Should California break out of the united STATES?
the Question asked by aksjonsgruppen “Yes the California Independence”. The group was created as a consequence of the fact that the presidential candidate for the republicans, Donald Trump, won the presidential election.
33.2 per cent of the citizens in California voted for Trump. On Wednesday evening occurred the protests in several places in California, where also separatistaktivistene participated. They believe the political and cultural divide between California and the united STATES grows to it’s unsustainable.
— the Relationship between California and the federal system just doesn’t work, ” says one of the leaders in the organization, Marcus Ruiz Evans to the LA Times.
the Website advertises that California can become a powerful nation on par with France as “the nation” would become the world’s sixth largest economy, and that fewer dollars from delstatskassen would gone to “to fund other states”.

Fears trade war between the united STATES and China
— Inept president
For the first time enjoys the idea of a so-called “calexit” greater media attention. After inspiration from the Uk’s EU opt-out, see the initiators of the that the California will go from being a federal state to be an entity with full sovereignty in the united STATES.
the First step is to collect signatures in support of their own principles of independence referendum in 2019.
This is primarily aimed at that you have got a president who is inept. That one has selected the least qualified president ever, says professor Ole O. Moen, North-American studies at the university of Oslo to E24.
Moen has United states history, the supreme court and constitution as her specialty.
I can’t see that it can be a realistic option for this here, ” says Moen.
Can a state be an independent state?
That a majority of the british people surprisingly voted in favour of EU withdrawal in the summer, makes the idea of an independent California unless the unthinkable.
The big question is whether it is a legal right to secede from the united STATES.
While the procedures for the EUROPEAN union-withdrawal is regulated in the EU treaties, does the us constitution was silent on the question whether a state can break out of the federal union.
It is neither a grunnlovfestet access to the opt-out policy or specified procedures for how a state should proceed in order to achieve sovereignty.
In the aftermath of the american civil war appeared there is a case up in Supreme court discussed the freedom to opt out of the union. The so-called “Texas v. White”-case from 1869 brought up as a relevant legal basis for delstaters air to break out.
the supreme court ruling, which was upheld under the dissent states that the united STATES is an indivisible union, and that the states do not have a unilateral right to secede from the united STATES. Once a state becomes a member of the united STATES, the membership is irrevocable, unless there comes a revolution, or the state of obtain the consent from the federal government for secession.
– the Case is just a confirmation of the constitution. The constitution specifies a enveisbevegelse, one can enter in the union, but not out, ” says Moen.

Professor of the North-Amerikastudier, Ole O. Moen, has published several books about the united STATES, and believes that dissatisfaction with the u.s. electoral system is great after Donald Trump was elected president. The electoral system makes that the presidential candidate for the democrats, Hillary Clinton, lost even though she got over 400,000 more votes than Trump.
Groupings in the south want out
Texas v. White was Texas, which was an independent state for nine years, from 1836 to 1845, and the circumstances around the signing up to Texas separates itself from other american states.
Most are the most known from the south, especially Texas, where the actions periodically have flared up.
– It is a reactionary action from virtually bygdetullinger. It is a protestbevegelse which is quite irrational and has very little chance to succeed, ” says Moen.
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basically hear similar calls against less federal intervention at home quite far out on the right, according to Moen.
– It is a protestbevegelse against the federal state and at which control tightly the activities. It began with the civil rights movement in the south. The answer was to go out of the union, that would bring the power back to the states. When the resistance to central directives from Washington appeared, pointed protestbevegelsen on delstatsrettigheter (“states rights”), even if the subject really was racism. The requirement delstatsrettigheter is stuerent, but not as veiled racism, ” says Moen.
Little surprising threatened separatistbevegelsene in erkerepublikanske Texas with a new attempt on opting out, if the democratic Hillary Clinton would win the presidential election in years.

PROTESTING AGAINST TRUMP: Donald Trump (R) won presidentvalgt in the united STATES, fell many californiere heavy for the chest. Wednesday evening saw thousands of residents in Oakland, California to the streets to show their disgust against Trump.
Obama gave Texas-the movement of bones to go on
When the United states first african american president, Barack Obama (D), was re-elected in 2012, wrote 125.746 Texas residents under a petition for detachment, according to the NY Times.
the Case continues below the advertisement.
The white house answered the call to reject such access by reference to Texas v. White-case.
I have noticed the rhetoric around the Texas initiative. It spread to Oklahoma and other sørstater. It was primarily aimed towards Obama. There was racism inside the image there also, and the slogan is always states rights, ” says Moen.
Moen tells us that the uprising on the right is informal and bear the stamp of militsgrupper concerned about individual freedom.
In California has, on the one hand, the very individualists who believe in enkeltmenneskets omnipotence. But it is a rather widespread social conscience, which distinguishes them from movements in Texas, ” says Moen.
They passed a resolution now among other things the liberalization of the marijuana. They have a completely different attitude to the social and societal phenomena than that found among conservatives in Texas.
Other sources: Businessinsider, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the LA Times.
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