Saturday, January 31, 2015

When autopilot got Vicar – Aftenposten

When autopilot got Vicar – Aftenposten

The Chinese look at the clock. Just three hours left. Being nice to come home after yet another workday at the reception of pines.

She says basically the same for all who turn at the counter. “Hey!” “Who are you going to visit?” “Fill in the form!” “He’ll come soon.” She makes days like. Monotone. As the robot spirit.

Last week the Vicar. Ei like a good mood. She did not get away as many as Chinese, yet it is as if all gather around her. They laugh and a chat.

The Chinese like this so so. She senses something sad when she thinks of it. She wonders where her own joy is gone.

Chief of customer is always working on a weighted list of current tasks. After being finished first task hooking she one after the other. The Chinese have been inspired by the method. What matters is getting ticked off the list.

The Substitute however uses a different method. She uses the list that gives room for the hustle and bustle.

Five of four hooking Kine of the last task in the current list.


It’s time to get home.

Cuts in album

It’s a broken record on the home front too. The grooves are deep and difficult to get out of. Tram ride home she thinks his next project. She thinks of the exercise. She spins her own movie. At the same place she stands, a little to the left column. She likes However, having the same coach. When she knows what to do.

“But she likes their other repetitions?”

“As porridge every Saturday?” She continues her own train of thought:

“Tonight gold number?” The scariest is well spoken between her and Ole. Always about the same old thing, children and jobs. All things being equal. “Is she been a copy of a mechanical trekkoppmus?”

Imagine what thoughts play live substitute can cause!

The rules must be followed

Autopilot get done with your day. She stays within the norm. She follows the rules. She asks seldom if it’s time to change something. How things are done is not significant.

She is good at pressing start and stop button. It is precisely what is driving to the autopilot. While other “pilots” enjoys the challenge of how to meet the current weather.

The trail is safe

The autopilot does not like the idea of ​​changing anything. Whether it’s ideas, opinions, knowledge, or in adhering to various tasks. That and not knowing how to do things is unacceptable.

She does not like to go outside their allotted and beaten path. A large repertoire of emotions, dreams and thoughts are therefore rare opportunity to come forward.

She knows what she knows and sees little point in being challenged to new heights.

You as autopilot

How are the autopilot off with you? Define it, then it becomes easier to say it up! You get a richer life with being more present in what you do. Protects you against life?

Other role

Talk about presence, about how important it is for your project, you and your colleagues.

An autopilot hides much of its actually i. She covers the desire for something exciting. Learning something new requires time. It quickly becomes trouble in anything mechanical life. She is not present. She is somehow beyond themselves.


For those who recognize this, so there is much to be gained from turning off the autopilot .

Go rather to participation in your own life!

Read about the other people who work at Furua:

Published: 31.jan. 2015 9:38 p.m.


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