Friday, February 6, 2015

Aftenbladet: Statoil considering engineer cuts – Fædrelandsvennen

Aftenbladet: Statoil considering engineer cuts – Fædrelandsvennen

Overall look Statoil 12,000 engineering positions, and employees in both Statoil and suppliers can be affected, writes Stavanger Aftenblad.

When Statoil chief Eldar Saetre presented the company’s results for 2014 in London Friday, it was stated that the company during the last year had ditched 1,900 employees. Saetre announced its new cuts, and from 2016, the so-called improvement program will provide savings of $ 1.7 billion or almost 13 billion each year.

According to the newspaper, this work is already underway, and it is here engineer positions enters in connection with a program that will ensure savings and efficiency in this group. Although currently in its starting stages of this work, the aim being to see if it is possible to cut 20 percent, says sources said.

This is called technical personnel who are individually paid and not tied to a common agreement. Group of around 12,000 employees are spread throughout the Statoil organization.

Statoil had an adjusted operating profit in the fourth quarter last year of 26.9 billion, compared with 42.3 billion dollars in the fourth quarter 2013. This is in line with market expectations. The quarterly result was affected by the significant drop in oil prices and the specific accounting items, said CEO Eldar Saetre at the press conference in London. (© NTB)


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