Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Moves its headquarters to Switzerland partly because of skattehensyn – Dagens Næringsliv

Kongsberg Automotive

Kongsberg Automotive moving its headquarters to Switzerland. Is partly due to the skattehensyn, according to ceo Henning Jensen.

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the Company reported on Tuesday that they will create a centralized hovedkvarterfunksjon in Switzerland on the occasion of the restructuring of the company.

president and Ceo of Kongsberg Automotive, Henning Jensen, says to TDN Finans that the decision to add the future head office to Switzerland is partially due to skattehensyn.

– Need something that is close to our customers

until now we have not had a real headquarters, and we need something that is close to our customers. Ideally, there had probably been in Frankfurt, but where we have no presence today. Munich could have been a possibility, but Germany is completely not from a skatteståsted, ” says Jensen to TDN Finans.

Communications director Fredrik Tangeraas in Kongsberg Automotive points out that the background to establish an office in Switzerland also is driven by a desire to centralize management.

” We have had and have a decentralized headquarters. Some sitting in Germany, some in US, some in Sweden and some in Norway. The ceo has a desire to centralise, so that they sit closer together and can cooperate better, ” says Tangeraas to Dagens Næringsliv on Tuesday.

Lack of proximity to customers

He says that the reason that it is not Norway that receives the head office due to lack of proximity to customers.

– Moreover, it is not the place where we can recruit people with sufficient experience from the automotive industry, ” he says.

Kongsberg Automotive has today three factories in Norway, of which one of these will be closing.

But the technology centre at Kongsberg will if anything grow. But the part of the administration of our global coordination and consolidation to do, and that to a certain extent, sitting on the City today, will in the long term moved over to Switzerland, ” says Jensen.

Kongsberg Automotive started as a department in Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk in 1957 to make brakes for the company’s cars. In 1987 established Kongsberg Automotive as a separate company.

In 1995, the company was listed on the Oslo stock Exchange.


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