Saturday, February 28, 2015

More and more will be health workers and teachers – Aftenposten

More and more will be health workers and teachers – Aftenposten

A significant increase in the total number of applicants, and marked increases in applications for health sciences, business administration and technology and science studies characterize the number of applicants to higher education recent years.

Health subjects maintains its position as the most popular field to search in. But the technology and science studies, as well as financial and administrative studies have also experienced a significant seeking growth.

Deficit of teachers and health workers

Health subjects – as in the graph above include, among other medicine, nursing and social work subjects – are experiencing growth in such periods because many draws against the public when the labor market is harder. It believes Terje Naess, a researcher at NIFU, Nordic Institute for Education Studies.

– We see it both on the influx of health sciences and teacher education. If the labor improves, it is not unlikely that a search there also declines, he said.

But it will not necessarily be so fooled. According to Statistics Norway estimates of the professions community will have the greatest need in the future, comes just health and teachers well. It looks worse for students who choose economic and administrative sciences.

The projection estimates that in 2025 will be:

  • Deficit of just under 40,000 teachers with short higher education.
  • Deficits of around 35,000 people in nursing and care worker.
  • Profits at around 60 000 graduates with education in economics and business administration.

– Students adapts

Naess believes that prospective students are quick to adapt signals from industry.

– The increase in applicants for finance and administration may be due to the great expansion in capacity. But we see that the applicants are pretty quick to adapt the signals they receive from the industry, he said.

– Decrease in applicants for such media studies are the consequences of media coverage about bad times in the industry.

Jus most popular last year

Although overall health sciences who has the most applicants to the field, it was in 2014 Law at the University of Oslo who was the most popular program, with 2115 applicants. This was followed by MBA studies at NHH. Total searched 120,000 people higher education last year.

– Much of the large increase in number of applicants in recent years reflects poorer labor. When the labor market is tougher, more students applying to higher education, says Næss.

He has followed applicant numbers developments since 2000, and justifies a part of the growth of the labor market, greater numbers of young people, and an active education policy.

– When labor improves and growth in youth cohorts fades, probably also rise in the number of applicants to higher education to go down, he said.

Published: 28.feb. 2015 9:45 p.m.


Audi foretaste of upcoming Avant models – HegnarOnline

Audi foretaste of upcoming Avant models – HegnarOnline

At the upcoming Geneva Motor Show, which opens next week, shows Audi concept car “Audi prologue Avant”.

The concept car offers a taste of future design simultaneously displaying technology that is almost ready for production.

At the Auto Show in Los Angeles last fall showed Audi concept car “Audi prologue” – a foretaste of Audi’s future design language, the once designed as a large coupe. Just four months later now appear soon a new variant, “Audi Avant prologue” – a new interpretation of Audi Avant-philosophy.

The big station wagon combines dynamics, form and function, with a length of 5.11 meters and a width of 1.97 meters is the “Audi Avant prologue” the voluminous car. Meanwhile proportions both sporting and elegant. The lines are sharp and the silhouette is characterized by multiple forms and curves than the current station wagons from Audi

The driveline is taken from upcoming Audi Q7 e-tron quattro, but “Audi prologue Avant” has the effect been even higher. This means that the plug-in hybrid has a total power of 455 hp and a torque of 750 Nm. 3.0 TDI has 353 hp, while the electric motor contributes up to 100 kW. Forces allocated to the quattro permanent all-wheel through a Tiptronic automatic transmission.

The electric range is 54 km.

“Audi prologue Avant” is just one of the new Audi show at the Geneva Motor Show which opens next week. The concept car will be joined by, among other new Audi RS 3 Sportback and Audi R8. will be present during the press day in Geneva Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 March and come with current news and pictures on our site and OBI Car Facebook.


State oil company gave up 2 billion by Johan Sverdrup –

State oil company gave up 2 billion by Johan Sverdrup –

Johan Sverdrup field is located in licenses 265, 501 and 502, and extends over approximately 180 square kilometers.

Licensees in PL 265 : Statoil (operator, 40 percent), Petoro (30 percent), the Norwegian oil company (20 percent) and Lundin Petroleum (10 percent).

Licensees in PL 501 : Lundin (operator, 40 percent), Statoil (40 percent) and Maersk Oil (20 percent)

Licensees in PL 502 : Statoil (operator, 44.44 percent), Petoro (33.33 percent) and the Norwegian oil company (22.22 percent)


Gave away billions on Johan Sverdrup – HegnarOnline

Gave away billions on Johan Sverdrup – HegnarOnline

After two secret meetings with oil and energy Tord Lien turned state’s own oil company Petoro, and gave the final stages of the workings of his extremely valuable holdings in giant field Johan Sverdrup, writes DN.

The day before the deadline went out on Friday 13 February, stood Petoro in a letter hard that the company should have a larger share of this giant field Johan Sverdrup.

The proposal Petoro accepted Thursday night should have been close to the proposal Petoro sharply criticized In the letter Thursday morning. The big difference was that Gunn Wærsted and CEO Grethe K. Moen meanwhile had been two meetings with its owner and regulator, Petroleum and Energy Tord Lien (FRP), writes DN.

Minister to a meeting Thursday have put considerable pressure on all the chairmen of the companies involved – Petoro, Statoil, the Norwegian oil company, Maersk Oil and Lundin – that they should arrive at a solution.

Should the project been postponed by one year, it could according to DN cause a loss of 20 billion in present value. The Minister was also keen to get started a development that could provide major assignments for the supplier industry in oil downturn.


Norwegian hit by strike today – P4 Radio Hele Norway ASA

Norwegian hit by strike today – P4 Radio Hele Norway ASA

70 piloter tas nå ut i streik i Norwegian.

Oslo  20150227.Norwegian fly på bakken på Gardemoen fredag. Blir det streik lørdag eller ikke??Foto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix Foto: Scanpix / NTB scanpix

Oslo 20150227. Norwegian fly på bakken på Gardemoen fredag. Blir det streik lørdag eller ikke?? Foto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix Foto: Scanpix / NTB scanpix

Det ble klart da partene i natt etter å ha meklet en halvtime på overtid gikk fra hverandre.

I følge pilotenes forening, Parat vil streikeuttaket i første omgang vare til tirsdag, og fra onsdag vil streiken trappes opp.

Striden i forhandlingene står om lønn knyttet opp til pilotenes pensjonsavtaler.

Norwegian håper streiken ikke vil gå ut over passasjerene.

Norge tok gull igjen

Norge tok gull igjen

Vi slo svenskene på innspurten!


English fetches pilots from abroad during strike: – It is reprehensible –

English fetches pilots from abroad during strike: – It is reprehensible –

(Dagbladet): Norwegian pilots go on strike after negotiations broke down night.

The strike was set to approach in already from today and at 09.00 today held early held fagoforeningen Parat a press conference about the strike.

– We did not get a collective agreement negotiations. and we can not find ourselves in, says Halvor Vatnar, leader of Norwegian pilot unions, after negotiations broke down.

– This is very regrettable, but it had to be that way. Today there are 70 pilots strike. From Wednesday, all 650 Norwegian pilots go on strike, because we have not come to a collective agreement. Specifically how many days it will last is hard to say, but it will take the time it takes, says Hans-Erik Skjæggerud leader in Parat.

– English did not give any in the negotiations, said Vatnar pilot union.

– Reprehensible

Friday wrote Dagbladet that a dozen pilots are heading from abroad – Spain and / or England – to Oslo and Copenhagen if necessary to be inserted for Norwegian pilots that may be taken out on strike from Saturday morning. – We see that English will hire external pilots who organized strikes wrestling, says Vatnar.

– When the one party does something that prevents a strike, it is condemnable. It makes our system does not work. I am unsure whether Norwegian recognize the consequences of what they do, says Skjæggerud.

– Will get passengers up
– We are confident legal reason. The main thing for us is that passengers should get to where they should, whether they are going on vacation or home. When the subsidiary where pilots are employed, can not deliver the service airlines need, we must obtain the services provided by other companies in the English-familenfeier. This concerns today about 35 pilots too small to carry the current flyprogram. When we insert captains who works in the administration that our passengers will be looking forward, says Lasse Sandakerveien-Nielsen, Chief Norwegian Dagbladet.

– Parat believe you undermine the strike as a means of filling in with foreign pilots. What do you say to that?

– We note that they are concerned about foreign pilots, but the point here is that we collect services from its own airlines company to conduct weekend flights, he says .

– How hard will strike go beyond the passengers?

– The goal is that we will carry out the flight program virtually normal. We will manage to cover up for the program today, but there are never any guarantees against delays. Stay tuned on our website and social media, says Sandakerveien-Nielsen.


The unions and shop stewards were clearly disappointed with what they got to the negotiations with airlines.

– It amazes me that we still have to negotiate tariff in a Norwegian company, a deal we agreed for over a hundred years ago in Norway, said pilots representative Halvor Vatnar.

– I take it for granted that English follow Norwegian laws and regulations. Had there been talk of cutbacks, we could understand it, but this is a time of expansion for us, so this I do not understand, he said.

Federation and the English-union criticized English their business model, partly because they draw foreign pilots.

Head of the pilots in English, Halvor Vatnar, saying they were willing to discuss insurance, pensions and working hours.

– We have added loss of license-insurance in the pot, we have added performance board, we’ve been willing to adapt working hours and more flexible arrangements without any solution, says Vatnar, according to NTB.

Dagbladet presented Friday an overview of how you as a customer are affected by the strike and what you are entitled to:

You will receive information from the airline. If you have not received information that the plane is actually set, you must meet up at the airport.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Broken English-mediation – 70 pilots involved in a strike – E24

Broken English-mediation – 70 pilots involved in a strike – E24

halvtime overtid Natt til på lørdag outbreak forhandlingene mellom Nho Luftfart og YS-forbundet Stopped fullstendig Sammi.

At meglingen endte med at Brudden betyr 70 Norwegian pilot Bryter streik ut fra og med lørdag morgen. Samtlige av disse var ikke imidlertid Satt opp på flyginger and Helga.

Her kan du lese mer om du Hvor lish rammet streiken BC, g d ette kan du Krėvė – time for time.

Varsler storstreik

We Samtidig lysene ble slukket hos Riksmegleren, Leder varslet for pilotene and Norwegian, Halvor vatn, at streiken vile traps opp kolossalt onsdag.

650 Da vile dung anvil ut streik.

– I morgen 70 av er Vares pilot streik, onsdag kommer fra og ingen av med på jobb Vares dung. Er alle da Vares pilot streik, sier til vatn E24.

– Wine beklager den ulempen dette medfører passasjerer for Vares, men and vi har ikke noe denne Saken valgus in tariffavtale Må vi .

Dette betyr at NAERO samtlige av de vil være skandinaviske pilotene and streik, ikke om Norwegian bikers kravene Brother innen onsdag Stopped, Stopped ifølge.

Streiken er den andre and Norwegians historical, og er et av Helt Annet enn fjorårets Kalibo, René Gustavsen kabinansatte da ble TATT ut and énmannstreik.

Nho Luftfart: – From ansatte Forster ikke behovet

Administrerende Direktor for Luftfart Nho, Thorbjørn LOTH, forteller E24 at avstanden mellom ledelsen and Norwegian pilotene og er stor.

– In ansatte Forster ikke behovet For a tilpasse kostnadsnivå og mer gjøre selskapet konkurransedyktig internasjonal konkurranse for toffee, forteller LOTH minutter etter forhandlingene tok slutt.

På hvilke Punkt var avstanden størst?

Plassoppsigelse og plassfratredelse:

  • Plassoppsigelse: Individuelle arbeidsavtaler medlemmene for BC in arbeidstakerorganisasjon Sies opp for a kunne iverksette streik. Dette Må paths ut 14 for Dáger in eventuell streik. Lish SendTo Når det ut om varsel plassoppsigelse Gar-tariff forhandlingene til tvungen mekling, og riksmekleren Koblin inn.
  • Plassfratredelse: Det Antall plassoppsagte we faktisk anvil ut streik. Hand varsles fire in Dáger for eventuell streik. Vanligvis paths you slikt varsel ut fire Dáger for Frist for tvungen mekling Gar ut.


– Noen av er at problemene of grunnleggende of ansatte ønsker in tariffavtale knyttet til morselskapet, og den at skal has virkeområde utenfor Norge.

– Det er å umulig Helt has slik avtale in Skandinavia for samlet sett. Det betyr and praksis at hand ønsker å eksportere of norske kostnadene ut and green og det er ikke bærekraftig and toffee internasjonal konkurranse, sier have.

Stopped varsler kraftig opptrapping in BC streikeuttaket førstkommende onsdag til 650 balls. Hvordan Stiller ledelsen seg til det omfattende streikeuttaket we varsles fra og med onsdag?

– Sa lenge of Folger spillereglene Må wine bare ta det til etterretning, sier LOTH .

Stopped: – MA has tariffavtale

Norwegian pilotene og har på roket uklar in Rekke Punkt, We omhandler Pensjon, arbeidsdager Antall, større fleksibilitet, Lonn og forsikring (ie faktaboks).

Halvor vatn RETTER kraftig kritikk word Norwegians opptreden under forhandlingene, og har hevder SELV Stopped vært villige til å diskutere forsikring, Pensjon og arbeidstid.

– Fray Vår side, har vi vært Villiger til å diskutere high sier til E24 have.

– Vi har lagt Loss of License forsikringen and Potter. Vi har lagt ytelsespensjon and Potter og vi har lagt arbeidstid fleksible Ordning and Potter. Svaret Brother arbeidsgiver er ikke kan at the leve med på begrensninger in tariffavtale we Legg ary operasjoner.

They forteller det er ikke noe mer om å forhandle.

– Vi har ikke noe å g – for tariffavtale Må in vi, understreker have.

– Undergraver den norske Modellen

Stopped for Leder, Hans-Erik Skjæggerud, heller ikke er nådig Norwegian word, og sier selskapet undergraver den norske Modellen.

– Vi har stor Respekt for Effektiv rasjonell og drift, men det er å umulig akseptere at selskapet diktere og skal lage egne Regler and we praksis gjør at the Organisers sec bort fra grunnleggende spilleregler and bade og norsk arbeidsliv internasjonal luftfart, sier Skjæggerud.

New Norwegian employees taken out on strike –

New Norwegian employees taken out on strike –

(Dagbladet): Just before the clock 01 by Saturday night it was announced that there will be a strike in English from Saturday morning.

Already Wednesday did Norwegian Pilots Union (NPU) it is clear that 70 English-employees will be in strike from Saturday morning if the mediation with the airline Norwegian leads.

– We are continuously evaluating further escalation of the strike, said NPU leader Halvor Vatnar.

Now escalation plan ready.

– We take consecutively out the rest of the Scandinavian pilots and 650 pilots will be on strike in a short period of time, say Vatnar.

From Wednesday will strike outlet stepped sharply and thus will close all Scandinavian pilots be on strike.


While Norwegian leadership would rather talk about their demands for cuts and wage freeze, the pilots most concerned with getting stopped what they see as a brutalisation of industry which they believe English are spearheading.

Holiday Cut from up to seven to five weeks, the transition from defined benefit to defined contribution pension, sharp reduction in insurance payments to pilots who have lost the license, pay freeze in 2015 and a “ flexibilization “the current arrangement with five days at work followed by four days off, according to Norwegian management the main requirements.

The pilots would rather talk about rights and job security. They require a collective agreement with that pilots “real employer”, ie the parent company Norwegian Air Shuttle.

They also require equal agreements for all airlines pilots in Scandinavia.

The reason is that they fear that employees pilots shall squeezed out and replaced with contracted “casual laborers” from staffing companies.

– Impossible

Head of Federation, Hans-Erik Skjæggerud, believes the company’s unwillingness to cooperate undermines the Norwegian model.

– We have great respect for the effective and efficient operation, but it is impossible to accept that the company will dictate and create their own rules, which in practice means that they organize themselves away from basic rules in both Norwegian working life and international aviation says Skjæggerud.

English-Bjørn Kjos apologize to those affected.

We apologize strongly the uncertainty that has been created towards our passengers . Our goal has always been to avoid strikes and get a solution and peace in the company. Now we’ll do what we can to safeguard the affected passengers the best possible way, says CEO Kjos.

Here you can read what requirements you have by the strike.


Broken English-mediation – E24

Broken English-mediation – E24

Saken oppdateres.

halvtime på overtid ga partene and Nho Luftfart forbundet Stopped opp og YS-sec FREM til å forhandle enighet Natt til lørdag.

At meglingene endte med Brudden betyr at 70 Norwegian pilot Bryter streik ut fra og med lørdag morgen. Samtlige av disse var ikke imidlertid Satt opp på flyginger and Helga.

Her kan du lese mer om du Hvor lish rammet streiken BC, g d ette kan du Krėvė – time for time

Varsler storstreik

Ifølge for pilotene and Leder Norwegian, Halvor vatn, vile streiken traps kolossalt onsdag opp.

– Vi tar fortløpende ut av subtracted from 650 dung Skandinaviske pilotene og vil være and streik and lopeta kort tid av, sier vatn.

Dette betyr at NAERO samtlige av de vil være skandinaviske pilotene and streik, ikke om Norwegian bikers kravene Brother innen Stopped onsdag.

Forhandlingsleder for Luftfart Nho, Thorbjørn LOTH, forteller E24 at avstanden mellom ledelsen and Norwegian pilotene og er stor.

– In ansatte Forster behovet for ikke å tilpasse kostnadsnivå og mer gjøre selskapet konkurransedyktig internasjonal konkurranse for toffee, forteller forhandlingsleder for Nho Luftfart, Thorbjørn LOTH, E24 til etter forhandlingene tok slutt.

På hvilke Punkt var avstanden størst under forhandlingene mellom ledelsen og pilotene?

Plassoppsigelse og plassfratredelse:

  • Plassoppsigelse: Individuelle arbeidsavtaler medlemmene for BC in arbeidstakerorganisasjon Sies opp for a kunne iverksette streik. Dette Må paths ut 14 for Dáger in eventuell streik. Lish SendTo Når det ut om varsel plassoppsigelse Gar-tariff forhandlingene til tvungen mekling, og riksmekleren Koblin inn.
  • Plassfratredelse: Det Antall plassoppsagte we faktisk anvil ut streik. Hand varsles fire in Dáger for eventuell streik. Vanligvis paths you slikt varsel ut fire Dáger for Frist for tvungen mekling Gar ut.


– Noen av er at problemene of grunnleggende of ansatte ønsker in tariffavtale knyttet til morselskapet, og den at skal has virkeområde utenfor Norge. Det er å umulig Helt has slik avtale in Skandinavia for samlet sett. Det betyr and praksis at hand ønsker å eksportere of norske konstantene ut and green og det er ikke bærekraftig and toffee internasjonal konkurranse, sier have.

Stopped varsler kraftig opptrapping in BC streikeuttaket førstkommende onsdag til 650 balls. Hvordan Stiller ledelsen seg til det omfattende streikeuttaket we varsles fra og med onsdag?

– Sa lenge of Folger spillereglene Må wine bare ta det til etterretning, sier LOTH .

70 dung Klare til streik

Norwegian pilotene og er på uenige in Rekke Punkt, we omhandler Pensjon, arbeidsdager Antall, større fleksibilitet, Lonn og forsikring.

Stopped MELD and pressemelding at Har vært villige til å diskutere forsikring, Pensjon og arbeidstid.

˗ Vi har lagt Loss of License forsikringen (red .anm. faktaboks itself) and Potter lagt inn ytelsespensjon vi har, har vi vært Villiger tilpasse arbeidstid og til å Flere fleksible Ordning uten Noen løsning, sier vatn.

“Hvis partene word formodning kommer til enighet ikke er å suitcase Vårt gjennomføre you tilnærmet normalt flyprogram gjennom Helga in da begrenset andel av er pilotene TATT ut for a streike. “Skriv Norwegian på sine hjemmesider.

Norwegian MELD at langrutene mellom og Skandinavia henholdsvis USA og vil GÅ we normalt Asia.

– Vanskelig

sto Forhandlingene and Stampe hele fredag ​​kveld.

Riksmegler Nils Dalseide ikke på skjul at Norwegian-meglingen svært krevende var.

– Det er på stor avstand Flere Punkt, Flere uløste spørsmål og det er vanskelig sa riksmegler Nils Dalseide for midnatt fredag ​​kveld, ifølge NRK.

Brother and Dalseide åttetiden uttalte at foreløpig man ikke så konturene løsning in BC, til midnatt, var det ingen fremgang å spore.

Kan bli Dyr streik

Norwegian har Mott ansatterepresentanter and riksmeglerens Lokal in Rekke Gang Siste of Arene, men har partene Stort sett til kommet enighet mer eller mindre innen Frist.

Unntaket imidlertid sted and fjor fantasy and danger. Ble kabinansatte Da Ren-Norwegian Gustavsen we første ansatte TATT ut and énmannstreik.

Gave away billions after meetings with Lien – Dagens Næringsliv

Gave away billions after meetings with Lien – Dagens Næringsliv

After two secret meetings with oil and energy Tord Lien turned state’s own oil company, and gave the final stages of the workings of his extremely valuable stakes in giant field Johan Sverdrup.

The article is added to your reading list.

This is the case Day before the deadline went out on Friday 13 February, stood state oil company Petoro hard that the company should have a larger share of this giant field Johan Sverdrup.

PetoroDet shows a letter sent by the Company to the MPE on Thursday morning 12 February. Yet the company ended a few hours later up to accept a significantly inferior solution for the state. Petoro accepted majority proposal how the three oil licenses were merged into one (see graphic).

Petoro styretPetoro shall cherish Norwegians interests on the Norwegian shelf. Values ​​for two billion was given up for the community. Petoro Chairman Gunn Wærsted has told DN that she as chairman of the state’s own oil company maintains “the interests of you and me.”


Norwegian will use airmen from Europe: – strikebreaking – NRK

Norwegian will use airmen from Europe: – strikebreaking – NRK

The deadline for mediation is Friday at midnight. If the parties can not agree, 70 pilots take strike vests on Saturday morning.

English saying that no passengers will be affected and no flights will be canceled for the weekend.

Lasse Sandakerveien-Nielsen says no flights will be canceled the weekend.

Photo: Norwegian

Information Manager Lasse Sandakerveien-Nielsen says that the company will insert pilots from other airlines companies in Finland and Spain to cover up for those who may go on strike.

– Only 35 of the 70 possibly being taken out Saturday morning, working on the weekend. The other 35 will we be able to cover up for by inserting pilots from our subsidiaries in Finland and Spain, says Sandakerveien-Nielsen told NRK.


But that prepares English on hiring crew from the second country looks associated for pilots as problematic.

Parat leader Hans-Erik Skjæggerud like bad Norwegian plans to insert pilots from abroad during any strike.

Photo: Per Onsheim / NRK

– If correct, it will by Parat opinion be regarded as strikebreaking. In addition, it will upset the duty of loyalty and respect for fundamental rights and rules as the main agreement between the social partners is based, says Hans-Erik Skjæggerud leader in YS-associated Parat in a statement.

But English believes that hiring pilots from other countries is completely natural.

-When subsidiary our can not deliver the services that they normally do it is quite natural for us that we ask to get the services delivered from the second slekspaer in English family, says Sandakerveien-Nielsen told NRK.

Parat alerts support actions basis abroad.

– If it becomes strike and management in English actually conducts such hiring, it will be implemented sympathy actions with support from a number of aviation employees. Pilot Association in Sweden has already announced that they will sympathize and the same could include cabin crew in Norway and Denmark, says Skjæggerud.

contention core

Federation and Federation of Norwegian Aviation has negotiated for three months without agreeing on a deal for the pilots. Thus they ended up on national mediator Nils Dalseide office at 10 Thursday morning. Daleide called mediation difficult.

The dispute is about more than wages. While the company will have pay freeze, cuts in pensions and cuts of costly insurance is important pilots claim that they get a new collective agreement with what they call a “real employer”. They want a collective agreement with the parent company Norwegian Air Shuttle, and not with Norwegian Air Norway which they perceive as a “cardboard company.”

If the parties reach an agreement, the strike from Saturday morning.

According to NTB fear both pilot association and main organization Parat that English-Bjørn Kjos reply to a possible strike by allowing pilots formal employer, Norwegian Air Norway, go bankrupt.

A possible strike it last English need. English went with more than 1 billion in losses last year. By comparison, the company had a profit of 322 million the year before.

02.27.2015, at. 17.44


Eight SAS aircraft was canceled due to strike – Aftenposten

Eight SAS aircraft was canceled due to strike – Aftenposten

Several hundred passengers may be affected by the strike among the crew, spokeswoman Trine Kromann-Mikkelsen.

Among the departures are canceled, flights from Copenhagen to London, Frankfurt, Oslo and Aarhus. (© NTB)

Published: 27.feb. 2015 4:04 p.m.


Risk of flystreik: This item entitled – VG

Risk of flystreik: This item entitled – VG

Pilot Association of Norwegian believes there is imminent danger strikes. As a customer you are entitled to be taken care of even though it will strike, says Consumer Council.

Saturday morning English again be hit by a comprehensive strike.

Pilot Association has previously stated VG that strike threat is imminent.

This you are entitled

If the pilots and the company does not come to an agreement and the planes will remain, says Consumer Council that anyway to meet up at the airport as originally planned.

– A strike may soon be called off. Have not you been told that your flight is canceled, we recommend you to meet up at the airport as usual, says Ingeborg Flønes, director of consumer service.

About the plane is two hours delayed, passengers have claims on food and beverage or accommodation option with transport.

On longer trips, the airline will first have to offer this to passengers for delays of three or four hours depending on the length of the journey, says Flønes.

If your flight is more than five hours delayed or canceled due to the strike, you as a passenger either get your money back or require alternative transport as quickly as possible.

Rolf Forsdahl, CEO in Norwegian Tourism Forum, told VG that flyrettighetene may appear complicated for passengers, but a growing number have begun to open their eyes to what rights you actually have.

Money back

In short, says Forsdahl, that any flight which is not made, does that passengers can get their money back.

Passengers who shows up at the airport and at short notice and get to know that the plane is set has a well developed set of rights, says Forsdahl.

– Ticket money for a plane that does not fly, he can claim to recover. The money you have prepaid will be refunded. Then the contract has been broken between the company and the passenger, says Forsdahl VG.

As a passenger, you can also require that the company sends you home via other aircraft operators or transport.

– Will you travel home, the company has a duty to re-route you and they must pay excess value, he says to VG.

He recommends that anyone going out and fly on to follow updates from Airline and to read up on the rights you have if the strike occurs.

About the strike becomes protracted, and passengers have been notified well in advance, it applies different rules. Forsdahl therefore encourage customers to keep in touch with the company and read up on what due.

Suffers one strike, you will NOT be refunded consequential costs such as hotel, flight from another airport or other expenses you have prepaid before your holiday.

The airlines must get better

 & lt; p & gt; & # FORBRUKERR xc5; IT: Senior kommunikasjonsr & # xE5; Adviser in Forbrukerr & # xE5; there, Ann Hege Skogly. & lt; br / & gt ; & lt; / p & gt;

CONSUMER COUNCIL: Senior communications advisor Consumer Council, Ann Hege Skogly.


Ann Hege Skogly Senior Communications Consumer Council, says that flyrettigheter can be complicated. On a general basis that the companies conceal flyrettighetene to passengers.

– They could have been considerably more frempå by giving customers what they are entitled to, says Ann Hege Skogly VG.

The Consumer Council has been in contact with the companies to clean up the rights.

– Meanwhile, we have developed a calculator where passengers can easily find out what they are entitled to while they stand at the airport.

The calculator can be found here.

The insurance policy does not apply

Emma Elisabeth Vennesland, Director of European Insurance, told VG that they are eagerly following the developments in the conflict. Their experience is that flystreiker can quickly become chaotic for passengers.

 & lt; p & gt; INSURANCE DOES NOT COVER STRIKE: Emma Elisabeth Vennesland in European insurance. & lt; / p & gt;

INSURANCE DOES NOT COVER STRIKE: Emma Elisabeth Vennesland in European insurance.

Photo: Bjorn Thunæs , VG

– It is always sad when such things goes beyond a third says Vennesland VG.

In the event of chaos, delays and cancellations Saturday covered not by the travel insurance.

– The insurance covers the most important things. Illness, death, robbery, accidents and lost luggage and the like. Work Conflicts, strikes and lockouts are not covered, she said.

Her advice is to have a close dialogue with the airline in advance of departure.

– You’ve bought and paid for a service, and then the company should work to find a solution for their passengers, she said.


Aker benefits Shopping in times of crisis: – Has a long-term belief in oil and gas – E24

Aker benefits Shopping in times of crisis: – Has a long-term belief in oil and gas – E24

Kjell Inge Rokko Aker merket for Alvor and nedturen oljenæringen and Siste tre månedene BC in 2014.

And we kvartalsrapporten sluppet fredag ​​varslet ble det er at Aker Satt and gang tiltak for a Kutte driftskostnader, at lederlønningene frosset og er ingen ansatte at Lighthouse mer enn lønnsøkning prisveksten ar.

Aker har også oppfordret selskapene of eier Folge den SAMME linja.

På spørsmål Brother in analytiker om Hvor tror of M & E of spare var kan-imidlertid Aker Sjef ordknapp:

– betydelig Tallet er sa Øyvind Eriksen lovet å gi og mer detaljer under kapitalmarkedsdagen den 17. seas.

I regnskapet kom det FREM at Verdier for 4.6 milliard forduftet har på tre måneder investeringsportefølje Brother Akers, grunn på av er fallende aksjekurser and selskapene investert and Aker. Tilsvarer in av det hele femtedel porteføljen.

Aker Solutions Verdi BC-investeringen Stod for av det meste Fallet, nedgangen med på 2,1 milliard. Deretter bidro nedgangen green av Det norske, we var ned 1,7 milliard, verfts- og og med 600 Millioner shippingvirksomheten and USA.

om jungle Fallet and investeringene breeze var, var hintet ledelsen om at overrasket M & E over Hvor aksjekursene missing word slutten BC earrings.

Cut Fakta om og Akers fjerde Kvartal

  • Justert gjeld for missing BC Akers investeringer med hele verden 6.3 milliard and 2014 fra 24 til 17.68 billions Kroner (for utbytte and fjerde Kvartal)
  • Hele 4.6 milliard BC Fallet skjedde and fjerde Kvartal.
  • Aksjekursen til Aker Foul med det omtrent SAMME we investeringsporteføljen and kvartalet (21-22 PROS), og det gjorde dermed betraktelig dårligere enn Oslo Bors, we are pros and missing periods.
  • Aker-styret foreslått har på et utbytte 10 Kroner aksjen for 2014 ned fra 13 Kroner for earrings. Aksjonærene kan velge ago utbytte and halva ut med nye aksjer 10 prosents Rabatt and forhold til gjeldende aksjekurs. Bade Øyvind Eriksen Kjell Inge Røkke og har har valgt of varslet at dette.

Lar sec ikke skremme

Aker-Sjef fortalte likevel at seks år we have and sine-Aker Sjef “Aldrin har sett bedre muligheter for skape aksjonærverdier enn å nå.” Og det ble tolket klart tydelig us at Aker skal nå ut på handletur Når aksjer har mange missing kraftig and green spesielt innenfor oljesektoren.

– Wine fortsetter Se på den nåværende markedsuroen We are in mulighet, ikke bare in Trussel, slo have fast and patent til aksjonærene.

– Du Virk optimistisk Tross til den store for nedgangen and verdiene ary?

– Da har du Fatta et riktig inntrykk, Øyvind Eriksen sier til E24 etter at the FREM have tallene for fjerde Kvartal og 2014.

Under presentasjonen fredag ​​gjorde Aker-ledelsen det på klart at Baden was investeringsmuligheter and selskapene of allerede and porteføljen og har eksternt.

Har fortsatt tro på oljen

– Når dere was investeringsmuligheter nå også utenfor systemet-Aker, er det Noen spesielle typer selskaper bransjer eller på dere be?

– Aker vile alltid konsentrere sec elm sektorene der wine har kjernekompetanse, Legg til og sier Eriksen:

– Vi har alle innen kjernekompetanse områdene of wine and I investert dag.

Dermed og er det Sektor are fisk- havbruk , offshorerederier, we Aker fortsetter OLJE oljeservice og på å SATS.

I det til patent aksjonærene fredag ​​kunngjorde Eriksen at SELV om man skal ikke er nå på are ignorant presset oljebransjen (Bade og politisk Økonomisk, journ.anm .) så og MENERS have fortsatt at olje- gassindustrien fortsatt Må være “in BC in the langsiktig løsning.”

Overfor E24 avviso Eriksen at Aker ønsker å redusere eksponeringen word sin OLJE Gass og nå we provide Skala å Finne nye investeringsmuligheter

– Vi har langsiktig in tro på OLJE og Gass, og vi på investeringer be like M & E and den andre Sektor Sektor us.

Eriksen Peker at verdsettelsen på av selskaper innen OLJE Gass og har missing mere “enn andre fleste of Sektor.”

– Aker er ikke and phase der skal vi OLJE ut av og Gass. Vi på be derimot mulighetene der, Aker SLAR-Sjef fast.

Opptatt Balansó av

om jungle Øyvind Eriksen naturlig vil ikke nok Fortelle noe om spesifikt hvilke investeringer of vurderer, I have tydelig på at Aker ønsker in bedre balanse mellom HVA Slag sitter selskaper of bread.

– Når gjelder sammensetningen og det vil vi være type selskaper enda mer opptatt av og Balansó mellom vekstselskaper utbytteselskaper and tiden fremover.

Eriksen MENERS kroneksempelet på dette er investeringene and Det norske og oljeselskapet Rederiet Ocean Yield. Mens Rederiet betalte utbytter and fjerde Kvartal og på 0.93 Kroner aksjen Hadde in vekst aksjekursen på 2.1 Pros and missing aksjekursen oljeselskapet Det norske til og med 28.5 Pros and utbytte betalt ble Kroner null.

– Bade and forhold verdiutviklingen and Aker til og til kontantstrømmen oppover Aker (utbytter og fra inntekter selskapene of eier, journ.anm.) så det er in balanse vi er opptatt av å utvikle video Legg til og sier Eriksen:

– Wine was Bade og etter vekstselskaper utbytteselskaper, sier have investeringsjakten om fremover.


- I have never seen greater opportunities to create value than now – E24

- I have never seen greater opportunities to create value than now – E24

Saken oppdateres.

– Fray tidligere nedturer vi har det er Laertes Hvor viktig være å

finansielt forberedt bread Soke nye investeringsmuligheter are ofte Plei å dukke opp Tider and we dette, Aker-sier Sjef Øyvind Eriksen and børsmelding.

Kjell Inge Rokko Aker Slapp fredag ​​sine kvartalsresultater. Visor and at Aker nettoverdiene med missing-systemet 20.9 Pros and fjerde Kvartal til 17.7 milliard Kroner. Dette er av alle verdiene investeringene selskapet har, we dian Annet inkluderer eierandeler and Det norske oljeselskapet, Kvaerner, Aker Solutions og Havfisk.

Det er mest nettoverdien we Aker SELV opptatt av er, er ettersom investerings- og et eierselskap. Den kraftige nedgangen betyr verdiene and at Aker hver-aksje missing fra 309 til 244 Kroner and fjerde Kvartal.

Til sammenligning missing aksjekursen rundt fra 210 til 164 Kroner and SAMME period. Det er på et fall 22 prose dermed og har hatt Aker in Oslo Bors langt svakere utvikling enn generelt, we are missing Pros and SAMME period. Det er Fallet and oljeprisen og har sive oljeaksjer we tynget Aker.

Tross til den for sterke nedgangen and verdiene, Aker-er Sjef optimistisk:

– And mine are seks år konsernsjef and Aker jeg har sett Aldrin større muligheter til å skape Verdier for aksjonærene enn Na Skriv Eriksen.


- For adrenalin junkies – Dagens Næringsliv

- For adrenalin junkies – Dagens Næringsliv

Mat og drikke

Rekrutteringen til kokkeutdannelsen går ned. Tunge løft, harde arbeidsdager og lav lønn trekker ned. – En myte, mener stjernekokk Bent Stiansen.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Ble utgitt av den franske bildekkprodusenten Michelin første gang 24. januar 1900 som en guide for franske bileiere.

I starten dominerte bilverksteder, bensinstasjoner og overnattingssteder guiden, men etterhvert ble det mer og mer restauranter og hoteller.

Guiden gir fra én til tre stjerner.

Tre stjerner gis til en restaurant som har et eksepsjonelt kjøkken og er verdt en egen reise.

To stjerner gis til en restaurant med utmerket mat som det er verdt å ta en omvei for.

En stjerne gis til en restaurant som er veldig god i sin kategori.

I tillegg kommer «Bib Gourmand» – som er god matlaging til moderate priser.

Oslo har ligget endel bak Stockholm og København i antall stjerner. Ifjor fikk Oslo fem stjernerestauranter (to til Maaemo, en til Statholdergaarden, Fauna, Ylajali og Bagatelle) mens København fikk 17 stjerner til 15 restauranter og Stockholm 11 stjerner på 10 restauranter.

Ingen nordiske restauranter har så langt fått tre stjerner.

Vis mer

– Jeg er så lei av at det hele tiden fokuseres på hvor knallhardt kokkeyrket er. Selv forbinder jeg det å være kokk med glede og spenning ved å skape noe. Du får et vanvittig kick etter en lang kveld med god service, der alt har gått på skinner og alle er happy. Restaurantkjøkkenet er et sted for adrenalin-junkies, sier han.

Statholdergaarden beholder sin ene stjerne i Michelin-guiden. Det gjorde også Fauna og Ylajali, mens Maaemo beholdt sine to stjerner da Michelin la frem årets utgave i Stockholm torsdag morgen. På kvelden feiret Bent Stiansen sammen med gode kolleger i bransjen i Stockholm.

Stiansen understreker at hans ansatte jobber helt normale arbeidsmengder.

– Min kjøkkensjef har fire barn og jobber 40 timer i uken. Men når han er på jobb, er han alltid på 100 prosent. Det krever god organisering, struktur og ikke minst arbeidsglede, men det beviser at man ikke må jobbe voldsomt lange arbeidsdager selv om man er ansatt på en kjent restaurant, sier Stiansen.

Slanke bunnlinjer

Han mener kokkeyrket ofte blir svartmalt.

– Det er mye mer lystbetont enn det er svart, sier han.

Regnskapstallene til de norske Michelin-restaurantene viser imidlertid at det ikke er mye igjen på bunnlinjen når kostnadene til personell og råvarer er betalt. Få har 2014-tallene klare. Et unntak er Stiansen, som kan notere et overskudd på to millioner kroner av en omsetning på 36 millioner kroner. Det er han godt fornøyd med.

– Må man drive med reklame eller kokke-tv ved siden av for å tjene penger som kokk?

– Nei. Men jeg har bevisst valgt å være synlig i det offentlige livet for å trekke flere gjester til restauranten. Det er min form for markedsføring, sier han.

Fikk ikke tre stjerner

Det store spørsmålet før offentliggjøringen var hvorvidt Maaemo i Oslo ville bli blant de første skandinaviske restaurantene som fikk tre stjerner.

Slik ble det altså ikke i år. Overfor DN gir likevel ikke kjøkkensjef og medeier Esben Holmboe Bang uttrykk for noen stor skuffelse.

– Vi er kjempestolte. Det er helt fantastisk å få holde den plassen vi har i norsk gastronomi, sier Bang minutter etter offentliggjøringen.

Maaemo vil ikke oppgi regnskapstallene for fjoråret, men i 2013 hadde restauranten en omsetning på knapt 15 millioner kroner, og et underskudd på drøyt 200.000 kroner.

På Fauna er kjøkkensjef Björn Svensson i full gang med arbeidet mot kveldens bordsetning. Restauranten som fikk beholde sin ene stjerne i årets Michelinguide, hadde sitt første fulle driftsår ifjor. Svensson har ingen oversikt over fjorårstallene ennå, men er «sikker på at det er gode tall». I 2013 omsatte restauranten for i overkant av 11 millioner kroner på det halve året den hadde drift. Resultatet endte på 1,2 millioner kroner.

– Jeg er egentlig fornøyd så lenge jeg har penger til å betale lønn. Men det er klart det blir gode tall. Vi har fulle bord hver eneste kveld, sier Svensson.

For å sikre optimal inntjening hver kveld bruker den anerkjente kjøkkensjefen «utrolig» mye tid på bordsetningen.

– Vi ringer alle som har booket bord, for å høre om de kommer i det antallet de har bestilt bord til. Når hver gjest legger igjen rundt 1700 kroner, så har det stor betydning om bordene blir fullt opp eller ikke, sier Svensson.

Han er enig med Stiansen i at det er fullt mulig å leve et normalt liv ved siden av det å være kokk på Michelin-restaurant.

– Kokkene lever jo ganske så normale liv. Det er litt nye tider i forhold til det var før. Men for meg som eier blir det veldig mye jobb, sier Svensson.

Stenger med stjerne

Even Ramsvik på Ylajali beholder stjernen han fikk ifjor, til tross for at han har besluttet å legge ned restauranten ved årets slutt. Bakgrunnen er ifølge ham selv begrensningene som ligger i det gamle og tradisjonsrike lokalet.

Rodeløkka as eier Tekehtopa as, som består av Ylajali, Café Tekehtopa og Bar Babylon. Samlet hadde Tekehtopa as samlede driftsinntekter på 24,35 millioner i 2013 og et resultat før skatt på 957.000 kroner. Tallene for 2014 er ikke klare.

Ole Johnny Eikefjord på Restaurant Eik i Oslo ble tildelt Bib Gourmand av Michelin torsdag. Det lever han godt med. Han vil ikke oppgi resultatet for fjoråret, men sier det ble bedre enn i 2013. Omsetningen er omtrent den samme på rundt 17 millioner kroner.

– Vil du drive restaurant, så må du bry deg om tallene, sier Eikefjord.

Til tross for at han driver fire restauranter, kjenner han seg godt igjen i Stiansens utsagn om arbeidsdager.

– Mine ansatte har normale arbeidsdager. Vi har også stengt i ferier. Kokker har det generelt bedre arbeidsmessig enn for fire år siden, sier Eikefjord.


Oslo: Da Michelin torsdag morgen offentliggjorde sin nye guide til de nordiske landene, var det ingen restauranter som fikk tre stjerner.

– Det er så mange med to stjerner som jobber så hardt. Norden har restauranter som så absolutt kan få tre stjerner – lokalet og omgivelsene tatt i betraktning. Samtidig står det på maten. Det er den som avgjør, sier Rebecca Burr, redaktør for Michelin Nordic Cities 2015.

Det var særlig danske Noma som var ventet å kunne putte en stjerne til bak de to den allerede har. Noma er rangert helt på topp av listen The World's 50 Best Restaurants. Noma er fornøyd med å beholde sine to stjerner i den prestisjetunge guiden.

– Det viser at vi er stabile, sa pressesjef Arve Krognes.

Årets guide inkluderer for første gang restauranter utenfor hovedstedene. Likevel er ingen andre byer enn Oslo på listen over norske restauranter med stjerne. Utenfor Oslo var spenningen på forhånd høy – blant annet hos anerkjente Ree-Naa i Stavanger. Sven-Erik Renaa sa følgende til DN da resultatet ble kjent:

– Ingen overraskelser for oss, da de ikke har vært her i Stavanger engang.

– Vi har fokusert på Oslo. Men ja: Vi har gjort «research» utenfor, sier Burr.

Foruten hovedstedene er bare Malmö i Sverige og Århus i Danmark representert i årets guide.

Kjendiskokk Eivind Hellstrøm mener Michelin-teamet ikke har «fulgt med i timen» når de ikke ga Ree-Naa stjerne i årets utgave.

– De burde vært i Bergen og Trondheim også. Det er forunderlig at de ikke klarer å gjøre en grundigere jobb når de lanserer en nordisk guide, de har mistet litt av sin troverdighet, sier Hellstrøm.

Les hele avisen her.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Oil prices plunged in the US – Nasdaq against magical level – HegnarOnline

Oil prices plunged in the US – Nasdaq against magical level – HegnarOnline

US exchanges evolved mixed Thursday.

The Dow Jones fell 0.06 percent to 18,214.42, the Nasdaq rose 0.42 percent to 4,987.89, while the broader S & amp; P 500 Index pulled down 0.15 percent to 2110.74.

Nasdaq against 5.000
Nasdaq was up 4989.11 at its highest in today’s trade, and thus eyes 5000 ies, last seen after the millennium before the dotcom bubble burst.

The number of shares that fell exceeded barely number of shares that rose on the NYSE, where 717 million shares were traded for $ 3.3 billion.

“Fear Index” VIX (CBOE) was traded around 14.

The dollar rose against the world’s other leading currencies, while “10-year-old” climbed over 2.00 percent.

Oil prices plunged
On the commodity exchange in New York rose gold price $ 8.60 to $ 1,210.10 per ounce, while WTI oil fell as much as 5.5 percent to $ 48.17 a barrel.

Brent April oil fell below $ 61 a barrel.

The picture was mixed on the macro front.

Consumer prices fell more than expected in January, while orders for durables rose more than expected.

The number of first time applicants for unemployment insurance (jobless claims) rose much more than expected in last week.

Oil Stocks burdened
Caterpillar today’s heaviest Dow component, after falling 1.6 percent to $ 83.80. McDonald’s became the biggest bright spot – up 1.7 percent to $ 99.51.

IBM also red by 1.2 percent to $ 160.87, after having announced investments of four billion dollars among Another cloud, analytics, mobile and security business in 2015.

Oil price fall burdened energy sector, ExxonMobil and Chevron excelled negative fall respectively. 1.1 percent to $ 88.65 and 1.4 percent to $ 107.06.

Technology was the biggest winner among the S & amp; P 500 sectors. Avago Technologies and Google showed the way.


Insurance Dispute can give strike – Dagens Næringsliv

Insurance Dispute can give strike – Dagens Næringsliv

Norwegian pilots may go on strike to keep an insurance policy that provides more than five million if they lose flylisensen. Two of the four pilots in mediation has asked to be paid the insurance year.

The article is added to your reading list.

LOL scheme 700 English pilots in Norway and Sweden may go on strike from Saturday morning if not agreement in mediation with the company. Initially, 70 pilots taken out of service.

Strike Hazard Norwegian Norwegian will bring down costs related to salaries, pension and insurance.

An important part of the mediation is an insurance for pilots who loses pilot license, called Loss of Licence. A pilot who loses license automatically get paid 60 times the basic national insurance amount, corresponding to 5.3 million. English paid around NOK 100 million for pilot scheme, called LOL scheme last year. The pilots benefit taxed for the insurance, but the payoff is tax.


Giving away 300 million by unknown Norwegian billionaire – Dagens Næringsliv

Giving away 300 million by unknown Norwegian billionaire – Dagens Næringsliv

The donation is the largest in the prestigious Cleveland Clincis history.

The gift provides a completely new clinic at the hospital in the state of Florida. The clinic will be named Egil and Pauline Braathen Center.

Behind the donation is unknown Norwegian billionaire couple estate investor Egil Braathen and his wife Pauline.

– I’ve spent a lot of time at this hospital. I would not waste money. I wanted to give a gift that could come all to the good, says Pauline Braathen to DN.

Her husband passed away in 2009 and it is his legacy widow now giving away.

– I would do something to honor his memory. Since I do not have any children myself, I wondered what I should do with the money he left behind, says 84-year-old.

Exclusive club

The answer was medical research and treatment. The clinic over five floors will house some of the nation’s foremost physicians in neurosurgery and cancer treatment. The gift from Braathen has also made it possible to buy two medical scanners that there are only a handful of the world. Price per item? Approximately 35 million.

– This center is important for the United States. Braathen give so much to so many. Without her this center never been built, says hospital chief Wael Barsoum while he shows DN around.

Braathens gift, search within COLORS for a new cancer and neuro clinic p & aring; 13,300 square meters. It contains two such machines, as there is only one h & aring; handful of p & aring; worldwide. Neurosurgeon Nestor Galvez-Jimenez treated Pauline Braathen for Parkinson's disease at the hospital. Photo: John Wors Search Applications e Berg

Braathens gift provide a new cancer and neuro clinic on 13,300 square meters. It contains two such machines that there are only a handful of worldwide. Neurosurgeon Nestor Galvez-Jimenez treated Pauline Braathen for Parkinson’s disease at the hospital. Photo: John Worsøe Berg

Besides opening ceremony at the hospital Friday was the protagonist also honored with a glamorous Ball Saturday night. The gala dinner was held at the exclusive club Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach, one of the wealthiest enclaves in the United States. Becoming a member here costs almost two million, gets DN enlightened.

– This is absolutely fantastic! Pauline is a spectacular woman who does very much for so many, but no one knows anything about because she will not talk about it, says Donald Trump to DN.

The profiled estate billionaire owner Mar-a-Lago, and was hosted during Sunday event.

– Philanthropy is an incredible thing. It’s about giving something back to society. And nobody does it like her, says Trump.

Would give to Norway

The couple Braathen were patients at the hospital, which is a half hour drive outside of Miami. Egil Braathen suffered from Alzheimer’s, while Pauline is affected by Parkinson’s disease.

Originally, she wanted to give the legacy her husband to a hospital in Norway, but claims this was not feasible.

– I’m sorry that it could not happen in Norway. I think it would be a great celebration of a wonderful human being. But I got the impression that his family did not see it as necessary, says Braathen.

– Could this neuro- and cancer clinic has been built in Norway?

– It was what I wanted! says Braathen.

Staying at boat

British Pauline Egil Braathens second wife. She has no contact with his family in Norway, and has previously stated that she is seen as the “evil stepmother” in the genus.

Jens Petter Rønning was for many years Egil Braathens right hand, and is still central in Braathen system. He would not comment on the statements.

– This is family affairs. What family Braathen makes personal, it wants to keep for themselves. What Pauline does with his share of the inheritance, is up to her. She has no children, says Rønning.

 & ndash; I would give something that benefits everyone, says Pauline Braathen about the donation Cleveland Clinic in Florida. Here from & aring; opening of the new center. Behind from left: Dr. Steven Roshon, Dr. Nestor Galvez-Jimenez and CEO Search Applications r Dr. Delos M. Cosgrove. Photo: John Wors Search Applications e Berg

– I would give something that benefits everyone, says Pauline Braathen about the donation Cleveland Clinic in Florida. Here from the opening of the new center. Behind from left: Dr. Steven Roshon, Dr. Nestor Galvez-Jimenez and CEO Dr. Delos M. Cosgrove. Photo: John Worsøe Berg

In During the hectic decade was Egil Braathen one of the major property developers in Oslo. It was especially in the east of the city he created his property empire. In the 80s rained magazine Kapital him as the third largest real estate investor. He figured frequently on the list of the country’s richest .

About the same time gave Braathen away about half of estate empire to his son Henning, who Braathen had with his first wife.

In 1980 notified entrepreneur moving to Spain. Braathen shared later his time between Mallorca, London, Florida, Switzerland and Oslo.

Pauline Braathen own an apartment near the hospital in Florida, but is living aboard the cruise ship “The World”. She was flown in from India to Sunday’s event.

Her husband left behind large amounts, both in cash and property. Death estate has paid over one billion to the heirs, DN has previously written.

Pauline has received over 200 million. In addition, gains from its own investment and a huge amount in a trust as her husband established for her.

“Emotionally and personal”

It was confidential conversations between patient and physician through more than ten years laid the foundation for Braathen Center in Florida. Neurosurgeon Nestor Galvez has treated Pauline Braathen for Parkinson. He had lost his wife due to cancer, and considered moving to another hospital with more modern equipment.

Braathen told him be. Three years ago ended talks with a business lunch that ended with a formal decision.

– I said ok, let’s do this, but then you keep yourselves to your schedule and budget, says Braathen.

Overall, she has almost NOK 230 million to the center. On top comes NOK 75 million to the neurosurgical environment Galvez leader at the hospital.

– This is emotional and very personal for me, says Galvez while he shows Braathen around neuro- and cancer center that bears her name – both outside and inside.

– It’s been a wonderful clinic. But it is a bit unusual to see his name hang on all these walls, says Pauline Braathen.

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