The advance was expected unchanged demand.
4. quarter waiting the no changes the overall message mechanism, however, predicts a slightly higher demand for fixed-rate loans.
Banks reported somewhat tighter credit standards for enterprises in 3. quarter. Banks expect no significant changes in credit standards for enterprises overall, in the 4. quarter.
“the Banks reported that the macroeconomic and næringsspesifikke prospects pull in the direction of stricter credit standards. It is especially the situation in the oil-related industries that are drawn up. Banks have not reported any significant changes in loan terms for enterprises,” writes the central Bank.
Banks reported somewhat higher lending margins on loans to enterprises.
Read the full report here.
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