Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lerøy buy up in Havfisk and Norway Seafoods – Sunnmørsposten

a Total Lerøy received acceptances for a total of 23.3 million Havfisk shares during the offer period where the price was set at 36,50 euros per share. This constitutes 27,59 per cent of the total share capital and voting rights in Havfisk.

Including the nok 57,6 million Havfisk shares Lerøy had from before, the buying company is now up to an inventory of 81 million shares, which represents 95,74% of the total share capital and voting rights.

Subsidiaries intends to initiate compulsory acquisition of all remaining shareholders at the same price as in the quote.

Lerøy has also made a voluntary offer for all outstanding shares in Norway Seafoods Group AS to 1 penny per share. In total, the company has received acceptances for 5.9 million shares. After the acquisition sits Lerøy at 68,2 million shares, which represents 80,5 per cent of the total share capital and voting rights in Norway Seafoods. (©NTB)


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