– I’m totally shocked, ” says merchant Anita Christiansen in the Narvesen shop at the national theatre in Oslo about the insane interest for veganpølser.
It was Friday 4. november that Narvesen has launched veganpølser in a total of five stores the country: two in Oslo, and a in, respectively, the Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim.
In the shop to Christiansen was the sausages torn away in the course of a few days. Monday she was out of variant chorizo, and Wednesday was also scraped for the variant hotdog.
– I had not kjempetro in advance, so I was very surprised! We sold several veganpølser than baconpølser on launch day – 250 veganpølser only in the course of the first Friday, ” she tells us.
– It was the customers who bought six sausages for himself!
On the day a week after launch, came a long-awaited replenishment from the manufacturer in Germany.
In the meantime, the hail of questions from customers who wonder when they get into veganpølsene again.
– There came, among other things, a gang of four from Sarpsborg, solely to eat veganpølse in Oslo that they had heard about. And so we were sold out. Fortunately, they were able to come back later in the day, ” says Christiansen.

FINAL NEW DELIVERY: Friday, a week after launch, could merchant Anita Christiansen finally pack up more veganpølser, after having been empty for a few days. The sausages were hastesendt from the manufacturer in Germany.
Got hastesendt several sausages
Also in the Narvesen shop in Oslo and in Bergen they were sold out for the sausages.
Head of communications and corporate responsibility Ida haavik, norway in the Reitan group, which owns the Narvesen-chain, tells us that they had to buy up the inventory for the German manufacturer and get the sausages hastesendt up with your own car.
Total 20.000 sausages are now booked.
E24 has written in the past about narvesen’s sale of krokodillepølser.
These sausages were a part of a campaign which also sausages of ostrich, bison and wild boar was sold.
haavik, norway tells us that these sausages was launched as a limited edition and was on sale in a few weeks.
– Bisonpølsene sold the best, and boar also quite good. Many were probably skeptical to taste krokodillepølsene, but that we had also expected, she explains.
Other short-term pølsekampanjer Narvesen has held include, among other things viltpølse, lammepølse, IPA sausage, and the so-called “ugly dog”. The latter was so popular that it now has become a regular part of the range.
– the Manufacturer has requested at least ten days ‘notice if we are going to come with an equally large order again,” says haavik, norway.
She has no idea, however, is not how long this order will last.
the Sale has gone very well in all testbutikkene, ” she says.
” We will do what we can to not have to go out again.
Collaboration with vegans
It has not been run priskampanje or advertised anything in particular for the sausages in advance of the launch. Reitan group, however, had sondert terrain:
” We did some strategic work in collaboration with the three vegans, who are also bloggers. They have helped us to choose the manufacturer and products and in addition spread the word. It seems that vegans mobilize very well, ” says haavik, norway.
That the choice fell on a German manufacturer was first and foremost because of the taste and quality of the sausages, ” she tells us.
– Also, we have not yet found someone who produces in the order of magnitude in Norway.
May become a permanent fixture
In the first place tests the now with veganpølser in store up to christmas, so to take an evaluation. Haavik, norway does not exclude that veganpølsene can be a permanent fixture in the range, but then it must be economically profitable to sell the product.
– Forward to now, the challenge has been that we have perceived that the interest has not been big enough. The product is not life made if there is only a very narrow group who buys it. There are also environmental considerations to take. We are dependent on having a certain sale, otherwise we get problems with shrink and we do not wish to. We hope we shall find a good balance, ” she says.

POPULAR: Veganpølsene come in two flavors: chorizo, as on the picture, and the hot dog.
In common with Christiansen’s haavik, norway overwhelmed by the response.
This is undoubtedly one of the most successful launches of our ever. It is completely hilarious, and apparently the long-awaited.
She points out that as more and more people choose a vegan lifestyle and that many in addition, fleksitarianere: people that are not solely vegan, but who choose vegan when they can.
We will eat healthier
It surprises me not that this is a success, ” says researcher Annechen Bugge at the Norwegian institute for consumer research (Sifo).
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a few years ago, she household “food in motion”-habits and found that 56 per cent refused to buy food in the kiosks and fastfoodsteder because the food was unhealthy.
virtually all who were asked the desired changes, and it went on that they wanted more fruit and vegetables and more wholegrain breads and cereal products. I think there is a large market for various kinds of vegetable dishes in fastfoodmarkedet, ” says Bugge.
Food in the go has become an important part of the Norwegian population’s eating habits, she points out.
the Offer that kiosks had at the time was completely in step with people’s wishes. I believe, therefore, that Narvesen do want to offer veganpølser now.
It is also not just vegans or vegetarians who eat vegan and vegetariansk food, ” says Bugge, similar to haavik, norway.
Around three per cent say they are vegetarian, while about 20 percent say they are interested in vegetariansk food, ” she says.
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