Monday, August 15, 2016

Bjørn Dæhlie approaching 400 million – OBI Online

Since cross-country icon Bjorn Daehlie let up in 2001, the investment his company benefited over 377 million. Last year he had his best year since 2006, according to Dagens Næringsliv.

The result before tax amounted in 2015 of NOK 85 million, up from 41.3 million the year before.

– there is a lot of money, and I’m very pleased with it. But it’s always individual dispositions and things you would like to have done differently, says Dæhlie told the newspaper, adding that he past year has built and bought property for NOK 200 million.

– I want to spend more time property. The idea is to build up a property portfolio with long-term leases, he said.

Dæhlie, according to the newspaper in recent years spent a lot of effort and resources on real estate projects in Sweden. Now he concludes apartment projects and wind power development in order to invest in local real estate projects.

– I have been in Sweden once a month for several years, and have spent much time on both regulation and construction in Åre region. There I try to downplay for free shoulders to do more locally at Romerike and at home, he says to DN.


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