Virkes expect that christmas shopping increases by 4 per cent from last year, which means that every citizen uses an average of a little over 11.120 million in the year’s final month.
But the increase does not mean that we are going to trade more goods than last year. Higher prices, more residents and an additional trading day is the reasons for the growth.
– We’re a little more citizens, so it becomes a higher volume in total. But it is not so that people buy much more than they have done in the past, ” says Bror William Stende, director of the Ministry of trade, to E24.
– Forecast of 4 per cent is in line with the growth in the community until now. When we look at the development in retail sales in the first half of the year, it is around the growth.
Regional differences
the Tradition of faith are gifts that we should use the most money on.
In December, the estimates Seem that we are acting the trappings, clothes and gifts for 6.460 million per person. There are 43 per cent more than the average of the year’s other eleven months.
4.660 money we use on food, beverages, and other groceries.
Desemberhandelen is by far the largest in Oslo, where it is expected that every citizen put in an average 12.270 million. The lowest is the trade in Østfold, where every citizen uses 9.300 million.
The high incision in Oslo coming of handelslekkasjer from other counties and a higher income level than the rest of the country. That Area is the lowest is a result of grensehandelen, ” says Stende.
He refers to the county of Vestfold also comes high on the list with an average of 11.690 money per capita, which among other things, due to the fact that a part major online stores hold to here.
People will use less
Where Virkes forecast, which is based on the analysis of the growth year to date and previous experience, show increased growth, is the expectations of christmas shopping lower in the general population.
A survey that meningsmålingsinstituttet Ipsos has made on behalf of the DNB, shows that norwegians in the year plans to use in excess of 45 billion, which will correspond to a decrease of 5 percent from last year.
the Figures are based on interviews among 1.080 persons over 18 years of age.
Many plan to tighten into year consumption associated with christmas. We are in uncertain times economically where common sense dictates that one should save for a rainy day, ” says forbrukerøkonom Sally Sandmæl in DNB.
at the same time, we have never had more money to spend due to historically low interest rates. It is difficult to say whether the temptation comes to transcend common sense, ” she adds.
It is julegavehandelen norwegians plan to cut most frequently. In the sections to each and every one of us use 5.819 money on christmas gifts. There are around 550 million less than last year.
price Increase
Bror William Stende in Seem think people like to feel that they are buying less, but that, in reality, they spend more money.
– There is a price increase on almost everything we consume in the Uk. We have a valutasituasjon which makes that the prices of most products must rise. Clothing, electronics, furniture, have had a rise in prices in the year, so even if people do not feel that they are buying something more, so they spend a little more money to keep up with consumption they have, ” he says.
– It may well be that many feel they should use less, but our forecast, when you look at the development, indicate that it is a growth. But it is not to talk about the very big growth, he stresses.
Six out of ten norwegians is also christmas gifts on the net, and the percentage increase has been large in recent years.
Very many people use the web, but often in combination and often from the Norwegian online stores. It is a part of the growth in the retail business, ” says Stende.
– What we hear out in the shops is that it reaches fewer people, but that it is higher snittomsetning. So when people first come to the stores, have they decided what they should have. They spend a lot of time doing research on the net. Before, it was like so they went and looked at many products before decided.
Nine out of ten money is still left in the shops.
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