Thursday, March 17, 2016

Austrheim can get new fire engine – completely free! – Nordhordland

Gjensidige Forsikring year celebrates 200th anniversary, and on that occasion the company has its biggest cigar, Gjensidige Foundation, decided to give a big gåve to the Norwegian people. Gåva is called for “The Great Fire lifted.”

And it is by no means ein bluff. In all, the Foundation will give away equipment for 350 million cones to professionalize Norwegian fire departments ytterlegare, reports stapling a press release.

A part of gåva is thus 37 new fire bilar. Twelve is quench bilar in the classical sense, 24 is prominent scramble bilar and it is also ein dykkarbil to be disassembled out.

major difference in equipment

The fire department in Austrheim is no urged to Soka on equipment package on direct solicitation from the Gjensidige Foundation.

– We want to Seia in from the municipalities and the fire department that it is possible to Soka on equipment. So we picked out nokre around around, aimed to inform municipalities about this possible heroes. We know also that there are big differences in equipment to the fire department, which is organized through major inter-municipal entities to dei slightly smaller entities, victory Dark to Avisa Nordhordland.

The municipalities must Soka end of April. Fire the vehicles shall vera products ready in late August and in early September it becomes clear who the jutting off with them valuable gifts.

– We see enough that the need may be greater than those 37 the vehicles we have, but we believe that we certainly should ensure EiT significant boost for Norwegian fire departments, says Dark.

Price tag of five million

A large sløkkebil kostar averaging five million. Also covered Gjensidige Stiftinga all maintenance and service in their first five years, it will be stated in the press release.

“The fire department is EiT municipal responsibility, and tight municipal finances can makes it difficult to prior iteration upgrade such innan fire and rescue the service. Difro we want to give a hand reaching out in the form of free funding so that firefighters who really need new fire truck en have also opportunities to get it through “The Great Fire Promise,” says managing director at Gensidigestiftinga, Treat Dehlen in pressure message.

It has not prospers Avisa Nordhordland to command in contact with Austrheim its fire chief Rolf Henning Myrmel Thursday morning. Rather not Mayor Per Lerøy or councilman Jan Olav Osen has Vore available.

You can lesa more about Gjensidige’s anniversary gåve on

Avisa Nordhordland could nyleg announce that Radøy municipality has a new fire engine. This is an investment municipality has been responsible for yourself. This kosta ca. 3.4 million and ensures ein completely revamped everyday life for those frvillige firefighters in the municipality.

READ ALSO: No’ve Radoy bought their princely new fire engine since 1970 talet


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