Sunday, November 6, 2016

DNB requires answers about the controversial pipeline – E24

This type of DNB in a message Sunday afternoon.

Our policy is clearly that we shall only finance projects which meet the DNBs requirements for environmental and social conditions. We have intensified the dialogue with our customers, and emphasized that respect for the rights of indigenous peoples is a fundamental prerequisite for us as a bank, write DNB in the message.

It has flared up considerable unrest in connection with the construction of the pipeline project, Dakota Access, which will transport oil to the south through several states from the Bakken field in the north of the united STATES.

DNB contributes to the funding of the development project.

the Resistance comes primarily from the indians, who believe that the pipeline will go over the areas that have great historical and cultural significance for them. They are also concerned about the environmental consequences of any accidents.

This has led to clashes between activists, police and security personnel.

Great dedication

DNB type in the message that they encourage to dialogue with the affected urfolkene to find solutions to the conflict.

“We have expectations that both the companies and the responsible authorities take the situation seriously, helps to curb the conflict and shows a willingness to find acceptable solutions,” says evp Harald Serck-Hanssen, DNB.

the Case has attracted attention beyond the u.s. borders. Among other things the sámi in Norway has helped to put the spotlight on the case here at home, and it has received attention in the social media.

DNB writes that they “sign that there is wide engagement around the project has contributed to the fact that both international organizations and the u.s. government has engaged itself in the matter”.

– We will ensure that we can vouch for our part of the prosjektfinansieringen. If our initiative does not provide satisfactory answers and results, will DNB to consider its further participation in the project, ” says Serck-Hanssen.

Norwegian interests

In addition to DNB, the Government pension fund global invested in the company by Energy Transfer Partners, which is responsible for the development.

Statoil has a significant stake in the Bakken field, one of the largest skiferoljefeltene in North America, but has no interests in the pipeline.

the Field is also named after norskættede Henry Ground, if the farm room is the original found in 1951.

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