Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Government new licenses meet powerful opposition climate – Aftenposten

Government new licenses meet powerful opposition climate – Aftenposten

On Tuesday morning came the proposal from the Climate and Environment Minister Tina Sundtoft on stream move Grensen the ice edge 60-70 kilometers north services anymore. Climate and environment department has asked the Norwegian Polar oppdatere ice edge in the management plan for the Barents Sea – Lofoten. Sundtoft poengterer to the ice edge is not fastsatt political but professional begrunnet and built around the newer isdata from satellittobservasjoner.

– My is tasked with ensuring that environmental considerations are looked after, and that political decisions are built around the oppdatert sharing of knowledge on environmental conditions, she says to NTB Tuesday.

Great interest from oljeselskapene

On the same day will take part from the oil and energy Tord Lien on Oljeindustripolitisk seminar Sandefjord.

There he published utlysningen av all the blocks as oljenæringen desired in the Barents Sea.

Oljeselskapene have shown great interest in the area.

Both KrF and Left-financing to Grensen the ice edge to define audiovisual Storting and sieves to oppdatert sharing of knowledge must be issued on a regular grunn.Oljeboring to the ice edge can also be contrary to samarbeidsavtalen operation between Conservatives, Frp, KrF and Left.

In samarbeidsavtalen has partiene downfield following wording: “Not Åpne for petroleum plants, or konsekvensutrede according petroleum law in the marine areas utenfor Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja in the period 2O13-2OI7 and not iverksette petroleum plants at Jan Mayen, the ice edge, Skagerrak or Mørefeltene. It established an environmental base / oljevernbase in Lofoten and Vesterålen. “

– Political, not professional begrunnet

Are Arnstein Vestre in Nature and Youth believes it” sucks oil ‘av Regjeringens proposals.

– Polar Institute’s recommendations are å sette Grensen of sea ice edge myeloma services anymore sør enn it reach the government proposes. It is evidently that Tord Lien reach wants y drop all oljeblokker loose for industry, says Vestre to Aftenposten.

Also Bellona and Naturvernforbundet has reagert on what they think is Regjeringens frislipp av oljeboring in the north.

– Naturvernforbundet responds to the government with this will open the tut and Kjœr in the Barents Sea, says Naturvernforbundets leader Lars Haltbrekken to NTB.

On the international scale anerkjente marine biologist Paul Wassman criticizes also: Changing av iskantgrensen in the Barents Sea, writes NTB.

– Unlucky time

Energy and environmental policy century mann for the Labour Party, Terje Aasland, make seg foreløpig avventende to Healthy Toft’s proposal up moving ice edge.

– It is clear that this is an exercise before 23 konsesjonsrunde. We will hear background for utredningen audiovisual area before we strainers spring sense in the affair, but detects that the Polar Institute in the summer was critical to oljeboring in the ice edge, says he.

Aasland think Regjeringens proposal carries preg av lack oppslutning amongst samarbeidspartiene that are not clearly rooted in the management plan for Barentshavet- Lofoten.

– The question of havisgrensen has hosted a conflict for over a year uten the authors aim is turn itself avklart. The government shows with this that they have problems with å adapt seg Storting in climate and environmental issues, says he.

Aasland understreker to forutsigbarhet also will be important for næringens future.

This sight on Svalbard skremmer Norwegian researchers

State doble smell


20.jan. 2015 13:18


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