For either Telenor or Telia manage to match Chess, One Call or Talkmore on customer satisfaction.
It shows this year’s fresh measurement from the EPSI Rating, which will be published on Monday.
The three lavprisutfordrerne thrones at the top of the rankings, which are based on 1.120 telephone interviews conducted by Norstat between august and October.
But also the large companies get a boost, and the norwegians have generally never been more satisfied with mobile than now.

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– the Fabulous!
all the way to the top go Chess: On tilfredshetsskalaen from 0 to 100 rewards customers lavprisselskapet with 76,6 points, an increase of 1.2 points from last year’s measurement.
So happy are we
the Higher the score shows higher satisfaction. Change from last year’s measurement in parenthesis.
1. Chess: 76,6 (+1,2)
2. One Call: 74,4 (+0,1)
3. Talkmore: 74,0 (-1,4)
4. Telia: 70,3 (+1,8)
5. Other operators*: 70,2 (-1,3)
6. Telenor: 69,6 (+0,5)
7. Djuice: 67,2 (-1,7)
BRANSJESNITT: 70,9 (+0,3)
*Including Hello,, NextGenTel and Telio.
Source: EPSI Ratings kundetilfredshetsmåling for 2016
– It is fantastic! exclaims Chess-boss Arve Andreassen when the E24 is calling.
60 percent of Chess-the customers provide to be “very satisfied”, and according to the EPSI report enjoying the operator high confidence.
– This measurement is very important for us. We do not have the very lowest prices, but have had an extreme focus on good customer experiences in the last few years. It provides obviously the results, ” says Andreassen.
In the last year had Chess share first place with Talkmore.
– That we stand alone at the top in years is brilliant.
relegated to jumboplass
Both Telia and Telenor bykser forward, but are both under the bransjesnittet of 70,9 points (see information below).
Telenor does just full its best measure since 2005, and can also boast of having the customers who experience the best phone coverage. Telia customers experience the best 4G coverage.

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Djuice takes jumboplassen: The company loses by 1.7 points from last year, and ends with the industry’s lowest tilfredshetsscore on 67,2.
– We are for our customers and is obviously not satisfied with this result, commenting on Djuice-chairman Thomas Barre to E24.
He explains that Djuice have a comprehensive customer base and operates in a challenging segment consisting of especially young customers. These are more challenging to reach out to, and “not in the least difficult to satisfy”, argues Barre.
We take the result of the intelligence and want to improve this, he states.
Why are we more satisfied
When EPSI started the annual measurements in 2004, achieved the mobile companies just 60 points on average. Since then, norwegians have been significantly more satisfied, at the same time as the competition has hardened, and the prices have dropped.
the Graph below shows how our satisfaction with the mobile companies has evolved since 2004 (the gray line shows the business segment):

NEVER BEEN MORE HAPPY: The blue line shows the utvikligen in the norwegians ‘ satisfaction with their mobile operators since 2004. The business segment is measured separately and is the line in the gray.
“Overall, I have seen norwegians that the quality of mobiltjenesten have improved,” writes EPSI. They show the following:
- mobile phone coverage is perceived as better
- We believe we get good customer service
- And 6 out of 10 mobile customers experiencing 4G coverage, a strong increase from the last year
– That the entire industry has lifted itself so is extremely positive. In comparison to many places abroad and enjoying Norwegian mobile users well of great web experiences and robust networks. And our customer focus has consistently been stronger at the operators, believes Chess commander Andreassen.
Everything is however not rosy. Norwegians believe the response time can be improved. The proportion of customers complaining have also risen – and it is with Telenor klageandelen is the highest. Invoice and coverage are frequent klagegrunner, displays the measurement.
Other findings from the poll: One of the five state klagegrunn
- 50% have been a client in the same company for more than 5 years.
- 17% are considering replacing the company in the course of the next year.
- 38% believe it is perfectly indifferent which company they use, as long as the conditions are good.
- 31% have a remaining contract period on the current phone plan.
- 18% have complained or had reason to complain about their mobile phone company isa in the last year
- 58% responding that they consistently have 4G coverage (compared to 44% in 2015)
Source: EPSIs measurement of customer satisfaction in the residential market in 2016.
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