Friday, January 20, 2017

At least 90 were arrested under the anti-Trump demonstrations in Washington – Aftenposten

Shut down the city! It is the slogan for a series of demonstrations ahead of today’s inauguration of Donald Trump as president. Large groups managed to shut down one of publikumsinngangen to The Mall, where the public can follow the inauguration. According to the police were around 90 people arrested in the course of the morning. But it is expected that the demonstrations will take up during the evening us time.

Aftenposten’s correspondent Kristoffer Manager tells that it is beyond the after dinner us time is becoming increasingly tense between police and protesters. He stayed a couple of blocks from where the parade will go when someone threw a brick at a police car that ran up against some protesters,

It came to clashes with the police, but also with the Trump-followers who would to follow the ceremony. Most of the arrests should have happened when protesters prevented people from entering The Mall.

the Demonstrations creates chaos when several hundred thousand are on their way to attend the event.

Hooded protesters smash windows, and tip over the søppelkasser in the central parts of the United states ‘ capital in the morning.

It is unclear how many protestors coming to DC today, but tomorrow it’s announced a series of demonstrations in several us cities.

Major police forces

There are large police forces in the streets equipped with antiopprørs equipment such as tear gas and clubs, which are doing what they can to keep the various groups of protesters away from the route that parade with the president to run later in the evening Norwegian time.

There are around the clock 21 that the nyinnsatte president shall run from Capitol Hill to The white house. The tradition, he will also go a piece of the way and let the ledge of the people.

In fangedrakter

Several of the demonstrators had orange fangedrakter and black hoods. This is among other things the the same suits are used at Guantánamo Bay. It is where the united STATES keeps a number of prisoners from the war on terror, the prisoners who are imprisoned without law, and judgment. In his time as president had Barack Obama’s goal to close Guantánamo Bay.

Here you can hear our recent podcast that analyzes Donald Trump’s inaugural address. It says something about what kind of president he will be?

Listen to this week’s podcast in the player below, on SoundCloud, Itunes or from our RSS feed.

according to The Washington Post, it is expected several demonstrations throughout the day and evening. A group that calls itself the DistruptJ20 has warned that it will march from Columbus Circle to McPherson Square, which is only three blocks from The white house. Here comes the including documentary filmmaker and political activist Michael Moore to participate.

The ANSWER, which is a coalition of anti-war groups have also announced that they will demonstrate along the parade route.

Thursday was the demonstrations outside The National Pressclubs building not far from The white house. The reason was that in the building was held a ball in honor of Donald Trump. Here also used the police to tear gas to disperse the protesters.

first time

It is by no means the first time that the inauguration of a new u.s. president met with demonstrations. There were demonstrations when George W. Bush was inaugurated. It went, among other things, that the protesters thought he had stolen presidentposten after a prolonged controversy about the count, which was eventually decided by the supreme court. Under Richard Nixon were the most significant demonstrations against the war in Vietnam.


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