Monday, June 29, 2015

Norwegian firm drawn into the Brazilian corruption – Sunnmørsposten

It is the first time a Norwegian company mentioned in connection with the corruption scandal that rolls over Brazil and that many politicians are drawn into.

Monday sent Sevan Marine, based in Arendal, a stock exchange announcement that the company has hired a lawyer to investigate allegations that appeared in the Brazilian press about Sevan brasilfilials former chief Raul Schmidt Felippe Junior.

According to Brazilian media he received $ 20.6 million in the period 2011-2015 and relayed also bribes to executives of Petrobras. Schmidt was hired in Sevan from 2001 to 2007 and was an agent for the company also later.

According to media stories had Schmidt accounts in a Swiss bank, and some of the transfers to the accounts of his to have come from Sevan.

CEO of Sevan, Carl Lieungh, says he is confident that nothing irregular has happened in his time as chief since 2011, when the company was restructured and since has had little business in Brazil. (© NTB) (© NTB)


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