Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Tobias (32) is the mentor for Vibeke Hammer Madsen (60) – E24

– Anything I want through this mentorskapet is that I, with grey hair, should get even stronger credibility in my argument that we need to get faster changes, says Ministry-director Vibeke Hammer Madsen.

For the Norwegian labor market is in the midst of and in front of major changes and we can’t readjust fast enough, believe Madsen.

Therefore, she has now asked Tobias Bæck he can be a mentor for her.

– Now going on things so fast and so much that I want to have inspiration available. I hope that Tobias can challenge me and Work and verify our perception of reality, ” says Madsen.

Tobias Bæck is self-taught entrepreneur, designer and programmer, and received in the year the award “the year’s digitalhode” under the E24s deciding Ledertalentene.

He is the founder and ceo of the digital agency, Bakken & Bæck. They have offices in Oslo, Bonn and Amsterdam, and jobs, among other things, to find new digital solutions, both in collaboration with startups and in established companies.

– We see the good through our work, how quickly this change happens and how slow many of the established players is to readjust itself, ” he says.

– This is to set a way for me to affect multiple actors. We are talking about a very big change that requires major measures quickly. At the same time goes mentorskapet both ways, and I think it is much useful learning in this for me personally, when it comes to management or to scale a company, for example.

– Must be open to change

Bæck is not afraid that it will be difficult to influence the well-established players and get them to realize that the way they probably always have done things is ripe for change:

– We work a lot with established actors where the biggest challenge is to avoid the structural framework that makes that things take time or stop up. But we see that eksempelets power is very powerful. So it’s about to begin and get started a change, set in motion the measures that the examples of it, so that others dare to.

– It takes time, but what we often see, is that in it they see that it works out, then they’ll believe in it. I don’t think age or experience is no limitation as the leader in this context. I think it’s all about being open to realize that it is a big change on the way, ” he says.

We are now completely in the initial phase of an exponential development, think Bæck.

– a lot has happened and been a great development in the last 20 years, but I think that the change we get in the next 20 years will be much greater.

He draws forth the self-driving cars as an example.

– It may well be that it takes many years before self-driving cars are widespread, but what is quite certain is that it is coming and that the spillover effects will be large and affect the industries and patterns far outside the transportnæringen.

– It must be allowed to fail

In some industries has omstillingsarbeidet already come a long way, says Madsen.

part of the challenge is, however, that the established structures, laws and collective agreements slows omstillingsarbeidet, she believes.

– Leaders can be open for adaptation, but they must have with your system, both the processes, structures, culture and the law and collective agreements, to make these changes.

– Where I believe we still have a long way to go in Norway. We have laws, regulations and collective agreements which are still linked to the industrial community. It has not even come to kunnskapssamfunnet, and now we are over in the digital community.

Madsen is concerned that we need to work more with entreprenørskapskulturen in Norway.

– There are very many in the Norwegian culture that is raised to think about risk – how to reduce the risk. I find that if someone fails, then it is something we remember in our culture, ” she says.

We must recognize that it is allowed to fail. We need to get to faster change, so that companies, like Tobias, for example, establishes, in fact, have the ability to grow also in Norway.

Here’s hoping Madsen that Bæcks experiences may come in handy:

I want in this mentorskapet to use them that actually have the shoe on. Bæck have established a company and manage to create new, value-added jobs. And that is what we need in the Uk: that it created even more profitable jobs.

Madsen hopes that she through mentorskapet with Bæck can get credibility in the argument that she needs to influence politicians and businesses in the boardroom.

the Case continues below the advertisement.

– I have this job because I want to be with and develop Norway in what happens. And then need to be assured that I realize this, ” she says.

– If we can affect the Work which in turn can influence their members which in turn can influence politicians, so it is a good thing, ” says Bæck.

Need more refills

Work has recently done a survey where they asked 500 managers in the Norwegian business sector. Here answer eight of the ten that they need refills within the important skills to ensure the reorganization.

– It clearly shows that we are now entering into a time where we need a different type of expertise, ” says Madsen.

She requested, therefore, a clearer focus on the workplace as an arena for learning.

We have been talking about this for a very long time with school officials, but we will not proceed. We need more businesses into school and education and more school and education in business, she says.

I think that we shall succeed with the realignment, we must realize that we need to have more refills of expertise.

the Survey also shows that 44 per cent think their industry will change largely the next three-five years, and that six of the ten in the light of this sees the opportunity for growth and success in the future job market.

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