When 2016 is approaching the end, it is an oil company that tops the winners among the 25 most traded shares in the OBX index on the Oslo stock Exchange.
this Year’s largest kursrakett in the index namely, Aker, BP, the oil company that saw the light of day when The Norwegian teamed up with BP Norway.
Oljekule for Røkke
the Increase of 130 per cent has helped to drive up børsverdiene in hovedeieren, the investment company Aker, where the exchange rate has risen to the highest levels in nearly nine years.
Aker shareholders have thus been well paid, despite an oil price that remains under $ 50. Not least Kjell Inge Røkke has seen the listed property to grow powerful.
Since nyttårsrakettene went in the weather has Røkke Aker shares, owned through the companies TRG Holding and TRG AS, increased by 6,94 billion to 15,25 billion.
In addition paid Aker dividend in the first half of the year, where Røkke could collect over half a billion.
Of Aker’s industrial investments, which are spread in companies such as Kværner, Akastor, Aker Solutions, Ocean Yield and Aker BP, the latter of which has been by far the largest the increase in value year-to-date.
By the end of the year was Aker’s ownership interest of 50 per cent of The Norwegian worth 5.6 billion, while the current share of 40 percent of Aker BP is worth 17,45 billion.
Braves oljebrems
the Betting against the current therefore appears to be paying off currently. At the same time as oil-related industries are suffering under the oljeprisfallet have the portfolio to Aker become even more prick up against oil and gas.

Aker BP-boss doesn’t let off the accelerator pedal: – A unique chance for renewing the Norwegian continental shelf
Hvitfiskimperiet, consisting of Havfisk and Norway Seafoods was sold to Lerøy earlier in the year, Aker has gone into the crisis-hit supplynæringen through Solstad and merged The Norwegian with BP in Norway.
At the last crossroads was 60 per cent of the value of Aker’s investments related to oil and gas, compared with 35 percent one year ago.
That oljetroen in Aker’s strong emerged clearly in the Kjell Inge Røkke annual letter to shareholders in april. Where he gave those who had no faith in the oil and gas industry ready information.
“In that case, the advice is simple: Sell your shares in Aker,” wrote mr. Røkke.
Two reasons to aksjefest
Analyst Eirik Ronold Mathisen, DNB Markets point to two reasons for the hype in Aker shares.
the Course is controlled by the value in the underlying assets, i.e. the companies in which Aker has ownership, and how big the discount investors provides Aker-course in relation to these values.
Traditionally, the book values in Aker higher than since the values are bound on the exchange, you get a discount, but this difference has shrunk.
The book’s underlying values, or the value-adjusted equity (NAV), has in the course of the year has risen from 272 to 407 dollars per share. At the same time the stock has risen from 164 to 301 million. Thus kursrabatten to NAV fell from 40 to 26 per cent.
– the Discount has shrunk and the underlying values have risen a lot, ” says Mathisen to E24.
In Aker BP is analytikerkorpset as follows the oil is predominantly positive, despite the recovery in the stock. 10 of 15 analysts have kjøpsanbefaling, while four have holdanbefaling and a have salgsanbefaling.

Aker-boss confirms talks with several supply-actors
Parts out milliardutbytte
When Aker BP presented the first interim report under the new name alerted the ceo Karl Johnny Hersvik a dividend of around a billion crowns in the first place, equally distributed between December 2016 and march 2017.
Then will the level of dividends scheduled to be around two billion in the year.
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