Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The markets are shaking out after the Trump-says – TV 2

main index on the Oslo stock exchange fell immediately by almost 3 percent when trade began on Wednesday morning. After each went the index up slightly again, and at 11 was the index so far in the plus.

Morning børsfall be attributed to valgseieren to Donald Trump in the united STATES, and the uncertainty the upcoming presidentskiftet will create.


chief analyst Erik Bruce at Nordea Markets said it was hostile to the panikkstemning around meglerbordene night to Wednesday when it became clear that the Trump seemed to go with the victory.

– Then went to the exchanges pretty much down. Perhaps not more than one could fear, but then the situation has calmed down pretty much down throughout the morning. Now suggest things that there is a slight decline on the stock markets, but far from a frantic reaction, sums up the Bruce opposite the CHANNELS 2 clock 09.45.

– How will it come? Is there any danger that protectionism will give a weakened global trade?

– It is one of the areas the market is really uncertain, and we are uncertain about what Trump is going to do. I think that it is that the markets now have responded so moderate, is that you don’t think that Trump will go so far as he has said. He has talked about 35-45 per cent straffetoll on chinese and mexican imports. It will be able to start a trade war. I don’t think he is going to go so far, and I think neither do the markets think.

Positive on the Moscow stock exchange

While the stock exchanges are falling in large parts of the world after Donald Trump’s election victory, is the upturn on the stock exchange in Moscow.

The Russian index of RTS had risen 1.2 per cent on Wednesday morning. The cause is probably a hope that Donald Trump will better the relationship between Russia and the united STATES.

In the election expressed the Trump several times the respect for Russia’s president Vladimir Putin. Russia’s government has been accused for the attempt to help Trump in the election campaign by leaking information that has placed Hillary Clinton in a bad light. The information derived from computer attacks against leaders in The democratic party.

Other european stock exchanges followed the pattern from the Oslo stock exchange, opened down but picked up slightly again after Trump held a muted seierstale. The DAX index in Germany is down 2 per cent at 10, while the FTSE 100 index is down 1 percent.

Turmoil in the global economy

IN the united STATES created considerable turmoil when it was clear who the winner of the election. Investors sold away in fear of an unstable future, and the forward contracts were down 3.5 per cent to 17.647 on the Dow Jones index.

Tokyo stock exchange dropped 5.2 percent when it was increasingly clear that Donald Trump would take The white house. Also the Hang Seng index in hong Kong dropped sharply, by 2.8 per cent, while the decline on the Shanghai stock exchange was 1.2 percent on the Seoul stock exchange 3 per cent in Taiwan, 2 per cent and the same in Australia.

Price of a barrel nordsjøolje is down around 1 per cent, and lay in a 9-time on 45,5 dollars. American light oil was equivalent to down, and went for just over 44,5 dollars a barrel.

Pesosen in free fall

The Norwegian krone has weakened against the euro while Donald Trump seems to be America’s next president.

Just before at 7 on Wednesday morning was a euro 9,21 million, against 9,05 by midnight, reports E24.

Valutastrateg Magne Østnor notified in advance that the Norwegian krone could weaken, with 20 øre against the euro against the short time as a result of the election. He points out that a Trump win will increase uncertainty among investors and market participants dramatically

Ratingbyrået Standard & Poor waiting a fall of over 800 points on the Dow Jones-indexen Wednesday.

at the same time also falls the u.s. dollar and the mexican peso. Pesosen have actually never been lower in relation to the u.s. dollar.

– There is shock and disbelief in the foreign exchange markets. We have painful flashbacks to the Brexit, and no one is completely sure how far down the bottom is, ” says Karl Schamotta to CNBC. He is the director of valutaforskning and strategy at Cambridge Global Payments.

Gold is the safest

The rising prices of gold, because people are looking for safe harbors for pengeinvesteringene.

It is late in the day in Asia, and clearly the markets which are affected by the Trump-shock. The japanese government has called into an emergency meeting.

Japan’s Nikkei was down 5.36 per cent when it closed this morning , the Hang Seng in Hong Kong is 3.8 per cent lower and Shanghai Composite declined 1.6 per cent.



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