Thursday, October 20, 2016

Strong third quarter for new homes – Today’s Business

Housing market

Sales of new homes so far this year is 15 per cent above the historically good last year, according to Boligprodusentenes Association. In particular sales of new apartments going away like hot cakes.

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- the Third quarter of 2016 was a very good quarter compared with the previous year both in terms of sales and start-up of new homes, ” says Per Jæger, managing director of Boligprodusentenes Association.

Figures from the association show that sales for the quarter ended 26 per cent over the previous year, while housing starts ended ten per cent over the third quarter of last year.

housing starts of homes year to date is now equal with the previous year. Leilighetsmarkedet is accumulated two per cent during the previous year, eneboligmarkedet is three percent over last year and småhusmarkedet is the same as last year, ” says Jæger.

Executive director Per Jæger in Boligprodusentenes Association. Photo: Fartein Rudjord

Historically good sales

housing starts in the third quarter of this year is the best third quarter the association has recorded since the poll started in 1999, and start-up in the last 12 months is four per cent over the preceding 12 month period. Sales so far this year is 15 per cent up from a historic well fjorårsnivå. Leilighetsmarkedet is accumulated 30 per cent over the previous year, while detached houses and småhusmarkedet is a below.

- the Sale has now had a growth since June 2014 when we look at the 12 months of the change. The change from the preceding 12 months, is 13 percent. Sales in the third quarter of 2016 is the second-best third quarter we have recorded since the poll started in 1999, beaten only by the third quarter of 2004, end Jæger.

Fear innstramminger

despite historically good numbers fear Boligprodusentenes Association of the proposed innstrammingene in Boliglånsforskriften will affect residential construction in Rural Norway. The association believes that the financial supervisory authority of norway has set itself blind to the problems in the housing market in Oslo with high price growth and low housing construction.

Read also: financial supervisory authority of norway will make it harder to get a mortgage

Will have stricter lånekrav in Oslo (DN+)

They suggest further tightening in banks ‘ ability to provide loans. It is wrong to give Oslo the medicine to the whole country. Innstramningene deprives local banks the ability to operate well bankhåndverk for their local customers. This will reduce the construction of residential properties in rural areas which in turn will drive house prices further in the weather, believe Jæger.

He points to the fact that residential construction is an important industry.

-And we can’t put jobs in rural areas in danger in order to solve Oslo’s boligproblem, ” says Jæger.

See the interactive prisgrafikk for all of the counties and calculate the inflation on your property.

also Read:

12 m2 55 per cent over the asking price: – It is really just a large bedroom

Oslo: Here you can calculate how much your property will rise in value over the next three years (DN+)


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