Saturday, January 24, 2015

We import beef while we paint up our own – Aftenposten

We import beef while we paint up our own – Aftenposten

Last year it was imported three times as much beef as in 2000. Currently, trade statistics from Statistics Norway show that last year we imported altogether 3621 tons tenderloin , sirloin and other beef – either fresh or frozen. Most of this beef meat came from countries such as Namibia, Uruguay, Botswana, Swaziland, Brazil, New Zealand and the Netherlands.

Frøydis Bjerke, manager in meat industry Agency Animalia, it seems paradoxical that the market cries out for steak – which leads to rising imports – while steak and filet of Norwegian cattle milled.

As Aftenposten has recently written, templates Norwegian slaughterhouses up including “Flat iron steak” – beef located in the shoulder, and that is as tender as tenderloin.

Watch the video about how the bull you find the most tender steak:

Here’s the most tender steak

See where the butcher finds the very most tender steak on a beef slaughter.

Ethical and nutritional concerns

Bjerke believes both ethical and nutritional considerations should indicate that in Norway should spend more pure meat from the whole animal.

– When very much crushed to mince, we also get to us more than desired with salt and fat, she says.

Norwegian slaughterhouses templates up a much larger part of a cattle slaughter than one does in eg. both France and the United States.

Chief Adviser in Animalia believes there are several conditions that must be changed in order to exploit several Norwegian cutlets better. She points on everything from attitude change in slaughterhouses to increase knowledge among consumers.

Calls for better marketing of bogbiffer

– Many people will not change their routines before they are completely confident to monetize it , she says and points out that if one is to sell “flatiron steak” and other tender parts of animals, all links in the chain act simultaneously. Slaughterhouses must begin to carve out pieces and they must be marketed properly so the demand for more cutlets are there, she said.

Bjorn Tore Teigen in Matprat think demand for example. “Flat iron steak” would increase if restaurants and other foodservice began to prepare the meat so that people became aware of it.

– People choose not these meat counter if they are not specifically recommended, he says and points out that not all stores have staffed meat counter. He also points out that the stores quickly give up if a product does not sell.

Published: 24.jan. 2015 8:51 p.m.


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