Former CEO of Yara, Thorleif Enger, took sharp rebukes image that was created by him and the company he ran when he started his explanation of Yara -saken city court Monday morning.
– It is almost four years since Yara and Economic Crime started investigation into the case. Since then there has been a stream of negative news in the press about Yara, culture, Yara, about Yara management and control of Yara. The impression has been reinforced by statements from my successor Jørgen Ole Haslestad and to the IRS.
Yara has adopted a corporate fine of corruption in India, Libya and Russia and Haslestad has previously said that he had to make an ethical cleanup Yara after he took over the helm from Enger.
– It’s created an image I absolutely recognize myself in. A picture I think is wrong, said Enger.
– Not taken rebukes
beds are along with three other former top managers in fertilizer company Yara indicted for serious corruption in Libya and India. According to the indictment gave Enger endorse that it should be paid bribes to the sons of two high-ranking officials of the two countries.
Monday is the Engers turn to give his explanation. He has not wanted to talk to the press during the case, but standing in the witness box, he expressed amazement at how well updated media always has been the case.
– I have chosen not to raise objections except in two interviews with my lawyer after I was indicted, he said.
In the interview he gave to Aftenposten said he was not aware of the controversial consultancy contract in Libya before he was notified of the just before he retired.
The ratio in India meant he was an “ordinary consulting agreement” which he delegated responsibility to his subordinates. He was therefore not with that payment on $ 1 million went to a company registered in the British Virgin Islands.
Read the interview Aftenposten did with Enger here: “Now it is full roll to stand this race out “
Boasted of accomplices
Fields spent the first part of his explanation to tell about his background and philosophy as a leader. During the explanation he read also up passages from his book “It’s about being the best.”
Finding the best people, cultivate honesty and create a motivation culture with rewards, according Enger been his leader’s vision since his first project.
– I had a management team that was among the best, said Enger management he got in place that Yara was demerged by Hydro as a separate company.
accomplices Kendrick Wallace was brought in as juritisk director of the company of Enger. He had previously worked as a corporate lawyer for Hydro.
– He was a very talented guy who I could trust. There I felt then and there I feel now, he said.
He also praised his former right hand, Daniel Clauw, who also sits on the dock, for the formidable job he did with the transformation fertilizer division of Hydro, according Enger the biggest turnaround made ever by a Norwegian company.
– I can not get enough underlined Daniel Clauws importance during this period. I could not have done this without him and the others in the leadership team around me, said Enger.
Yara case has gone Oslo District Court since the beginning of January. It is set by three months in the right case. Follow the matter further at
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