Great autumn days with cloudless skies has its price. It turns a market analyst John Brottemsmo in kraftmeglerselskapet Bergen Energy fast with a glance at the curves for the electricity price in the fall.
Step powerful
It has been a very dry værtype in a period where we usually get a lot of precipitation. It has meant that electricity prices have risen sharply since the beginning of september, ” says Brottemsmo.
At the beginning of september was the electricity price in the Norwegian market, around 15 ear kilowattimen, now it more than doubled to 35 cents.
– In the market we say that the price has exploded with such a powerful climb. For most people this will turn out in the more expensive power. But the electricity bill consists of more than the average price of electricity would probably not want the total amount rise by more than around 20 per cent, ” says Brottemsmo.
Dry in wet period
– Why can the price double so quickly?
When the rainfall fails to materialize in the period in which it rains the most in the course of the year, it will turn out levels in the reservoirs. Now the reservoir is about ten percent lower than what it normally is at this time. When the amount of water in storage is less than expected will the electricity price rise, says Brottemsmo.
But it was a wet summer. Was not the magazines drunker than usual then?
Ridiculous low price in the last year
– it is correct that It was a sour and wet summer, but there was not too much more precipitation than normal. At least not enough to make up for the dry fall we have had. We also had little precipitation in the spring months, ” explains Brottemsmo.
– How is the prospect for the winter?
the Prices going forward are expected to be at the level we have now, and then go a bit down again in the winter.
Kullprisen affects
Markedsanalytikeren tells that kullprisen has risen sharply and that it also influences the electricity prices in the nordic market.
– It has to do with the fact that it was previously a large share of coal power in the nordic electricity market, and that traditionally have used the costs in coal-fired power plants as an alternative to compare with when the value of the allowed to be estimated, explains Brottemsmo.
– But it is the hydroelectric power and not the coal we use in this country?
– Yes, but one puts the value on the allowed also in relation to alternative energy sources. Wind power is entered as a different type of power that vannkraftprodusentene also use to find an alternative value on their vannkraftmagasiner, says Brottemsmo.
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