Høsten 2013 sluttet kanadiske Carl Janzen som sjef for Ikea Norge etter fire år.
Ifølge beregninger til Dagens Næringsliv, tjente Janzen over 25 millioner under Norges-oppholdet.
Janzens lønn, godtgjørelse og bonus økte fra tre millioner kroner i 2010 til 5,5 millioner kroner i 2013.
Som en del av sluttpakken, fikk Janzen med seg tre ekstra årslønner, cirka åtte millioner kroner – hvilket gir ham syv års lønn.
– Dette er riktig at Janzen i avtalen sin hadde krav på tre års etterlønn. Dette er ett år mer enn nåværende landsjef har. Landsjefene har individuell avlønning, og de forhandler selv om lønn. Ikea gjorde det bra i Norge i perioden Janzen var her, men jeg ønsker ikke å kommentere arbeidsavtalen hans ytterligere, sier kommunikasjonssjef i Ikea i Norge, Jan Christian Thommesen – og legger til at Janzen sluttet etter eget ønske.
Janzen har ikke selv vært tilgjengelig for kommentar.
Lik Nettavisen her og få flere ferske nyheter og friske meninger!
The Chinese look at the clock. Just three hours left. Being nice to come home after yet another workday at the reception of pines.
She says basically the same for all who turn at the counter. “Hey!” “Who are you going to visit?” “Fill in the form!” “He’ll come soon.” She makes days like. Monotone. As the robot spirit.
Last week the Vicar. Ei like a good mood. She did not get away as many as Chinese, yet it is as if all gather around her. They laugh and a chat.
The Chinese like this so so. She senses something sad when she thinks of it. She wonders where her own joy is gone.
Chief of customer is always working on a weighted list of current tasks. After being finished first task hooking she one after the other. The Chinese have been inspired by the method. What matters is getting ticked off the list.
The Substitute however uses a different method. She uses the list that gives room for the hustle and bustle.
Five of four hooking Kine of the last task in the current list.
It’s time to get home.
Cuts in album
It’s a broken record on the home front too. The grooves are deep and difficult to get out of. Tram ride home she thinks his next project. She thinks of the exercise. She spins her own movie. At the same place she stands, a little to the left column. She likes However, having the same coach. When she knows what to do.
“But she likes their other repetitions?”
“As porridge every Saturday?” She continues her own train of thought:
“Tonight gold number?” The scariest is well spoken between her and Ole. Always about the same old thing, children and jobs. All things being equal. “Is she been a copy of a mechanical trekkoppmus?”
Imagine what thoughts play live substitute can cause!
The rules must be followed
Autopilot get done with your day. She stays within the norm. She follows the rules. She asks seldom if it’s time to change something. How things are done is not significant.
She is good at pressing start and stop button. It is precisely what is driving to the autopilot. While other “pilots” enjoys the challenge of how to meet the current weather.
The trail is safe
The autopilot does not like the idea of changing anything. Whether it’s ideas, opinions, knowledge, or in adhering to various tasks. That and not knowing how to do things is unacceptable.
She does not like to go outside their allotted and beaten path. A large repertoire of emotions, dreams and thoughts are therefore rare opportunity to come forward.
She knows what she knows and sees little point in being challenged to new heights.
You as autopilot
How are the autopilot off with you? Define it, then it becomes easier to say it up! You get a richer life with being more present in what you do. Protects you against life?
Other role
Talk about presence, about how important it is for your project, you and your colleagues.
An autopilot hides much of its actually i. She covers the desire for something exciting. Learning something new requires time. It quickly becomes trouble in anything mechanical life. She is not present. She is somehow beyond themselves.
For those who recognize this, so there is much to be gained from turning off the autopilot .
The Chinese look at the clock. Just three hours left. Being nice to come home after yet another workday at the reception of pines.
She says basically the same for all who turn at the counter. “Hey!” “Who are you going to visit?” “Fill in the form!” “He’ll come soon.” She makes days like. Monotone. As the robot spirit.
Last week the Vicar. Ei like a good mood. She did not get away as many as Chinese, yet it is as if all gather around her. They laugh and a chat.
The Chinese like this so so. She senses something sad when she thinks of it. She wonders where her own joy is gone.
Chief of customer is always working on a weighted list of current tasks. After being finished first task hooking she one after the other. The Chinese have been inspired by the method. What matters is getting ticked off the list.
The Substitute however uses a different method. She uses the list that gives room for the hustle and bustle.
Five of four hooking Kine of the last task in the current list.
It’s time to get home.
Cuts in album
It’s a broken record on the home front too. The grooves are deep and difficult to get out of. Tram ride home she thinks his next project. She thinks of the exercise. She spins her own movie. At the same place she stands, a little to the left column. She likes However, having the same coach. When she knows what to do.
“But she likes their other repetitions?”
“As porridge every Saturday?” She continues her own train of thought:
“Tonight gold number?” The scariest is well spoken between her and Ole. Always about the same old thing, children and jobs. All things being equal. “Is she been a copy of a mechanical trekkoppmus?”
Imagine what thoughts play live substitute can cause!
The rules must be followed
Autopilot get done with your day. She stays within the norm. She follows the rules. She asks seldom if it’s time to change something. How things are done is not significant.
She is good at pressing start and stop button. It is precisely what is driving to the autopilot. While other “pilots” enjoys the challenge of how to meet the current weather.
The trail is safe
The autopilot does not like the idea of changing anything. Whether it’s ideas, opinions, knowledge, or in adhering to various tasks. That and not knowing how to do things is unacceptable.
She does not like to go outside their allotted and beaten path. A large repertoire of emotions, dreams and thoughts are therefore rare opportunity to come forward.
She knows what she knows and sees little point in being challenged to new heights.
You as autopilot
How are the autopilot off with you? Define it, then it becomes easier to say it up! You get a richer life with being more present in what you do. Protects you against life?
Other role
Talk about presence, about how important it is for your project, you and your colleagues.
An autopilot hides much of its actually i. She covers the desire for something exciting. Learning something new requires time. It quickly becomes trouble in anything mechanical life. She is not present. She is somehow beyond themselves.
For those who recognize this, so there is much to be gained from turning off the autopilot .
I september i 2013 forlot Carl Janzen (51) sjefskontoret på Ikea på Billingstad i Asker, pakket sakene sine og dro hjem til Montreal i Canada. Janzen forlot Norge i det stille, og uten at Ikea meldte offentlig at han sluttet.
Med seg hjem til Canada hadde Janzen svært mange millioner kroner.
Internasjonalt møbelkonsern grunnlagt i 1943 i Småland i Sverige av Ingvar Kamprad.
Bloomberg har anslått Kamprads formue til rundt 345 milliarder kroner.
Satt igjen med et overskudd etter skatt på rundt 29 milliarder kroner i regnskapsåret 2013/2014 (september til august).
Ikea-konsernet globalt har 303 varehus i 26 land og 135.000 ansatte.
I Norge har Ikea seks varehus: Oslo, Asker, Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim og Kristiansand. Et syvende blir åpnet på Ringsaker i mars.
Vis mer
Ifølge beregninger Dagens Næringsliv har gjort tjente Janzen over 25 millioner kroner på de fire årene han var landsjef for Ikea i Norge. Regnestykket er gjort basert på tall Ikea selv har oppgitt i årsrapportene sine, og er summen av lønn, bonuser og godtgjørelser.
Janzens lønn, godtgjørelse og bonus økte fra tre millioner kroner i 2010 til 5,5 millioner kroner i 2013.
Tre ekstra årslønner
Som en del av en sluttpakke fikk Janzen med seg tre ekstra årslønner, cirka åtte millioner kroner, da han sluttet. Det gir ham syv års lønn for fire års arbeid.
Totalsummen innebærer at 51-åringen i snitt tjente drøyt seks millioner kroner hvert eneste år mellom 2009 og 2013, noe som plasserer ham helt i Norges-toppen i sjefslønn.
– Dette er riktig at Janzen i avtalen sin hadde krav på tre års etterlønn. Dette er ett år mer enn nåværende landsjef har. Landsjefene har individuell avlønning, og de forhandler selv om lønn. Ikea gjorde det bra i Norge i perioden Janzen var her, men jeg ønsker ikke å kommentere arbeidsavtalen hans ytterligere, sier kommunikasjonssjef i Ikea i Norge, Jan Christian Thommesen.
Janzen hadde alt da han kom til Ikea Norge vært i den svenske møbel- og varehuskjeden i mer enn 20 år. Arbeidsforholdet i Norge var samtidig hans siste i Ikea. I dag er han sjef i den store kanadiske kleskjeden Penningtons.
– Landsjefstillingene er vanligvis åremål fra tre til fem år, og Janzen sluttet etter eget ønske, og flyttet hjem til Canada med familien. Han hadde vært veldig lenge i Ikea-systemet, og søkte nye utfordringer, sier Thommesen.
Britiske Carole Dawn Bates tok over etter Janzen i 2013. Hun har ifølge årsrapporten som helt nylig er levert til Brønnøysundregistrene, en årslønn på nær 2,8 millioner kroner i 2014. I motsetning til forgjengeren, som tilsammen fikk én million kroner i bonus de siste to årene, mottok ikke Bates bonus for 2014.
– Landsjefene forhandler sine egne arbeidsavtaler og jeg har ingen ytterligere kunnskap om innholdet, sier Thommesen.
Ikea i Norge økte omsetningen sin i siste regnskapsår (konsernet opererer med regnskapsår fra 1. september til 31. august), og solgte varer og tjenester i Norge for nesten 6,6 milliarder kroner, og fikk et overskudd før skatt på rundt 530 millioner kroner.
Mye telys
– Vi har hatt et godt år, med omsetningsvekst og økning i antall kunder. Samtidig har vi sett en liten nedgang i handelen per kunde. Det skyldes at vi har solgt flere småvarer som servietter og t-lys, mens vi har solgt forholdsvis mindre møbler og varer fra showrommene, sier Thommesen.
Dagens Næringsliv prøvde fredag ettermiddag å komme i kontakt med Janzen, både via telefon og epost, uten å lykkes.
Millioner kroner
2,9 %
5,4 %
Resultat før skatt
5,5 %
Trondheim: Ikea har anket dommen fra Oslo tingrett der møbelkonsernet tapte på alle punkter mot Skatt øst. Skattemyndigheten har ment at Ikea har drevet med «illojal skatteplanlegging» og har derfor krevd møbel- og varehusgiganten for 123 millioner kroner i ekstra skatt. Ikea har hele tiden nektet.
– Vi mener fortsatt at vi betaler skatt i henhold til lover og forskrifter, og har derfor anket til lagmannsretten. Vi venter nå beramming av ny rettssak, sier kommunikasjonssjef Jan Christian Thommesen i Ikea til DN.
The annual Arendalsuka August is quickly become an important meeting place for politicians, business leaders, journalists and PR people. Last year’s event was nearly destroyed by a bitter feud between Aust-Agder county and leader of the program, Oystein Djupedal, and chairman of First House, Leif Monsen, who until this fall was a member of the program committee in Arendalsuka.
Meeting place for business and politics every summer. Held for the fourth time this year.
All party leaders tend to run for party leader debate during the week. Last year was Prize winner and leader of the IPCC Rajendra K. Pachauri main guest. This year Gro Harlem Brundtland announced as a guest.
Oystein Djupedal, county of Aust-Agder, chairman Week program committee.
Arendal is host municipality, accountant and auditor for a week. In addition to Arendal contributes Aust-Agder county, Vest-Agder County, Kristiansand municipality and private sponsors financially.
The conflict was over who would have credit for Arendalsuka and how Djupedal and his colleagues would remove all traces of the country’s most controversial PR agency. First First House ‘logo removed.
Pr agency in operation from January 2010. caused a stir when it was started, because the former Minister Bjarne Håkon Hanssen and Undersecretary Jan-Erik Larsen joined as partners.
CEO Per Høiby came from his job as managing director and partner of JKL Group. Previously, he was an advisor to Defence Ministers Kristin Krohn Devold and Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen. Other key employees with strong political background is Torbjørn Giæver Eriksen, Morten Wetland, Tor Mikkel Wara and Morten Andreas.
Has created much debate because several of the staff have come from central political office and that knowledge about the political processes is one of the services PR agency selling.
Since last summer appealed before the trade Komm of PR veteran Hans Geelmuyden, urging Economic Crime to investigate First House ‘role in Troms Kraft case. Was later acquitted.
Then Monsen removed from the program. And finally – in October last year – was the story of how First House chief Per Høiby with Veidekke Director Kai Krüger Henriksen initiated Arendalsuka deleted from the event’s website.
“Nastiest I know”
10. March 2014: Just before midnight press Arendal Week program committee chairman Øystein Djupedal the send button. The former SV minister is furious at First House, PR agency where Leif Monsen is chairman. Monsen and Djupedal worked voluntarily for several years to establish Arendalsuka.
In the email writes Djupedal: “It is a burden that many in First House pretends that this is an event they have nothing to do with (. ..) I feel sick when I hear what First House has said the city how important they are (…) Considering what I and others contribute, so the choice is simple – if not Leif gets stopped First House’s sickening praise I can not be a part of this. I feel abused and is furious! (…) I’m not kidding, I spend my time on my rooted belief in democracy, and contrast of the nastiest I know, making money on democracy. “
Read the contents of the email here “So – very serious” (+)
Djupedal states that if he does not get his way, then “I’m going to write a mail to all I have invited this year and everyone I know not to participate. “
Among those who receive the email, is Arendals mayor Einar Halvorsen. He is head of the Council, Arendal Week upper body. Chief Harald Danielsen, secretary of the Council receives it too, like the other two in the program, Leif Monsen and editor Stein Gauslaa in Agderposten.
Pulled back the words
In 2008 Djupedal on jobbjakt after he had to quit as minister in 2007 and parliamentary period came to an end. Djupedal had conversations with Per Høiby about a possible job in PR agency JKL, where Høiby was boss. But towards the end of 2008 Djupedal asked by the government to seek county job in Aust-Agder. There he in October 2009. The first summer that county he sat down again with Høiby, then become manager of First House, to discuss a proposal by Høiby andVeidekke chief Kai Krüger Henriksen: A Arendalsuke, inspired by the Swedish success Almedalsveckan.
Tuesday this week asked DN Djupedal why he sent the email.
CEO Per Høiby (left ) and Leif Monsen in First House. Photo: Thomas T. Kleiven
– There is a private email sent from my private email address. You have requested access to it, and it has Municipal Affairs denied because they believe it is a private email. I am commenting therefore not email, says Djupedal.
– Why is it a private email when it deals Arendalsuka?
– Arendalsuka are not covered by FOIA. It is a volunteer project. Leif Monsen has driven an active effort to distribute it to defame Arendalsuka that project.
Two days after the email writes Djupedal an sms to receivers and says that the email was sent by mistake – it was written in affect. The harsh words were drawn, but the message was hard to get away.
Today denies Djupedal, Einar Halvorsen and Stein Gauslaa that email was the reason Monsen went.
But Gauslaa acknowledges that he knew of the email from Djupedal then commented conflict Fædrelandsvennen last year.
– The email was part of an ongoing discussion around the theme that we had stood ii years, says Gauslaa.
Would remove all traces
Already in Arendal Week first year, in 2012, was questioned what role First House played. Although the program and all involved insisted that PR agency had no influence on the content, it was established an impression that Arendalsuka on somehow was part of the First House. Company logo stood listed along with the other partners due Monsens volunteer effort in the same way as county governor logo are listed because of Djupedal efforts. None of them got paid. But the questions continued the following year. And it was hard to ignore the event origin. As it until last year stood at Arendal Week website under the title “How was Arendalsuka to”: “Per Høiby was the one who launched the idea (…) He mooted the idea of Kai Krüger Henriksen (…)”
Spring 2014 came it to remove First House. A week before the politicians, the press and PR people took Arendal, it became known in VG Djupedal on their own initiative had removed First House logo from web sites, program booklets and posters.
When the Council summed up the event in September was also Monsen removed. Chief Harald Danielsen suggested it formally in a note and Monsen got verbally informed that Djupedal had set an ultimatum. He would withdraw if Monsen was allowed to continue. Before the meeting of the Council began, took Monsen consequence of pressure and resigned.
– He voluntarily withdrew, saying Djupedal.
– You type in your email that First House must out. If not pull you and you want to call everyone you know and encourage not attend Arendalsuka. Then it is well not volunteer, but a threat?
– He resigned voluntarily. I am commenting whatsoever the mail.
Monsen was out. The logo was gone. Now remained only Arendal Week own description of Høiby and Monsen sites. In October disappeared that story too. Councilman Danielsen takes responsibility for it.
– We were very busy last year by removing all possible because of misunderstandings and doubts about connection to First House. The event we are now running is in all ways without such a link, he said.
– You would remove all traces of First House?
– Yes. We would not be associated with First House.
Spot on suit
As veteran Hans Geelmuyden think it was necessary to take Arendalsuka distance to First House because the company is so closed. Last year complained Geelmuyden competitor in for violation of the provisions on transparency in PR agency association comes ethical rules, but lost.
– For Arendalsuka was corroded with First House problematic because it could always be questioned theme choice and who were invited as speakers – because we do not know which interests First House represents. This would over time have weakened Arendal Week legitimacy, and therefore I think all bands had to be cut. I understand cleanup very well. Who will walk around with spot on the suit?
– This I have absolutely no comment responding Per Høiby.
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To find your own X-Factor
At this pole occurs trends first
Oslo: Chairman Leif Monsen in First House says he was sorry when Djupedal attack him. Until September he was a member of the program committee in Arendalsuka.
Monsen perceive Djupedal as emotional in conflict with First House, and wonders why he and Djupedal have so differing perception of the case and Arendal Week prehistory.
– I was sorry. This is something I have engaged myself in for many years, with the best intentions, says Monsen.
– Djupedal claim you have run around and leaked his private email. What do you say to that?
– The email he refers, was not of a private nature. He sent it as leader of the program in Arendalsuka and contents was about Arendalsuka. Therefore I believed it was relevant to council members in Arendalsuka. It was also why I leave it at my statement to the Council in September last year, says Monsen.
Despite having been interviewed in Agderposten subtitled “Arendal Week father”, dismisses CEO Per Høiby in First House that he has boasted of the agency relation to Arendalsuka.
– I’ve never experienced that Djupedal has said anything about this to me face to face. What he has said in other contexts, where I have not been present, I do not know anything about. This was another idea I got before First House was intended, says Høiby.
– We believe it is misleading to the consumers to use the term “homemade” when it is produced at the factory, says section chief Ingvild Tømmerberg Slettafossen FSA Indre Østfold and Follo.
FSA got a call about two years ago regarding the usage of the word and now they have concluded. Orkla will no longer allowed to use the word in connection with their food.
They have invested heavily in the concept of homemade, including when they launched the firkat “homemade” Grandiosaen with music.
– We have until February 9 to appeal to the central processing FSA and we intend to do, says communications director Dag Olav workforce Orkla Foods, the company that owns brands Nora and storehouse.
The products no longer gets called homemade Nora Homemade jams, “Grandiosa Our Homemade” and Nora homemade mashed potatoes, Nora homemade desserts, Nora homemade sauerkraut / cabbage / parisersurkål, Nora homemade cucumbers / beets.
– We have been in dialogue with the FSA on this issue and exchanged views, so we are not surprised. But we see that we have not been heard, says workforce.
– Misleading marketing, says the FSA.
– We believe this is incorrect information to consumers about the products they buy. Matin Formation is the consumer’s main tools to make conscious choices. Therefore it is important that this is accurate and correct, says Khalid.
She points out that they are based on the European legislation around the issue.
Read also: These foods you would never look any more
– The use of the term homemade interpreted strictly in both Denmark and England, she said.
– It is two years since you got the request. Why has it taken so long?
– It has taken longer than we wanted. We have had a lot to do and issues that constitute an acute health hazard being prioritized over matters like this, says Khalid.
Orkla: – Wrong to call this deceptive
Orkla began using “homemade »about jam in 1997.
They used this word because they believed that the product shit significantly from existing products on the market with higher content of berries and quality. Moreover, Orkla has informed the FSA that Grandosa Our home was chosen because it is square, has gripping edge and plenty of fill.
Nora homemade mashed potatoes called homemade because it is frozen and made of potatoes, while others potato mosses are made of powder.
Meanwhile informs Orkla Foods Norway that they believe the use of logos storehouse and Nora clearly indicate that products are manufactured in the factory.
– We have yet to hear from a consumer who believes these products are made at home in a kitchen, therefore it is wrong to call this deceptive marketing. Our use of homemade is a reference to the taste and not production methods, says workforce.
The Consumer Council is however happy decision.
-This is very good. We see too many selling words and phrases that do not make sense. The word “homemade” is one of them, says Gunstein Instefjord, Director food and trade in the Consumer Council.
Before Christmas they went through all the Christmas food, and ended up with a critical report on how food manufacturers mark this food.
– We have long called for a tightening of words and phrases that homemade, authentic, 100 percent natural, handmade and the like. Such expressions are often more misleading than enlightening. Labelling of food should be based on facts. We look sadly often the industry are pushing the limits of creating positive associations, says Instefjord.
Oslo (NTB): SAS hadde i fjor en passasjervekst på snaut 1 million reisende på norske flyplasser. Norwegians vekst var til sammenligning på 335.000 passasjerer, viser tall fra Avinor.
Toppkarakterer i seg selv er ikke nok hvis det er det «lille ekstra» som avgjør. Knut Masdal og Fredrik Holm Jansen har «det». Slik finner du din egen x-faktor.
- Alle våre interns utmerker seg ved at de er ekstremt flinke, smarte og har den «driven» som gjør at de i utgangspunktet skiller seg ut fra mengden. Men én intern kan ha en helt annen x-faktor enn en annen intern, sier rekrutteringsansvarlig Maria Brevik i Deloitte.
De siste fire ukene har Knut Masdal (24) og Fredrik Holm Jansen (24) hatt hvert sitt internship i Deloitte i Oslo. Begge guttene hadde det «lille ekstra» – noe som tidlig ble tydelig, ifølge Brevik.
- Når man blir innkalt til et jobbintervju hos oss er man i utgangspunktet god nok rent faglig. Svært mange har toppkarakterer. Men hvis man ikke klarer å fremheve sin egenverdi og formidle sin skjulte x-faktor – da er det lett å falle igjennom, sier Maria Brevik.
Knut Masdal fra Valdres ble olympisk mester i slalåm i ungdoms-OL i 2007. I dag er skiambisjonene lagt på hylla og i stedet spiller han 2.divisjonsfotball for Ullern.
- Et idrettsresultat alene gir deg ikke x-faktoren, men gode idrettsprestasjoner kan si noe om tilstedeværelsen din, at du liker å stå på, er godt motivert og mestrer tøffe arbeidsoppgaver. Knut måtte selvfølgelig svare på hvordan resultatene fra hans idrettskarriere kan overføres til arbeidslivet og en karriere i Deloitte – og det gjorde han på en god måte, forklarer Maria Brevik.
- Jeg har hatt fire hektiske uker her som har vært veldig lærerike, og jeg søkte meg hit fordi Deloitte kan tilby arbeidsoppgaver som trigger meg, sier 24-åringen, som går fjerdeåret på BI på siv.øk, retning Business, Law, Tax & Accounting.
- Ikke redd for å legge hodet på blokka
Fredrik Holm Jansen har en annen x-faktor: Han har vært leder for Næringslivsutvalget på NHH, og går nå sisteåret på Norges Handelshøyskole.
- Jeg har også, gjennom mindre verv, vært med på å arrangere Uken og NHH Symposiet og er veldig glad i utfordringer, sier han.
- Fredrik har bevist at han har lederegenskaper og særlige «people skills». Bakgrunnen hans avslører at han liker å utfordre seg selv og ikke er redd for å legge hodet på blokka. Dessuten var han flink i jobbintervjuet til å eksemplifisere hvordan vervene hans har forberedt han på arbeidslivet og forklare hva han kan bidra med her i bedriften, sier Maria Brevik.
- Må kunne fremheve dine egne sterke sider
Hun understreker at faglig styrke er helt essensielt når en nyutdannet søker jobb i et stort revisjons- og konsulentselskap, men hun er overrasket over hvor mange som ikke klarer å fremheve sine egne sterke sider når de kommer til intervju.
- Man må ikke være veldig utadvendt eller ha hatt tillitsverv eller toppidrettsprestasjoner for å si at man har x-faktoren, understreker hun. Du må bare være klar over hva som er din x-faktor og hvordan denne kan være viktig for en potensielle arbeidsgiver.
Her er hennes eksempler på typiske x-faktorer arbeidsgivere ser etter:
Særlige «people skills»: Du kommer godt overens med andre mennesker, du er flink til å smalltalke og blir godt likt.
Kommunikasjonsegenskaper og presentasjonsteknikk: Du eier rommet når du kommer inn og har en tendens til å vekke interesse hos andre.
Modighet: Du stiller kritiske, interessante spørsmål som utfordrer andre.
Entreprenørskills: Du viser et tydelig ønske om å skape noe.
Stort engasjement: Du brenner for en spesiell interesse eller viser tydelig engasjement for et felt.
Utstrakt ro og seriøsitet: Du er behagelig å være i rom med og viser at du er seriøs, selv om du ikke skravler i vei.
Særlig tilstedeværelse: Du viser med tydelige eksempler at dette virkelig er en jobb du kan tenke deg, du viser stor interesse for stillingen og evne til refleksjon.
- Ingen forventer at du skal være god i alt
Karriererådgiver Mette Manus i Manus Motivasjon er enig i at mange er dårlige til å «selge seg inn» på jobbintervjuer.
- Det hjelper ikke å ha toppkarakterer hvis alle de andre kandidatene også har det. Da må man ha tenkt nøye over sine sterke sider, ellers er det lett å falle igjennom. For å skille deg ut må du finne ut hva som gjør deg unik, samtidig som du fremstår seriøs og ærlig, sier hun til DN.
Flere studenter bør være mer aktive i studietiden for å bygge en sterk cv, for eksempel ved å engasjere seg i en organisasjon, mener hun.
- Det viser at du har stor kapasitet og ikke bare tenker på studier. Husk at ingen arbeidsgivere forventer at du skal være god i alt, de er ikke på jakt etter en potet. Men du bør være veldig klar over hva du er ekstra god på – hva som er ditt fremste fortrinn og dermed din x-faktor, sier Mette Manus.
Les også: Flyplass-testen – jobbintervjuets skjulte felle
Norwegian has each year eaten in on SAS ‘leadership position in the Norwegian market and has been on steady course towards the throne as the largest airline in this country.
Until last year.
When lost Kjos lot of buoyancy, and his company losing heavily terrain via a vis SAS.
Figures Avinor has prepared for Aftenposten illustrates recovery SAS: While English had a passenger growth last year at 335,000 travelers on Norwegian airports, were SAS ‘growth was at a scant 1 million.
With a growth rate of more than one million travelers have SAS increased its lead to its toughest competitor and now has 3.1 million more passengers than English at Norwegian airports. The distance between the two competitors have not been increased since 2009.
SAS: – Wages for hard work
– This growth comes after many years of systematic hard work to improve the product and service while we must be sure to curb inflation tickets. It pleases us extra much is that we see that we have a large increase among those who travel a lot and who often buy the most expensive tickets. We have an increase in this sector by 23 per cent last year, says CIO at SAS, Knut Morten Johansen.
Can compete with all funds
He believes explanation of the company’s major growth is that SAS has had the opportunity to compete on the entire product range. Norwegian authorities abolished in 2013 ban on earning bonus points on Norwegian domestic to vehement protest from English.
– With the reintroduction of bonus points inland, we have been able to sharpen the offer against the increasing proportion requiring efficient travel, says Johansen.
English: – Not aiming to become larger than SAS
Information Manager Lasse Sandakerveien-Nielsen says that Norwegians goal not to be greater than SAS in Norway, but to grow internationally.
– In Scandinavia route network for passengers among the best in the world and it goes without saying that with a relatively small population, growth opportunities limited. Therefore, we must establish ourselves and build us strong in markets outside Scandinavia, for example in the UK, USA, Spain and Thailand, says Sandakerveien-Nielsen.
He also points reintroduction of bonus points in Norway as another explanation that English is lagging behind.
– The results we see now. When bonus on domestic was reintroduced reduced airlines flight number back to 2013 levels. Both we and the Consumer Council warned that domestic supply in Norway could be reduced if the bonus was reinstated, says Sandakerveien-Nielsen.
TOI: – More exciting outside Norway
At Transportøknonomisk Department is not surprised that English is stagnating in the Norwegian market:
– Competition for Norwegians ticket money has been hard for many years between SAS and Norwegian, and what we see now is probably most of all a result of Norwegian’s stated strategy To facilitate growth more towards new markets. Kjos think enough that the most important in Norway now is to fill up the current capacity with passengers, while there are new markets that lures more and which has a far greater potential. In many of the new markets, such as England and Spain, is English today a small player and thus has significant growth opportunities, says researcher Harald Thune Larsen.
He also believes that the reintroduction of bonus points on the Norwegian market have helped SAS, but only to a limited extent.
I Beslutningen in konsekvens at BC Hydro Siste 10-15 Arene har gjennomgått endringer store, fra et KONGLOMERANT Flere satsingsområder med til you rendyrket aluminiumselskap egenproduksjon av med stor Elektrisk Kraft.
Man tar sikte bread Ordinas hardly salgsprosess der lokale Bade, norske og vil bli internasjonale Interessenten invitert til å legge inn bud.
Historisk fabrikk
Industrivirksomheten på Herøy startet etableringen av med på forsommeren 1929 Eidanger Salpeterfabrikker.
Gjødselproduksjonen skjedde med utgangspunkt and ammoniakk fra Rjukan.
Fabrikken ble under bommet krigen and forbindelse Med alliertes aksjon for FA stoppet tungtvannsproduksjonen på Rjukan. 57 Dode.
Virksomheten ble gradvis bygget ut med Forster OKT gjødselproduksjon biprodukter og fra denne, Sene fremstilling av med dian Annet PVC og magnesium.
på det meste 1960 and Hydro-Arene Hadde lag om på Herøy ansatte 6500.
80 selskaper
-Hydro har and årrekke gjort in stor for innsats utvikle industriparken å legge til rette for nye og virksomheter and Grenland. Resultatet at det er nå er om lag 80 selskaper med på ansatte 2500 Herøy, sier konserndirektør Eivind Kallevik and Hydro.
They opplyser at det er bare and dag om lag 75 Hydro-ansatte igjen på Herøy. In fleste av dem Arbeid med drift og utvikling av og ved Selve industriparken forskningssenteret.
-Beslutningen Selge er om å derfor in naturlig konsekvens utviklingen BC Hydro and bade og ved Herøy Industripark Siste of Arene, sier have.
– Ny eier and earrings lopeta av
Det er usikkert Hvor lang ta tid salgsprosessen vile, men med at Regner man in vile være på ny eier plass and lopeta BC earrings.
Det Hydro tar sikte bread Selge, er er virksomheten we samlet and Industripark Herøy Herøy AS og Nett AS, inkludert eiendommer, egne BYGG, Infrastruktur, elektrisitetsnett og anlegg for prosessvannforsyning. Om lag 50 ansatte vil bli med Salg ved et nytt eierskap and over.
Statistics from Warranty Realtor shows that prices of traded condominium apartments went up by as much as 5.1 percent in January.
Prices of condominium apartments is 5.1 per cent higher in January 2015 compared with December 2014. Average price per square meter for condominium apartments were in January 2015 at 30 577 million, while the corresponding figure in December 2014 was at 29.094 million.
Over the past 12 months, prices have risen by 8.6 percent. 12 months ago, the average square meter price of condominium apartments 28.164 million.
– Inflation in January is a great start to 2015. Prices rise normally in January, but that they rise so sharply this year is a bit surprising. Part of the explanation is the strong growth in some of the major cities, including Bergen, Oslo and Tromsø. If we see prices in the longer term, we see a relatively steady price increase. January Prices are 3.2 percent higher than in November last year, and 1.3 percent higher than in August last year, which is the month prices were at their highest, says CEO Stein Drog Seth Warranty Realtor.
More bid per dwelling Compared with the previous month, the number of bids this month. In January 2015, averaging 5.3 per bid condominium housing. This is an increase of 1.6 bids from December 2014, and an increase of 0.1 bids compared with the same period last year. Number of bidders per dwelling is 1.6 in January 2015. This is a decrease of 0.1 bidders from the previous month and a decrease of 0.4 bidders compared with the same period last year.
(Hegnar.no): Statistics from Warranty Realtor shows that prices of traded condominium apartments continued to rise in January and prices are 5.1 percent higher in January 2015 than in December 2014.
Passed new milestone
Average price per square meter for condominium apartments were in January 2015 of 30577 million, while the corresponding figure in December 2014 was at 29.094 million.
Over the past 12 months, prices have risen by 8.6 percent, from an average square meter price of condominium apartments 28164 million.
– Inflation in January is a great start to 2015. Prices rise normally in January, but that they rise so sharply this year is a little surprising, says CEO Stein Drog Seth Warranty Realtor in a comment.
He added that part of the explanation is the strong growth in some of the major cities, including Bergen, Oslo and Tromsø.
– If we see prices in the longer term, we see a relatively steady price increase. January Prices are 3.2 percent higher than in November last year, and 1.3 percent higher than in August last year, which is the month prices were at their highest, says Drog Seth.
More bids per dwelling
Compared with the previous month also rose the number of bids to an average of 5.3 bids per condominium housing.
This is an increase of 1.6 bids from December 2014, and an increase of 0.1 bids compared with the same period last year.
The number of bidders per dwelling is 1.6 in January 2015. This is a decrease of 0.1 bidders from the previous month and a decrease of 0.4 bidders compared with the same period last year, it emerges from a message from Warranty Realtor.
More news
When price becomes significantly higher These banks are Norway’s best – and worst Oil Fund buys London property 2.2bn .
The company Panther, which is owned by rapper Shawn Carter, better known as Jay Z, has purchased the company Aspiro at a cost of 464 million Swedish kronor.
Aspiro is best known for conducting flow service Wimp.
Schibsted owns about 75 percent of the shares in Streaming Media AS, which owns 76 percent of shares in Aspiro.
MOGUL: Shawn Carter, alias Jay-Z, manages the company Panther, which has now acquired Aspiro.
Photo: Matt Sayles / AP
– Not core business
Trond Berger, EVP and CFO of Schibsted, says there is great potential for further growth of Aspiro. But to grow, they need significant capital, as well as a strong and dedicated owner to compete in the global market for musikkstrømming.
He said that Aspiro is not regarded as a core activity for Schibsted, and that they want to move financial resources. NRK says Berger that they are very satisfied with the services they have received for Wimp and Aspiro.
– Schibsted has a strategy that is linked to media business and international classifieds. We will sharpen our strategy in these areas. For Wimp is better that a forceful owner with music heartland continuing product says Berger.
NOT CORE BUSINESS: Trond Berger Schibsted believes that Jay-Zs company will be better suited to lift Aspiro with its advanced music streaming service to a new level.
Photo: Roald, Berit / Scanpix
The powerful owner in question, is therefore the 45-year-old rapper and producer Jay-Z. Shawn Carter, as he was originally called, is already a very successful businessman and entrepreneur. He has a net worth of over 4 billion, and has been the owner of everything from clothing brands and basketball to real estate and record companies.
– Not clear the company to expand
In December wrote Dagens Næringsliv that Wimp planned to conquer the US market. Wimp has over half a million subscribers, mostly in Norway and Sweden.
The company has 12.5 million paying subscribers and over 50 million active users in 58 markets, according to its own website.
Editor Knut Kristian Hauger in Campaign says this about sales:
– Aspiro and Wimp is over start-up phase, and perhaps they have assessed that they have got a good deal on the shares and choosing selling because musikkstrømming not a core business with Schibsted. The company has not managed to lift Wimp further and that is probably why they have chosen to sell out, he says to NRK.no.
Neither Fredrik Bjorland, Director of Aspiro, or Trond Berger , Executive Vice President and CFO of Schibsted, has been available for a comment.
In 2013 placed the economy Journal Capital Helene Odfjell in 18th place on the list of Norway 400 richest, with a fortune of 6.5 billion.
In 2014, she had tumbled to 39th place, with 4 , 3 billion – and the downturn looks set to continue.
Now her rig shares priced at 1.39 billion on the Stock Exchange and with the wealth she would break to 157. place.
For the little sister Marianne, however, it was the opposite, writes BT. She disappointed in around 2.35 billion when she sold off the family company 16 months ago. Then Odfjell listed, Marianne sold its stake of around 30 percent.
The perfect timing to Marianne, is not because she saw the decline coming in the rig market. On the contrary, she asserts itself against the newspaper.
– The weakening of the rig market, especially since last summer, came as a surprise to us, she said.
– The IPO had many people worked in several years, and we were therefore naturally relieved that it was completed on acceptable terms. The weakening of the end of October 2013, and particularly the decline since last summer, came as a surprise to us, says Marianne Odfjell now has distanced his sister on billionaire list.
The Center runs against the flow when it comes to state ownership. Party will use roughly 90 billion on major acquisitions in five of Norway’s largest companies.
Thursday exhaust Standing Committee on Business and Industry recommendation on Government ownership report. While all the other parties in the committee will maintain or reduce government ownership, the Center rather increase it.
The Center gets Labor with in the acquisition of one of the companies, but is setting standing alone with the rest.
In setting proposes Center to increase government holdings in large listed state companies as follows:
In the technology Kongsberg from 50 percent to 68 percent.
In large bank DNB from 34 percent to 49 percent.
In aluminmiumsprodusenten Hydro from 34.3 percent to 49 percent. This ends Labor to.
In Telenor from 54 percent to 68 percent.
In the fertilizer producer Yara from 36.2 percent to 49 percent.
Overall price tag is 92 billion, barsert on the current share price.
Preparedness and security
Centre Party Geir Pollestad is the leader in nutrition committee. He divides acquisitions in Telenor and Kongsberg from the rest.
– Through purchasing more of Telenor we will have greater control with cellular and infrastructure for broadcasting. When the world becomes more complicated, it is important to have better control of the infrastructure, he said.
But he sees no need to own more of Telenor’s operations in Asia. Therefore he will share Telenor into two: “Telenor Nordic” and “Telenor rest of the world.”
He compares Kongsberg Gruppen with Statoil, where the state owns slightly above 60 percent. – Safety dictates that we should have greater state control in Kongberg Group, says Pollestad.
Shares in readiness
For Hydro, Yara and DNB he says that “it insofar has no purpose Owning more “. But he will have more state-owned shares in reserve to use shares as payment if any of the three companies will drive acquisitions or go alliances ermed others.
Then new shares used as payment without the State’s share drops under the control limit of 34 percent ownership. Pollestad heard on the companies want.
– The companies said to us in the hearing committee that they saw it as an advantage that the state slightly above the threshold of 34 percent. They will use shares as payment in strategic mergers, he said.
– How will you finance acquisitions?
– The state has the muscle to this if it wants it. State Firms Cermaq and Entra is sold, so there is room for this. It is a transfer of wealth that does not create additional pressure in the economy.
– What thoughts do you get around that you mostly do not get a result of Labor?
– It amazes me that some Labor will not be helping to increase its stake to keep state shares in readiness in case these companies will be included in strategic mergers. It comes to giving state enterprises maneuver, says Pollestad.
NRK miss 308 million in license revenues from Norwegians who only receive TV signals their over the internet. 120,000 households avoided license in 2014.
The number Norwegians just watching tv over the web has increased dramatically in recent years, and over time this may have implications for NRK financing. Since 2008, 90,000 more households avoided license by watching tv online, said Freddy Lysfjord, Vice NRK license department.
– The regular in the years up until then was that 1.5 to two percent of the household not had tv receiver, usually justified in lifestyle, religion or outdoor activities. In 2008 began the distribution of television via the Internet to take off fully. Today claims between five and six percent not having taxable receiver equipment, says Lysfjord.
Statoil var med på å dra ned Oslo Børs torsdag. Resultatene fra andre store oljeselskaper verden over drar ned investeringslysten.
Både Royal Dutch Shell og ConocoPhillips leverte resultater i dag. Shell tjener mindre penger enn ventet
Shell kutter investeringene med 15 milliarder og Total meldte tidligere denne uken at de kutter alle utgifter med 10 prosent. ConocoPhillips har allerede for noen uker siden varslet 20 prosent lavere investeringer, og økte i dag det til 33 prosent.
Selskapenes reaksjon på oljeprisfallet ble sterkere enn analytikerne hadde ventet, skriver FT.com.
Occidental Petroleum, den fjerde største amerikanske oljeprodusenten har også varlset investeringskutt på 33 prosent.
Opprettholder utbytte
Royal Dutch Shell fikk et justert CCS-resultat eksklusiv spesielle poster på 3,3 milliarder dollar i fjerde kvartal 2014, mot et resultat på 2,9 milliarder samme periode året før. Resultatet var ventet til 4,1 milliarder dollar.
Selskapet har vedtatt et utbytte på 47 cent per aksje, mot ventet 47 cent.
Shell erkjenner at investeringsnivået er under kraftig press på kort sikt som følge av de lave oljeprisene, men fremholder at dette «skaper muligheter» for å redusere selskapets kostnader.
Selskapet vurderer ytterligere reduksjoner i investeringsbudsjettet hvis markedsutsiktene skulle tilsi det, men sikter på å opprettholde vekstpotensial på mellomlang sikt.
Shell falt 4,9 prosent på London Børsen
Exxon er 1,2 ned på Wall Street
CononcoPhillips faller 1,1 i New York
Total faller 1,5 prosent.
Oljeprisen falt ytterligere onsdag, men har steget noe torsdag.
Statoil var med på å dra ned Oslo Børs torsdag. Resultatene fra andre store oljeselskaper verden over drar ned investeringslysten.
Både Royal Dutch Shell og ConocoPhillips leverte resultater i dag. Shell tjener mindre penger enn ventet
Shell kutter investeringene med 15 milliarder og Total meldte tidligere denne uken at de kutter alle utgifter med 10 prosent. ConocoPhillips har allerede for noen uker siden varslet 20 prosent lavere investeringer, og økte i dag det til 33 prosent.
Selskapenes reaksjon på oljeprisfallet ble sterkere enn analytikerne hadde ventet, skriver FT.com.
Occidental Petroleum, den fjerde største amerikanske oljeprodusenten har også varlset investeringskutt på 33 prosent.
Opprettholder utbytte
Royal Dutch Shell fikk et justert CCS-resultat eksklusiv spesielle poster på 3,3 milliarder dollar i fjerde kvartal 2014, mot et resultat på 2,9 milliarder samme periode året før. Resultatet var ventet til 4,1 milliarder dollar.
Selskapet har vedtatt et utbytte på 47 cent per aksje, mot ventet 47 cent.
Shell erkjenner at investeringsnivået er under kraftig press på kort sikt som følge av de lave oljeprisene, men fremholder at dette «skaper muligheter» for å redusere selskapets kostnader.
Selskapet vurderer ytterligere reduksjoner i investeringsbudsjettet hvis markedsutsiktene skulle tilsi det, men sikter på å opprettholde vekstpotensial på mellomlang sikt.
Shell falt 4,9 prosent på London Børsen
Exxon er 1,2 ned på Wall Street
CononcoPhillips faller 1,1 i New York
Total faller 1,5 prosent.
Oljeprisen falt ytterligere onsdag, men har steget noe torsdag.
Oslo Børs has left behind a red, eventful day. The main index ended down 0.4 percent to 596.59.
Turnover was 5.2 billion. So far this year upturn of 3.6 percent.
The monetary policy meeting in FED Wednesday evening was held monetary policy meeting of the US central bank. They decided to keep its key rate at 0 to 0.25 percent, and there was no signals that it will be set up soon.
The message from the last meeting were broadly repeated, and it goes out that the interest rate will be kept below normal while yet, but that if inflation picks up faster than expected, it may be necessary to raise interest rates earlier than expected. And inflation is expected to fall further in the near future.
Oil prices Brent oil rises 1.3 percent to $ 49.06 a barrel, while the US WTI -Oil is up 0.4 percent to $ 44.63 a barrel.
The oil is now trading near the lows for the past six years, after growth in oil stocks in the United States Wednesday were reported twice as high as the market had expected . This underpins the expectation that the global oil surplus will last a long time, writes Bloomberg News.
Statoil bang index Heavy Statoil fell back 3.5 percent to 128.40 million . Turnover was 1.1 billion.
Statoil will be forced to cut both investments and dividends, think analyst Christian Yggeseth in brokerage Arctic Securities according DN.
– Prospects for the company’s operating cash flow has fallen quite significantly. It was already before the oil price started to fall, in a situation where it had the opportunity to cover dividends and investment with the operational cash flow, says Yggeseth.
Shell came Thursday with weaker than expected numbers.
– Major European oil companies get a beating today as a result of Shell report, says analyst John Olaisen in ABG Sundal Collier TDN Finans.
The market, however, focuses mostly on that Shell will cut operating investments ( capex) with $ 15 billion in the period 2015-2017, which was considered too small.
RCCL bang Cruise company RCCL came with weak quarterly and even more disappointing guiding. The company expects an adjusted EPS of 0.10-0.15 dollars in the first quarter 2015, while the expectation has been at $ 0.45.
The guidance for 2015 is 4.65 to 4.85 dollars, against expecting $ 5.07.
Adjusted EPS was $ 0.32 in the fourth quarter 2014, compared with expected $ 0.46 and from 0.35 to 0.40 guided dollars.
RCCL shares reached a new all time high on Wednesday. Thursday plunged the stock 7.3 percent to 601.50 dollars.
Worst shares plunged more than 70 percent SeaBird Exploration Plc sent Thursday out a comprehensive message about restructuring .
The company has signed an agreement with the majority of bondholders, Frederik Mohn Perestroika AS (convertible loans), individual creditors and advisors within restruktuering a principles around a restruktureing of the company.
stated inter alia that the company must obtain at least $ 8.5 million in a private placement. $ 6.5 million is already guaranteed issue price 0.10 million. Perestroika subscribing for $ 2.5 million and guarantees for a million dollars.
Seabird has been suspended since October 1 last year. After the suspension was lifted plunged 70.5 percent share to 0.28 million.
Analysis lifted DNB Goldman Sachs upgrade according to an analysis update its recommendation on DNB ” buy “with a price target of 144 million, writes TDN Finans.
DNB rose 4.3 percent to 111.90 dollars in heavy trade; 577 million.
Will increase the issue authorization John Fredriksen Frontline announced Thursday that they have applied the SEC to raise the issue authorization to Morgan Stanley, so that the proceeds will be increased from 100 million dollars to $ 150 million.
This is according to the company is no guarantee that an issue will be carried out.
The share plunged 15.2 percent to 20.60 kroner. It is clear that the big New Year’s rocket has landed with a bump.