Sogn og Fjordane County Council has signed an agreement to ward off Sogn og Fjordane county its shares in Fjord1 AS to Havila Group.
– After EiT samrøystes decision in county selection, we first conducted probes payment and then negotiations with Havilah. We have arrived unanimous view a deal where we seal parts of the shareholding spring to Havilah, with an option to rest through 33 percent during ein two years, says County Mayor Jenny Følling.
Negotiations have Vore fairway of the County Council and fylkesrådmann and Vore based on an samrøystes decision of the county Committee on 3 August 2016. In Havila Per Sævik fairway negotiations.
Everything about the controversy surround saddled by Fjord1 you can read here.
Pull straight saka by approval of appointment
If the agreement hosted approved avoids county right saka which Havila the forecast in connection with the Torghatten agreement.
Per Sævik and Havilah would take legal veg to clarify whether they had first refusal då county previously resolved to sallow its shares in Fjord1 competitor Torghatten.
– Straight Saka is subtracted if the agreement is approved by the county council and the board of Havilah victory Følling.
slepp LEGAL PROCEEDINGS: If the agreement is approved slepp county Mayor Jenny Følling and Sogn og Fjordane county a lawsuit against Havilah.
Photo: Bård Siem / NRK
demanding negotiations
It blew up strong storm då county council resolved to willow share their Fjord1 to traffic company Torghatten in 2015. Salet lasted adopted with only EI’s voice obesity.
This year adopted competition Authority to Stoggs saddled by Fjord1 Torghatten ASA. For over 14 dagar have county negotiating with Havilah.
– It is based on a part of the principles from the agreement with Torghatten, but price and security have been important, victory Følling.
Følling can do not say anything about the total charges on the deal.
– the sum is exempt public access to functionality, but it was demanding negotiations with ein good tone. This is ein agreement that both parties can live with, believes Følling.
Cor secured are jobs in Floro with Havila that cigar?
– Dei is well secured with the agreement we have arrived until, victory Følling.
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