the Differences in the housing market is the effect of urbanization. Pressures in the housing market is much larger in the cities. The bigger cities we’re talking about, the larger the labour market, ” says Christian Vammervold Dreyer, managing director of the Estate in Norway.
And the differences between town and country will only increase, he believes.
Thursday came boligprisstatistikken for October from the Estate of Norway, land value, Find. Prices rose 0.6 per cent, adjusted for seasonal variations, the 1.6 per cent. It is a historically strong boligprisutvikling, according to real Estate Norway.
House prices in Norway is characterized by large inequalities. For example, house prices in Oslo have risen at 89.2 per cent in the last ten years. Drammen has risen even more, 104,6 percent. The lowest sealevel, we find in Finnmark, 41,1 per cent, and Kristiansand in norway, 47.3 per cent.
But it is the average price that shows the biggest difference. Kvadratmeterprisen varies from 83.384 money on Frogner in Oslo to 15.864 million in Telemark outside of Skien and Porsgrunn.
- Several places are experiencing one apostasy of jobs. Hjørnesteinsbedriftene disappears, people move and it provides great challenges in the housing market. The phenomenon has lasted a long time. Inflation is a threat to labour mobility. It becomes more difficult to move from a smaller place, for example to Oslo in order to change jobs, ” says Dreyer.
“the Uk” is snittprisen for the entire country. Source: Boligprisstatistikken from the Estate of Norway, land value and Find.
There is a tendency for increasing differences between the attractive and less attractive boområdene, believes Roger Bjørnstad, chief economist and managing director of Economic analysis.
It forsterkeres that the housing market works in a way that segregerer the population. High house prices in an area makes that only those with high wealth and income settles there. There is an attractiveness in itself. Low house prices are attracting people with lower incomes, but also the business community in the area are characterized by less productive jobs and the economy, ” says Bjørnstad.
But there are also utjevnende effects. The growth in the cities of bleed on the surrounding areas, pendlerområdene, ” he explains. As long as you can get from home to workplace in the city.
20 per cent growth in prices until 2019
House prices will increase by 20 per cent until 2019, in addition to this year’s prisvekstanslag of 8.1 per cent, according to cost-benefit analyses the last forecast for the housing market.
They expect a lower rise in house prices than the national average in the counties of Møre and Romsdal, Nord-Trøndelag, Hordaland and Agderfylkene.
Source: Boligprisstatistikken from the Estate of Norway, land value and Find.
In the table above you can see that house prices in Finnmark has increased at least in the country in the last ten years.
- There are also areas in Finnmark, which has a greater attractiveness than others. It’s typical of the towns in the county of Finnmark which is the most attractive, as in the rest of the country, ” says Bjørnstad.
Oregon has increased among other things because one can commute to Oslo. People have taken advantage of the price difference between Oslo and Drammen, and has thus helped to equalize the differences.
the Differences in the housing market will only get bigger. The growth in Oslo will be clearly the highest, according to cost-benefit analysis, but also the counties around will have strong growth.
The weakest growth will be in Stavanger, the forecast for prices is six per cent higher than the current level in 2019, they believe.
Source: Boligprisstatistikken from the Estate of Norway, land value and Find.
the Numbers above shows what a typical home in the areas of cost, not the price for a gjennomsnittsbolig.
It is not so large price differences between the most attractive objects in the cities, according to Bjørnstad. The most expensive, new homes are not priced so differently in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim.
Source: Boligprisstatistikken from the Estate of Norway, land value and Find.
Stavanger will have a pretty demanding housing market forward. Prices have been blown up by oljeøkonomien. Now it’s reversed and it takes some time before the market has responded finished. But it is the low interest rates and people moving to the region, ” says Bjørnstad.
Source: Boligprisstatistikken from the Estate of Norway, land value and Find.
Activity can increase in Telemark
the Prices have been static regional in all years, stated Bjørn Erik Øye, partner at Prognosesenteret in our.
- Telemark, Hedmark and Oppland has always been the lowest in Norway. House prices mirrors the development of our society, and we have been a urbanisert, the service society in a great extent. When the industry is gone disappearing demand. Telemark has not followed through on the modern development, for example, stated Eye to us.
But when the public communication is improving in Telemark will the activity increase in the housing market, he believes.
Back in the 70′s and 80′s was the spread larger. Now the cities of the winners, and the problem is that it is not so easy to move, for example, from Telemark to Oslo. Many are bound by the residence because of the prices, ” says Eye.
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