the Case is updated.
presidential elections-the shock has settled in Asia, and the indices rising on Thursday morning. Such is the situation for the benchmark indexes:
** the Japanese Nikkei 225 is up 6,04 per cent to 17.232,53 points.
** hong Kong index Hang Seng is up 1,85% 22.830,68 points.
** Singapore’s up 1,40% to 2.828,59 points.
** Korean Kospi is up 1,89 percent to 1.995,34 points.

Rec-fall after Trump-says: – Rec will be affected in two ways
Strong yen-weakening
The asian market went resolutely in less then presidential candidate Donald Trump was the way to victory on the night of Wednesday, while the european and american stock market got a boost throughout the day when the shock had settled.
Thursday morning brings Asia-market into more than it lost. The japanese Nikkei 225 is now 59 percent higher than before the election, and the dollar has strengthened a part against the japanese yen in the past day, which is good news for the japanese quickly.

the Graph shows stemningsskiftene in the Nikkei index in the past three days.
Risikoapetitten in the asian market was on the night of Wednesday absent, and the big concern in Asia is whether or not Trump will make earnest out of the threats of straffetoll and thereby trigger a trade war.
The surprising Trump-the victory also got the market to price in a lower probability of renteheving in December, which gave the weaker dollar.
A dollar cost on the smallest 101,2000 japanese yen by the close in Asia on Wednesday, while a dollar cost 105,5860 japanese yen Thursday morning. The japanese yen has been weaker against the dollar since July.

Think the Fed will still raise interest rates
Short-term gullprisopptur
The u.s. presidential election created well as large movements in the commodity markets, partly because handelsvalutaen dollar weakened broadly.
gold price cost 1.270 dollars per ounce before the results was ticking in from the referendum, and was traded for as much as 1.335 dollars per ounce on the night of Wednesday. Thursday costs an ounce of gold 1.283 dollars.
The virtual currency Bitcoin rose to around 30 dollar Thursday and costs now 722,26 dollar, after a small relapse.
on Thursday the falling price of oil something. Nordsjøolje traded for 46,32 dollars a barrel, down 15 cents, or 0.32 per cent. American light oil are traded 45,11 dollars a barrel, down 19 cents, or 0,42%.

the Graph shows how the gold price (spot) has moved in the past three days.
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