the GC Rieber Shipping and Rasmussengruppen create a new, jointly-owned company (joint venture) to supply marine geophysical services.
The new company will be renamed Shearwater GeoServices.
Shearwater should be an integrated supplier of marine geophysical services to the oil, gas and multiklientselskaper the world over. The company starts out with a fleet of four modern seismic vessel.

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Over time we have looked at the possibilities to establish a new geophysical company, based on the four høyklasseskipene we already own. In Rasmussengruppen, we have found a partner that shares our view on the opportunities that exist in the geophysical market at the moment, and just as important, share our vision to build and develop the Shearwater into a leading player in the industry, ” says ceo Irene Waage Basil in Rieber in a comment.
Rasmussengruppen has experience from investments in the maritime industries and oil services and the adf. the director believes there are interesting opportunities for the new company.
– Shearwater is from the beginning set up with a modern and cost-efficient fleet, an experienced organisation and a solid financial platform, ” says Day, Rasmussen said.
The family-owned Rasmussengruppen in Kristiansand, norway started up in international shipping.
during the 90′s, sold the group gradually out of the shipping business for rather to bet on property management and financial investments, according to Capital. In 2015 was the Day Rasmussen good for a 1.35 billion according to the newspaper, while Einar Johan Rasmussen had a fortune of 5.8 billion.
Shoots 60 million.
the Ships that are included are the Polar Empress, Duke, Duchess and Marquis. The partners will in addition provide 60 million dollars in equity and for the vessels have been negotiated new terms with the banks which includes a 75 percent reduction in payment compared with the original tilbakebetalingsprfil, until 2019.
the Loans is also extended up to the end of 2022.
Seismikkutstyr to be purchased from the earlier banks to Dolphin Geophysical, seismikkselskapet that went over the end at the end of last year.
The new organization will also be based in part on earlier Dolphin-employees, as well as new hiring.
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