Friday, November 25, 2016

Sminkebutikkenes dubious black friday deals – DinSide

Here is my own, very subjective, summary of the phenomenon of black friday:

tips for black friday

- Personally thrive I best in-store på Tuesdays between 10.00 and 11.00

All these points apply to all industries. But nothing we have seen illustrate the last point as well as the beauty industries.

when I delved into the feminine online stores on this year’s black Friday, was the even darker – something similar priskaos I have actually never seen before. See for yourself.

First a bit of theory

  1. For something to be an offer, it must be given a discount.
  2. For it shall be given a discount, the store have sold the item more expensive in the past – a førpris.
  3. For the store to have a førpris, the shop actually be sold item for this førprisen in at least six weeks before the offer.

Will any of this wrong, it’s not a real offer, no matter if the calendar shows black friday or a broke Saturday. Like, run the examples.

“FØRPRIS”: Sure, it has cost 399 nok. But it only lasted for a couple of days. Photo: Ole Petter Baugerød Stokke View more

#1: Førpriser collected from the same week

We start with BareMinerals Original Foundation SPF 15 advertised with a 50 per cent discount. Before: 399 nok. Now: 199 million.

According to Prisjakt have the quite the right cost 399 nok. But only in two days, forward to the svartefredagen.

Before it has the price jumped up and down, but never been over 389 money at Blush. That most often has the price been much lower, and the average in the industry have been around 180 million – that is cheaper than the offer.

DEPRECATED: Førprisen they are referring to was used from 28. november, in the year to January. Photo: Ole Petter Baugerød Stokke View more

#2: Førpriser taken from the history books

Over to the store Coverbrands.en: Magnolia Bark Night Cream supposedly has 25 percent discount, and is set down from 449 million) to 336, according to the store.

Prisjakt, which retrieves the prices regularly in order to make the statistics, claim that it was sold for this in the year and winter.

the Price lasted a month and a half, and the product has since 18. January cost 359 million at Coverbrands. Then it is in that case to talk about a real discount on the 6 percent, not 25.

ARE NOT: Some førpris on the entire 349 million, we find not. Photo: Ole Petter Baugerød Stokke View more

#3: Førpriser taken from your imagination

Blivakker.en has also svartefredag, and sell Redken Extreme Strength Builder Plus for 159 million; 54 percent discount from 349 million, they claim.

Prisjakt tells a completely different story. Blivakker according to the statistics never demanded so much for hårproduktet.

They have, however, sold it for 169 million in four periods the last two months. A more appropriate discount is thus 6 per cent.

UP AND DOWN: This hårsprayen get really jammed. The red and green columns show how the price goes up and down throughout the year. Photo: Ole Petter Baugerød Stokke View more

#4: Førpriser taken from a roller-coaster ride

This applies to all of the prices we checked, but here is an example from Blivakker, again: Tigi Bedhead Masterpiece Hairspray is sold for 79 dollars, which they claim is a 56 percent decrease from the 179 million.

But since september, the price according to Prisjakt never exceeded ten bucks. And it has changed, hold on tight, 52 times in the course of the year.

not all are just nonsense:

We sat up in the night and found the best black friday deals. See the list!

Often runs the price up 10 million one week, and then down by 10 million the second week. Again and again and again, on those closest to the comic graphs.

Dark Friday

Anyone can make mistakes, also shops. Statistics can be wrong, also Prisjakt. But we’re sitting on more examples than those we show here. And the pattern rises above any doubt.

That the rates jump, and that there are many creative ways to market rates – in any industry – is not something new.

But that the beauty industries make so many ugly errors, was new to us.

It can be okay to make up a little of the truth. But when it’s downright obfuscated, is not black friday so much fun anymore. Then it is only dark.

also Read:
Now you can see if there are many people where you are going – before you go!
Samleside: Black Friday

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