– Are you also from bestow control?
– No, I’m not. I am a journalist. I’m writing an article about bestow control.
– Journalist! the man says and grabs my arm.
He is sweaty face. The gaze is insistent.
– So you’re not with them? he asks, pointing at the two skjenkekontroll ears that are on the way out the door.
He retains grip over my arm, leans toward me and says in a low voice:
– When I have a case to you. If you are going to write about it there with no sideboard in Stavanger: Why can not the night club Alf & amp; Werner with nisselue?
Despite the goblins have taken XO Bar in the center of Stavanger, ladders Silvia Wathne and Terje Olsen quietly out the door without having found something to remark. Earlier this year, this bar had bekle bottles with foil after a visit from bestow control. It was advertising, said the municipality. The once said boss instead that it was a form of extreme sports to adhere to regulations. Today it is thus no different than routinely fill to track, and although it is not out of control, the evening is still young. The two skjenkekontroll ears have a long night ahead of him.

Behind they have a troubadour who is driving good on John Fogerty and a year of ridicule. Although they have been accused of a lot – to be flisespikkere, not to use wits, to arming themselves with gaffer tape and cover brewery logos – it takes more to get them to sniff than an occasional twanged Santa Claus very happy will the nightclub.
It is ølkrig oil town. It all began a year ago, when the city council announced that the city would be cleared of alcohol. Those who disobeyed would get a dot in the municipality book, and you got enough dots, you had to close.
The definition of advertising was in the eyes of many rabid. Stavanger Aftenblad told about Thon Hotel which tempted with a picture of two champagne glasses in an ad. Prick!

Since it has gone snowballed. Water Hole Bar Bache got trouble because of a sign with the text “Every day is happy hour.” The bar also had a mat with Guinness logo. Prick! On the old pub Irishman, where only occasionally spitting into the glass, had to remove the holder a wooden sign that had hung on the wall for 23 years. She claimed it was part of the interior, but the municipality considered the sign advertising, as it stood Guinness on it. Prick!
CEO Torhild Bertelsen says it’s pietism from Jæren flood the oil city.
– We’ve had this sign for all these years, then came skjenkekontroll ears and wrote report on the . They said it would be stricter now. I do not think people come here with plans for a glass of ice water, watching Guinness sign and think:
“Wow! Do they sell beer here? “She says.
She says they have been thinking to gather industry players to legal action. They have been in contact with a lawyer. The minds are seething in Stavanger, and inspectors should perhaps be happy that few know their faces where they saunter through Saturday night.

It hangs “censored”; label everywhere in the classic pub Cardinal, whose 600 different types of beer is ranked of the world’s top 50. CEO Tom Erichsen says he is loyal to the rules, but will have told what he thinks.
– I do not attack the advertising. But what tolerate you to see when you’re on a pub? I think they now interprets the law as the devil interprets the Bible. We get such not allowed to exhibit a beer bottle which is not to be bought by us or any other place in Norway. It is obvious decoration, he said.
He thinks it’s crazy to see what municipal lawyers spend time.
– They found a picture we embarked on Facebook six months before. They have thus scrolled seven and a half feet down on a Facebook page to find a picture of a Erdinger-beer bottle, he said.
As skjenkekontroll ears Terje Olsen and Silvia Wathne rises into the door to the light brown pub The monk, wiper guard to one bartender and one bartender to the other, and finally the second to the third, “Licensed control. Licensed control. Licensed control. “
Before the two controllers has reached to set up at a standing table, the entire staff oriented, and the pub goes from being civilized to limit the blissful. Inspectors standing and chatting and gazes fixed to a few clusters of guests who still drink and grinning, but Monk has control of the church tonight. Not seeing the hint happy hour on employee t-shirts either, as they saw earlier this year, then also this bar got its spots.
The two controllers are basically pretty fed what they call a fabricated and media created bestow war. It is not; people are right that something happened a year ago.
The criticism has rained, and it has lasted long now. A letter writer in Stavanger Aftenblad wondered summer at about bestow control had sunstroke and whether it thinks someone goes into a pub and think: “No, here they taped over ølnavnene on the wall, so here I can not drink my beer.” Also politicians began to react. Licensed Committee chairman, Conservative husband John Peter Hernes, said: “There are many laws, but it is not to say that we should spend our precious time to follow up all together. It is also allowed to use the rule 0, that one should use common sense. “
The head of the municipality bestow section, Bente Mellegård, tried to explain why it was forced to do what it did. It was in fact not so many assume: that lawyers in the municipality was a bunch abstainers who went from pub to pub to ensure that nobody had fun.
The two inspectors gets in his car and drive out of the center. They will embark on a bydelskro looking for minors and not least the legislative named “visible rusede people.”
Inside the bydelskneipen should be liberal to assert that there are people who are not visibly intoxicated . A lady sitting with his eyes fixed somewhere in the middle underneath the chair. The neckline is so deep that it almost reveals her knees. Once a minute overturns she torso backwards so that the small gap between the eyelids can be glimpsed. Visibly intoxicated? Maybe. It is difficult to see how bad it really is before she gets up. When she finally begins to move across the floor, says Terje Olsen that it is not as bad as it first looked. It should then also something to.

Currently there is a dress dressed young man with red ribbon standing and sipping a glass of water it does not look like he has chosen himself. Silvia Wathne ask the guard about the young guy is not too full. Then the red ribbon asked to go. Five minutes later he has come up again and sipping a new glass. It is with one sip, then it out again.
Wathne and Olsen fill out a form and tells the site administrator episode. It will be fast a dot of this. But it must jurists in the municipality to decide.
checker. Section Sverre swathes Lands skjenkekontroll is a division of the intermunicipal fire department. The hired 16 municipalities.
ORGANISER. Andreas Melvær arranged beer festival at Tou Scene. It ended with 1400 visitors and international attention.
gaffe TAPE
In early November would Stavanger for the first time would get a beer festival. “What’s Brewing” was held at the Culture Tou Scene, located in the city’s old brewery.
In good time before the festival was legal department contacted by the organizers. They got the answer that the law indicated that one can not advertise what breweries coming and that t-shirts must be neutral. The festival therefore chose itself to cover logos with tape.
– The rest of Norway beer festivals publish lists of breweries, but we did not in Stavanger. We chose to use humor and let out a censored list, says Andreas Melvær, one of the festival’s co-owners.
“If there are too many molbosaker may tend to make people misses respect for alcohol policy,” it said in an editorial in Stavanger Aftenblad.
After the festival went rumors that it was bestowing control people who had wandered reinforced with duct tape and censored brewery logos on staff’s t-shirts. Head of bestowing control, Sverre Skårland, says it is not the only misconception that has received stick.
– People think for example that barmatter must be facing the bar. It does not matter which way it faces. There are so many of those misunderstandings, he said.
The examination results are no inspectors have found at to be annoying, but is regulated by the Alcohol Act. Legal council department contacted other municipalities, which interpreted the law in the same way. According to the chairman Ove Rødstøl Ministry of Health has emphasized that such ads “must not promote specific brands, importers or manufacturers, and otherwise be soberly designed.”
Alcohol advertising ban was introduced 40 years ago. In February 2000, stated that a Supreme brewery logo on a costume is considered alcohol. Rødstøl believe they have little room for discretion. Once they get questions from a beer festival on the possibility of having logos on t-shirts, it lies in the cards what they have to answer.
So choose organizer to tape over the logos, and the people grinning.
The lawyers feel that fired pianists. But if they have not written the notes, they play not a little … unnecessary false?
Summer 2013 he died who had been acting head of the licensing section in Stavanger. He was well liked in the industry. About the same time went both his former manager and another employee retires. In came among others the two young lawyers Helene Cosette Helland and Bente Mellegård. And shortly after began thus racket.
– newspapers have created an image of a fierce distance. We feel it is not like that. Mostly dialogue with industry very factual. Meanwhile this is a nontraditional industry, and there are a minority … yes …, says Ove Rødstøl and sugar.
He and the two young lawyers agree that they probably should have been manned. Licensed control is a division of the intermunicipal fire department. They hired 16 municipalities, and they are mostly the same people as before. The reports they submit municipalities are also the same as before. It thus has not happened anything to bestow control, or the law. Only with the legal department of the municipality.
– Advertising has always been prohibited, and bestow control has always reported about it. So there are reports that have not been followed up before, followed up now, says Ove Rødstøl.
– Does it mean that violation reports were previously in the tray?
– We have enough to a greater extent than before chosen to follow up reports of illegal advertising. We saw that this was something that was reported, and we according to law to take hold of. It’s not like to understand that something was irregular before, but we started to follow up on things that are already lying there, says Rødstøl.
Directorate of Health pointed out in 2010 that Stavanger had a more unrestrained practice than others.
– We were told that it was more advertising in Stavanger than elsewhere. There were posters with “coffee and cognac” and “2 for 1″. These are things such as Sandnes cleaned up several years ago, says Sverre Skårland.
Stavanger let it lie. In February 2013 send the newly appointed jurists nightlife operators a letter notifying me that the time was past. Bente Mellegård says she can understand that some people react.
– But nightlife in Stavanger has previously had an undue advantage. It should also be possible to conform. The majority has adapted, she said.
Mellegård says they make contact with the Directorate of Health if they are in doubt. When skjenkekontroll ears reported Guinness wooden sign at the Irish pub, they made such that. The answer was that this was over the limit. Then no longer the municipality that it had no choice, she explains.
Hilde Slide Ulstad, Director Directorate of Health confirms that Stavanger on several occasions has been in contact to get clarifications about the rules.
– Municipalities have considerable freedom to use their discretion when they administer alcohol law. Some municipalities are more liberal than others when they enforce the Alcohol Act advertising ban, she says.
Perhaps there still hope for old Stavangers old wooden signs and logos. Brewery and beverage association, led by Petter Nome, has for several years been critical of unequal treatment of Vinmonopolet and Norwegian breweries. While pole gets inform about wine, spirits and strong beer, breweries must tie. Petter Nome has pointed out that we after the ban was introduced in 1975, has been the internet. Several have also asked about the advertising is a violation of the EEA Agreement.
Agriculture and Food Sylvi Listhaug recently had sent out for consultation a proposal for amendments to the advertising provisions. The aim has been that it should be possible to inform about products which consumers seek even hardware. Such as inside an Irish pub, one would think.
When Health Minister Bent Høie got the question, he replied that it was not considered, but that he would look into it if the consultation showed that there was a need. In response to the consultation from Stavanger states that the industry and the population is not understanding that the advertising also affects “old posters, barrels and signs.” The municipality asks if not ban lose legitimacy when “signs with advertisements for defunct breweries» covered, and requesting a speedy revision.
Also Oktoberfest “What’s Brewing” has submitted a submission. Despite much acclaim, also in foreign media, were Andreas Melvær wish that it were possible to tell which breweries attending the festival.
– We would like to ask released our visitors tape over logos. If nightlife actors and the media need scapegoats, it is easy to take bestow control, but it is the law that should be changed. There is much unwarranted ridicule, he said.
It’s not alcohol, but full minors the two skjenkekontroll ears look for when they wander from pub to pub. Now they have positioned themselves so that bouncers to 18-årsstedet Smuget can not see them. Suddenly they spot the young guy with the red loop. Silvia Wathne starts to chuckle. He shows credentials to the guard and enter.
– He has had a taxi ride and certainly walked a piece.
Perhaps he recovered, she said.
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