Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rokke will personally have one billion more from Johan Sverdrup –

Rokke will personally have one billion more from Johan Sverdrup –

Johan Sverdrup field is located in licenses 265, 501 and 502, and extends over approximately 180 square kilometers.

Licensees in PL 265 : Statoil (operator, 40 percent), Petoro (30 percent), the Norwegian oil company (20 percent) and Lundin Petroleum (10 percent).

Licensees in PL 501 : Lundin (operator, 40 percent), Statoil (40 percent) and Maersk Oil (20 percent)

Licensees PL 502 : Statoil (operator, 44.44 percent), Petoro (33.33 percent) and the Norwegian oil company (22.22 percent)

• Johan Sverdrup located on the Utsira High in the North Sea, 155 kilometers west of Stavanger

• Water depth is 110-120 meters, the reservoir is located at about 1900 meters and stretches over 200 km2

• It will be developed in phases and the first phase includes a field center, wells, export solutions for oil and gas, and power supply from land

• Oil from the field will be piped to Mongstad terminal in Hordaland

• The gas will be led to the Prime Pipe and further to the processing plant Kårstø north of Stavanger

• Daily production phase one estimated at 315.000 to 380.000 barrels

• Full production is estimated at 550.000 to 650.000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, which will account for about 40% of oil production on the Norwegian continental shelf

• According EIA will total production revenue over 50 years will be 1350 billion NOK and corporation to the Norwegian State are estimated at 670 billion NOK

• The development of the first phase looks believed to generate around 51,000 FTEs, this is 22,000 FTEs expected by suppliers and about 12,000 FTEs in their sub suppliers.

• In the operational phase calculations show that an average will generate 2,700 FTEs and by full field development 3400 years.


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