DNB ceo Rune Bjerke will take the bank faster through the digital shift and we invite you to gründerkonkurranse. Good ideas can get over one million dollars each.
the Whole DNB-management has been travelling to the Silicon Valley outside of San Francisco and in China to learn about digital innovation. DNBs president and ceo Rune Bjerke head even the steering committee for the mobile app Vipps, which has received close to two million unique users in a year and a half.
– the Whole bank will have to work differently and think digital in everything we do, whether we should avoid to be frakjørt, ” says Bjerke.
Norway’s biggest bank will also have more input from other it environments. Now invite the bank to a new gründerkonkurranse, called “DNB NXT Accelerator”, in cooperation with the organization Startuplab. Some lucky entrepreneurs in financial technology will help to the development. Are the ideas set out in live, it can be given startfinansiering of up to nok 1.3 million for each of them.
Share your own knowledge
DNB hope the program can end up with new products or services to the bank’s own customers.
This is the example of a new way to work. We provide environments outside access on the bank’s expertise and infrastructure. Is it successful, so we can hopefully be to launch some of the ideas that first customer, ” says Bjerke.
Startuplab had the idea for the new program in the DNB-director after a similar initiative was launched with Telenor in the telecom earlier in the year. Through a søknadsprosess before christmas of will eight companies will be selected out. They get a private mentor at Startuplab and the program lasts three months from march next year.
” I think we will get to see brand new innovative power in banking and finance. Hopefully some of the ideas that have international potential, ” says partner Per Einar Dybvik in the Startuplab.
New rules
A new betalingstjenestedirektiv, called the “Psd 2.0″, introduced in 2018, and forces the banks to think again. The new rules say, among other things, that banks should give external providers of payment services access to customer data. It opens, for example, that cash transfers can go through Facebook Messenger or Google.
the financial industry is facing major changes, but it also provides room for new solutions in the field of payment, customer service and safety, ” says Dybvik.
Bjerke believes the bank must be early.
– It is better to give external developers access now and see what you can get in collaboration. With over two million customers, we can offer a unique access to information and experience, ” says Bjerke.
Wednesday, he is in London to meet with investors during the bank’s annual capital markets day. An important issue is how much the digital development costs for DNB.
– How much money do you use on this program?
In the first place, it has very little cost. It will mainly be indirect costs because our employees will assist and provide access to our systems, ” says Bjerke.
DN talked about for a couple of weeks ago that Swedbank in Stockholm has encouraged the internal environments of the bank to propose ideas in a similar akseleratorprogram.
– you Will also that the internal environments in the DNB sign up?
– Yes. In the first place, we are looking outside of DNB, but there will be more rounds, ” says Bjerke.
the Bank that co-owner
If any of the participants successfully develop new products or services, will DNB offer a so-called convertible loans of up to 800.000 dollars. If the company is viable, will fund at Startuplab get the opportunity to convert the debt to shares. In addition, Innovation Norway grant funding of up to nok 500,000. To a total of up to nok 1.3 million for each idea.
I think it is important that we are to strengthen and develop these environments. We hunt on the digital rock stars, and there are many of them, ” says Bjerke.
What is the dream to get to?
– It is a product that is so omgripende that it provides associations in the direction of Vipps, he says.
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