Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fields do not understand why Yara adopted bot – Aftenposten

Fields do not understand why Yara adopted bot – Aftenposten

– I have no comments on why Yara approves anything. It gets the answer for. I do not understand it, but it is now so, said Fields when he second day was asked out by Public Prosecutor in the corruption case against him and three other Yara tops.

Yara was last year fined 295 million to the IRS for gross corruption in Libya, India and Russia. The company has acknowledged bribes over 70 million. Engers lawyer has previously said that the company by adopting bot stabbed beds in the back.

The former CEO argued in court that he was convinced that his close associates had not committed corrupt acts, although he admitted that the consultancy agreement and the hidden payment to minister’s son in Libya were not in line with the company’s ethical guidelines.

Read also: – His name had raised a “big red flag”

Enger said Yara former legal director, Kendrick Wallace, contract and ensured that payment was hidden behind his back.

– I have confidence that Wallace did not commit a corrupt act . I was then, and I’m sure now, actually more secure than I was before. That does not mean he has not made any choice I wish he had not done. But I’ve worked with him for many years, know him well and have full confidence in him, said Enger.

Does he succeeded anticorruption

Enger was also confronted with a number of consultancy reports that pointed to weak units in the company’s anti-corruption work. The reports pointed to the fact that Yara had little specific rules against corruption.

– It is not so that these consultants are sitting on some key. We wanted more to have clear principles, rather than detailed rules. Here it is slightly different philosophy. Our attitude was that even detailed rules can cover all possible situations, said Enger.

– signaled the correct attitudes when Wallace doing this? would prosecutor Marianne Djupesland know.

– I did so much I was able to do in my time as CEO on these points. I spent a lot of time and effort on this and I think succeeded well, but unfortunately there have been episodes I wish were done differently, said Enger.

What did Enger?

Økokrim believes Enger endorsed the agreement to pay $ 1.5 million to the Libyan minister’s son. A key question for the court is what, if anything, the former CEO knew about the agreement. Although claims Enger he did not know any consulting agreement in Libya at all.

In court, he was confronted with an audio recording of a telephone conversation between Wallace and an unknown person where Wallace claimed he told Fields that there was no written agreement and that it was not going any direct payments.

– I can not remember any such conversation between Ken and me. Then it must in that case have been a positive check relative to where I was not worried that something had happened, said Enger.

He said he did not remember that someone at some point took up questions surrounding the hidden payment with him.

Wallace has in court made it clear that he acted on his own when he signed the agreement with the Libyan minister’s son, but that he now can not remember who told him to create the contact, and who in the leadership who knew it.

Read also:

Published: 03.feb. 2015 2:06 p.m.


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