– It is more than of the NHO chief Kristin Skogen Lund to attack elbilsuksessen to promote his own agenda, says secretary-general Christina Dwell in the Norwegian Elbilforening.
the Background is Lund’s statements in the VG, in which she claims that a large part of the political measures for a green transition is directed towards the privatbilismen.
According to the NHO director is cars for only one-third of emissions, while the care – and tungtransporten stands for the remaining. She therefore thinks that the money be used to promote electric cars would do more benefit for themselves within the tungtransporten.
– Elbilsatsingen it does not give a single additional Norwegian workplace, but subsidizes Tesla-owner Elon Musk. In the other end leads to increased fees that lastebileierne lose against foreign actors. We hope to get support for the business today, pay in CO₂-fee, instead be entered in a CO₂-fund that will help to ensure that heavy vehicles more environmentally friendly fuel, ” says Kristin Skogen Lund.
– Not either or
That elbilmarkedet does not create jobs is just nonsense. Kristin Skogen lund will then need to know that elbilmarkedet consists of more than just the import of electric cars, said Christina Bu.
She points to the fact that the Norwegian car dealers employ many who work in the service market has been for electric vehicle. Tesla alone has many hundreds of employees in Norway, and players like Volkswagen and Nissan is going after.
CRITICAL: Christina Bu, secretary general of the Norwegian elbilforening.
In addition, the construction and operation of charging stations is an increasing market that employs many.
– the confederation of Norwegian enterprise puts two good measures up against each other. In order to achieve powerful reductions in emissions we need to electrify both the traffic by private cars and nyttetransporten. It is not either or so NHO represent it, ” says Bu.
on Friday, let the Government’s ekspertutvalg for green competitiveness presented its recommendations for how Norway can create new green jobs. Elbilforeningen proposes, among other things, the establishment of a new power center, Norway Electric.
– the Center shall consist of private companies and public agencies for the development of sustainable transport solutions, new technology companies and exciting jobs. The centre will not at least profile Norwegian elbilsuksess and Norwegian companies, and become an attractive besøksarena.
– Creates jobs
At the Bellona foundation believes that the Forest Lunds emission figures do not match.
– passenger cars were stands for the lion’s share – two thirds – of the CO₂ emissions. We support the idea of a CO₂-fund for the number of heavy transport trucks, but it must not be at the expense of focus on nullutslippsbiler, ” says Frederic Hauge.
He says that electric vehicle-the math has changed a lot over the past few years, because the batteries become ever cheaper.
– A new analysis from the Miljødirektoratet shows that the electric vehicle is an increasingly costly environmental measures. The scheme has thus worked according to the plan, and are not going to be more expensive per tonne of CO₂ than other measures. Elbilordningen also have only positive means which does not affect the business in any way. Therefore, I don’t know why the Forest Grove to attack this, ” says Hauge.
He also believes that the scheme has created many jobs in the Uk.
It is built to 2,000 charging stations with 8.300 charging points in Norway. This is made by the Norwegian electricians and Norwegian electricity suppliers. Also electric vehicles need maintenance and repair, which is done by the Norwegian mechanics, ” says Hauge.
Critical association
the confederation of Norwegian enterprise-the director also meets resistance in the Elektroforeningen.
– Elbilsatsingen has already created thousands of jobs in the Uk, and the more it will be, ” says director Frank Jaegtnes.
He refers to a report prepared by the Adapt Consulting, says that the development of the charging stations alone provide over 100 new jobs in the year.
Elektroforeningen organizes a variety of teknologiprodusenter and suppliers, and have many members who among other things, supplies various types of ladeinfrastruktur.
– Elbilsatsingen has given a lot of work for elektroentreprenører around the country, but it seems it not as though Forest Grove and the confederation of Norwegian enterprise has been joined, says Jaegtnes.
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