There are Aftenposten confirmed by several sources.
It was IT giant IBM was commissioned to develop a new, centralized management system for collecting tolls. IBM contract was worth about 190 million.
The system would cut costs for motorists, but now threatening to send a bill in the hundreds of millions to just those who pay past toll plazas around the country.
toll Project in the ditch – can cost motorists hundreds of millionProject development was guided by a steering committee with representatives including from NPRA, IBM and toll companies.
the group had monthly meetings, and in June / July 2014 – six months after IBM for fully started work on the development of “Grindgut” – was it after that Aftenposten alarm.
today there are around 50 toll operators in the country. They are independent companies, often owned by the county or municipality, which will partially finance road projects.
Payment is made through the public system Autopass. It is owned by the NPRA, which sets the central ICT solution available for toll companies.
NPRA is responsible for the solution, while the management is done in collaboration with companies .
most toll in Norway are automatic and can be passed without stopping.
the government has, to streamline the collection, suggested reducing the number of toll operators to between three and five.
Sources: NPRA /
“Lost faith” on IBM
According to several sources it was bum companies ‘representatives in the steering committee, Fjellinjen CEO Anne-Karin Sogn and then chairman in Trøndelag toll Road company, Milian Myraunet who tried to pull the emergency brake.
According to Aftenposten get enlightened had bum companies’ representatives already then “lost faith “that IBM at all was able to deliver a new system.
A key source states in addition to Aftenposten that internally were “reported red very early, meaning that the project had significant risk “.
It is also apparent from documents Aftenposten have access.
How will they change the toll-Norway
Explosive spending growth
In an internal memo from Deputy Jane Bordal in Road Administration to veidirektøren, dated 07.03.2014, it is evident that raising the IBM contract was discussed already then.
in the note it is stated: “the steering feel that the project is still at high risk . Risks are particularly related to the project can be completed with the commissioning of a new solution before 13 November 2015 “.
The paper also confirms that the project started in 2012, to July 2014,” so far accrued in the order of NOK 100 mill.. Upon a termination of the contract with IBM will incur additional costs for a final settlement. “
At the same time reveals a revised estimate of the cost of an explosive spending growth: Project base cost is estimated to increase by close to 100 million just one year – from 256 million in 2013 to 354 million in 2014.
Got several warnings
this paper confirms Aftenposten other information that was requested assessment of alternatives to IBM. The majority of the steering committee listened however not concern the message from those who funded project: Toll companies.
The steering committee was anyway only an advisory body – it was veidirektøren who sat with authority to make decisions.
Just over 13 months later track project completely, and the NPRA raised 190-1000000 contract with IBM.
it lacked, however, on several warnings along the way.
Ap attacker Solvik-Olsen of the same as the red-green minister made in 2012
at least two years late
the company A2 was one of two consulting firms that were hired to ensure the quality system development and assist the parties.
in October 2014 meant the consultants that developments had significant shortcomings.
A A2 report to the Road Administration dated 31 October 2014 points out everything from insufficient progress in the project, lack of realism in the work schedule, and the number of working hours had increased sharply compared with the estimate.
and a frequent correspondence between the parties through the winter and spring of 2015 makes it clear that the project is in trouble. The system, original should be adopted in autumn 2015 was at least two years behind schedule.
In July 2015, it was enough, he said NPRA the agreement. Parties now steers towards a just settlement.
– We are basic disagree that NPRA had legal grounds for terminating the contract, and we are preparing to advance our case in court. We do not want to comment further now, writes Communications Manager of IBM Norway, Otto Backer Solberg, in an email to Aftenposten.
2012: ” Grindgut “project start up and managed by the NPRA / Roads. Development will finance the toll road companies.
2013 IBM wins tender results, but competitor, BT Signaal, believes they should have had contact and takes case to court. The case is rejected, and in December signed IBM and NPRA contract.
2014: The project work will start in January. In June / July there has already been reports of concern about poor progress and increased costs. Steering discussing other options and cancellation of the contract.
2014: In October delivers a hired consulting company a report that reveals serious deficiencies in the work so far.
2015 in June reinforces a new consultant report concern at Road Administration that the project is trying to track completely . July 27 raises Road Administration contract and alerts damages. IBM responds in kind.
2016: The company Q-Free has since 2007 provided the current system for toll collection through a lease agreement with the Government NPRA. This would be replaced by the new “Grindgut System ‘, but in the absence of a new system will be agreement in March extended by three years – at a value of 170 million.
2016: BT Signaal, who lost the tender on the line, getting in April upheld the court of Appeal that IBM won the contract in error – and that BT Signaal’d gotten the project. The judgment appealed not and Road Administration have to pay close to 27 million in damages and costs.
2016: The state is expected to deliver its subpoena IBM by the end of August.
the ministry was informed early
Undersecretary Reynir Jóhannesson (FRP) says to Aftenposten that the ministry in June / July 2014 were briefed on “delays at IBM and cost increases,” but that Roads “recommended to continue the contract with IBM although termination of the contract always lay there as an option.”
– Were you aware that bum companies’ representatives raised the alarm and requested that it had investigated alternatives to IBM?
– We have been informed about developments in project, says Secretary of State.
He stressed that the ministry had frequent status meetings with Road Directorate, but that the first signal that the directorate seriously considered breaking the contract with IBM first came in June 2015.
– what is important is that it’s Road Directorate and veidirektøren responsible for the tasks they get from the ministry, and then you have to trust that veidirektøren provide all necessary information, says Jóhannesson.
– Expressed concern
“There has been concern for risks in the steering and this has been communicated to the Ministry,” writes Director at Road Directorate Jane Bordal in an email to Aftenposten.
She emphasizes that the risk of the project was fixed topic at the meetings with the Ministry of Transport.
When it comes to the continuation of the contract printer Bordal that “there was agreement on the steering committee to continue the summer 2014″, despite the fact that several words expressed concern.
after having sent a warning to IBM in June 2015, decided Road Directorate to terminate the contract following month.
Green light for 225 million in tolls in Bergen
– Strong criticism
the Centre has repeatedly challenged transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (FRP) on the matter in Parliament.
Q representative Geir Pollestad, who was secretary in the transport ministry in the coalition government currently believes it is highly reprehensible that Solvik-Olsen not intervened earlier.
– At the ministry as early aware of how this project went on, is new information for me. It can be used a lot of money unnecessarily, says Pollestad, indicating that the Centre is going to ask for more information about the process and the assessments made by the Ministry.
Secretary Reynir Jóhannesson (FRP) dismisses the criticism.
– Pollestad have zero insight into the matter and would only harm the government.
– We are certainly not easy on the increased costs. We have worked to raise veibevilgningene, we maintain and build more way than it was done before. It is important for motorists. So it’s a pity if it comes increased costs as they do not get something in return.
– Veidirektørens decisions he gets to stand for yourself
Chairman Hilde Foss Christensen Norvegfinans, toll companies’ interest organization, confirms that the companies’ representatives in the project’s steering group asked critical questions along the way.
– What do you think about that the objections were not taken into account?
– in a steering this is the majority that decides. The steering was anyway only advisory, and veidirektørens decisions he gets to stand for itself.
– Should the project has been stopped earlier?
– I will not answer neither yes or no to it. The project was managed by Road Directorate, and when I leave the decision to them.
– But it’s bum insurers, that motorists who have paid for the project?
– absolutely, but I’m not going to have my dialogue with the Road Directorate through the press. We have our assessments of this, and so progress is now a legal dispute, and it is limited how much we can evaluate between us. It will come afterwards, says Christensen.
PR agency wrote transport councilor tribute to municipal company. Invoice: 30,000 – Cheaper for hybrid cars, but more expensive for polluting SUVs in toll booth Danish Minister of Transport: – It costs too much to move people from cars to trains
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