Saturday afternoon took the strong wind toll on a stair tower on Hanøytangen Askøy.
The tower is about 30 meters high and is located at the dry dock to Bergen Group.
Here is the oil rig “Borgland Dolphin” inside for maintenance and upgrading.
– The tower is a must rapper tower to be used only for evacuation from the rig and down at ground level. It looks as though attached stair tower has failed. The tower has partially collapsed, says EVP of Bergen Group Øyvind Risnes.
– fortunately no one came to harm even though there were 300 people at work. There were no people around when the tower collapsed, but it could have caused a very serious incident. We are going to investigate the incident to find out what has gone wrong. We will do this together with the firm that built stair tower, says Risnes.
Work nearly finished
He says that all work on the rig now halt.
– We will go through the rig site to check that all scaffolding is properly secured. We look very seriously at the incident, he said.
Risnes are unsure whether the tower would be built up again.
– Work on the rig is nearing completion and will be stepped down.
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