Eight additional security guards, and two teams from the Red Cross. There are a few of the grips as Norwegian Outlet take to be prepared for the chaos that is waiting during Black Friday.
This is our first year with Black Friday, so we didn’t quite know what awaits us, but we are rigged and ready for a party with controlled chaos, ” says destinasjonssjef for Norwegian Outlet in Ålgård, Anchor Wiinberg, to Aftenbladet.
On the Norwegian Outlet in Vestby in the Eastern regions have the solid experience to arrange the Black Friday party. In the last year, it was controlled chaos to uncontrolled chaos then 30.000 visitors visited the centre during the day. Over 1000 persons stormed into the port when the center opened the clock to 06: 00 and the guards had enough to do when the Gant-the shop was handing out free pants. Then began the namely people arguing and it was also hostile to the håndgemeng.
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