Thursday, February 5, 2015

- Shall sure to keep mobile prices down – Aftenposten

- Shall sure to keep mobile prices down – Aftenposten

The Competition Authority said Thursday yes that TeliaSonera will buy Tele 2. TeliaSonera already owns Netcom, and thus there is basically likely that Norway would get two dominant mobile operators – TeliaSonera and Telenor.

But little Ice, which until now has been an operator primarily for cabins and båtmiljøet in Norway, is not shy of themselves and offer the two big up to game.

The Competition Authority has namely made a condition for Tele 2 acquisition that the company sells, among other things mobile network operator and Network Norway to competitor Ice.

Starting reconstruction immediately

Eivind Helgaker is chief of and told Aftenposten that he immediately starts to build up the company to become the third,

large mobile operator in Norway.

– Now we have a good basis for further growth in this country. We shall use the best technology to provide existing and new customers a good deal and make sure to keep the two major players in the ears – in terms of both price and quality, he said.

He said that process of growing in the Norwegian broadband market will start as soon Ice from March 1 formally taking over parts avTelia Sonera’s operations in Norway.

Lover top quality

This includes Company Network Norway, which currently has 90,000 customers.

– After this we will have a customer base of well over 200,000 names. We are still a small player in Norway, but has great ambitions for growth and considerable potential. We will ensure that we offer our customers the very latest and fastest online terms of both voice and data, and we are upgrading our entire 450 networks to 4G quality. I’m pretty sure we could become a very attractive alternative to Telenor and Netcom owners TeliaSonera says Helgaker.

He says it is not yet decided whether the new company will be marketed under Ice name .

Competition Authority – Designated networks important

Competition Director Christine Meyer is clear that to go from three to two major players, so the reality is when TeliaSonera will own both Netcom and Tele2, can reduce competition:

– Competition for Norwegian mobile customers primarily occurs between companies with their own mobile network. The final offer of remedial measures from TeliaSonera provides the basis for the development of a third mobile network in Norway. Therefore we can now say yes to this acquisition, said competition director Christine Meyer in a statement Thursday.

Published : 05.feb. 2015 2:23 p.m.


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