Tuesday, October 25, 2016

– Statoil terminates the contract on Stena Don Offshore.en

once the rig contract is to be terminated. This time it is the Stena Don, who becomes unemployed before the scheduled time.

Statoil has terminated the contract with the Stena Don, which is working on the Troll field.

This type Box on their website.

the Rig had a contract until February next year, but now the contract and will be available from november.

– Sad information to get, we now get to make the best out of a difficult situation, ” says the head in the BOX in the Stena, Stig-Rune Refvik to their own web sites.

– Message we have received from the company is that the client Statoil does not have the drilling program for the rig after that the ongoing drilling operations will end in the beginning or middle of november. It is therefore an that the rig must go up in anticipation of a new contract. Consolation is the fact that the Stena Don has a very good "gradebook", and we hope, therefore, that the time in the circulation is relatively short, say Refvik.

There are 180 employees who will be affected by the termination.

– It is too early to say what happens, but we hope that it will be possible to find solidarity schemes, so that the employees remain in the company, and that the rig can be switched on again at short notice. The rig was through a 5-year classication for barely a year ago. At the same time, Stena Drilling invested in tip top modern equipment package. Even investments are probably closer to 1.5 billion makes no warranty or guarantee, but shows that Stena Drilling has a plan to keep the Stena Don in the market, maintains Refvik.

Statoil has so far not confirmed or commented on the termination.


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