Tuesday, April 28, 2015

DNB have revised their estimates for wage growth – HegnarOnline

DNB Markets now believe that wage growth in this country will be neadgående the next couple of years, according to the recent report Economic Outlook.

They have revised their estimates also for wage for all the next four years.

Senior Economist Kyrre Aamdal presents DNB revised forecasts in video commentary top of the article.

The brokerage points out that wage growth in 2014 was 3.1 percent, which was lower than their estimate of 3.5 percent.

They expect including low distinction between workers and salaried employees in industry and an overall wage growth is lower than the frame. This year negotiations have a limit of 2.7 percent.

2015 predicted that an increase of 2.7 percent, which is 0.4 percentage points lower than DNB estimates from January.

Also for 2016, 2017 and 2018 has been revised down expectations by 0.4 percentage points. In 2016 waiting brokerage wage growth of 2.5 per cent, while in 2016 and 2017 believe growth will climb again, respectively 2.6 and 2.8 percent.


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