Friday, April 24, 2015

Can lose 20 billion on delays – Sunnmørsposten

Friday, the government submitted the plan for development and operation of the Johan Sverdrup field. It should be treated before Parliament takes holiday on June 19.

Read also: – See the Norwegian suppliers

Top for many decades

– This is the largest industrial development in Norway for many, many decades. There are great things that must be treated before the holiday, states Grimstad, a member of the Energy and Environment Committee of the Parliament. It can be struggle saksorførervervet within the committee.

– Johan Sverdrup will make significant contributions that lead to the downturn in the oil sector is not so steep. There are not any that are not affected by such a large development; everything from Redria and supply ships to engineering, he points out.

Withstands oil price of $ 32

The development of this elephant, Johan Sverdrup called, involves several stages. According to today’s Business will

first stage cost 117 billion. According to Statoil, the development of the Johan Sverdrup be profitable with an oil price way down at $ 32 per barrel. Today the price of oil to Compare $ 65.35 per barrel.

Grimstad says there is a broad political consensus elekstrifisering from land. He says it is said that electrification should also be in place to the other stage.


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